I would regularly kick boys’ testicles up into their throats for barely any reason, crumpling them to the ground. Search. Your nut would collapse into mush within seconds. 1 min read. BallbustingStacy •. BallbustingStacy's Ball Pranks. It was a good idea so I decided to do my own. 00m 33s. He is also laying down because a man's legs give way as the testicle ruptures so this way he is already down so there is no need to stop once the ball pops. Jan 22, 2020. BallbustingStacy Official Website. We can talk about it and watch and laugh all over again at his never-ending testicle rupture pain. Just when he thinks he can’t take any more,. BallbustingStacy @BbustingStacy #Ballbusting Domme/Girl-Next-Door. Can those insignificant lil bags of meat survive me mercilessly bouncing up and down on them? The ziptied boy knows the answer, sadly. February 23, 2018 ballbustbazooka. It’s the same reaction I always get you know, whether I’m causing a slaveboi to sing soprano with a running kick into his dangling testicles, or trying to rupture a perv’s single worthless testicle with a lemon squeezer. I followed you on Fetlife ever since you posted you ruptured a guy and happy to see you are just as popular here. You can potentially end up with agonising pain for hours. Anyway, I guess SBallbustingStacy shows off her sexy body in her cute pink velvet shorts and strappy top, while telling you how much she lo. womendefendyourself. June 10, 2021 3:53 pm. Mistress squashes his balls and sounds his cock. So next I push my hold the testicle in one hand between my fingers and thumb and push my thumb into the middle of the testicle. He does not listen when a woman says no. And quit being cheap. Fuckyou. 720p. Ballbusting: How I Stumbled Upon My Favourite Fetish. In this conversation. Cock and Ball Torture Videos. You could call it the sequel to the infamous Squeeze Me 1 😏. She slams his dying, vised balls with her fisst, and squeezes it harder in her hands so he’s screaaaming through his gag. Here's a quick diagram I made to show you what it does. I also wear my extremely dangerous spike-covered red high heels. His long slim penis was rigid with the effects of the drug, and lay up his stomach, gently pulsing with his heartbeat, and two enormous balls were pulling the. I limped for a week and had to walk really slowly even after some good pain killers. It’s terrific and so easy to do!It's squeeze me 2 - yeah it's on my site too. 99 Add to Cart. Because there have been a few Asks about self defense I’m going to be nice and share this link with you. She slowly tightens a ball vise until the agony is 10/10 unbearable. Try twisting them more and the body instantly rejects that option. 00. Tweets. 11 1,808. 24 10. I laughed as well. Includes Free Ballbusting Blog and Forum!BallbustingStacy answers FAQ's about her infamous "Squeeze Me" ball-rupture video, while wearing a sexy secretary outfit. ( 3 customer reviews) £ 23. Most of the men I interviewed spoke about a “power transfer. Updated with the best free porn videos every day!Sometimes testicle rupture can occur from a simple knee in the balls too. Part 2: Kicked Unconsciouss Ballbusting – BallbustingStacy. I developed the most fearsome reputation as the most vicious, sadistic ballkiller. I didn't feel bad, just kinda cool and powerful. 00:01:05 | 1920×1080 | mp4 | 82 MB. anderson. The doctor said there was maybe a 5-10% rupture ( I told him I had a bicycling accident but I think he suspected different ). Stacy Live Answers: The Rupturing & A Demonstration. Loaded. 1:00. BallbustingStacy @BbustingStacy. SUSPENDED BY THE FUCKING BALLS. BallbustingStacy @BbustingStacy British #Ballbusting Dominatrix. Its girls 18 and under, with many being around 12-15. 86%. Rated 5. Justin. March 14, 2019. For you see, it’s no secret. ( 6 customer reviews) £ 23. I know your weakness. Tasered balls could get burnt or damaged internally, elastrated balls can quickly damage if their blood supply is restricted for too long, and viced balls could rupture/fracture or have blood supply issues also. The incident, according to reports, occurred at a time the duo engaged in a brawl. Secondly, congratulations Stacy on making the front cover, a well deserved victory 😍. 28. We get brothers of the girls into class sometimes to be live practice dummies. Let everyone else make up their own minds. Goes through it, doesn’t really talk about what she’s feeling,. That doesn’t make me some pressure point genius. The boy is struck with sudden and sharp pangs of nausea, stomach cramps, and everything else associated with hard nut trauma. If your brother was constantly crossing this line, you were right to defend yourself, but why haven't you confided in another adult or your parents about this trouble with your brother. 4 Surprise Balls Hello Kitty Disney fairies Disney High School musical Sanrio Gacha Balls. No other sex tube is more popular and features more Ballbustingstacy scenes than Pornhub! Browse through our impressive selection of porn videos in HD quality on any device you own. I then give you boys a physical demonstration on how easy it is to squish a testicle. Heavy-R. 19 Jan 2022. I immediately felt some of the intense pain I had ever experienced in my life. I wish you'd rupture my balls for the holiday. @yudi6157 · 8h. Then I finish him off with some full force punches to his remaining healthy ball, cuz why not?The blackness of the ball sack is insane and it's very real. 00. This subreddit is managed by Miss BallbustingStacy. If your brother was constantly crossing this line, you were right to defend yourself, but why haven't you confided in another adult or your parents about this trouble with your brother. Free ballbusting blog also available! 3. ” she opened one of her drawers “You know what to do” she said, sitting on her chair. . All women know your weakness, it’s world famous. BallbustingStacy answers questions about her infamous "Squeeze Me" ball-rupture video, while wearing a sexy secr. 1. Pornhub is home to the widest. BallbustingStacy @BbustingStacy 7000 Followers!!! 😘 Have one of my fave . About a month ago another blogger made a post about her first rupture experience. Squeeze Me - The Testicle Rupture Video 27 14,339 5. Reply BallbustingStacy. She looked at me in the mirror, as she held my hair in her hands, “Hang on a tick, what sort of dominatrix are you exactly?”. . Ballbusting, Schoolgirl Fantasy 18+. All the girls in my school would nut-bust boys for a laugh, and to bond with each other. Floppy flesh-sacks are getting skewered, burned, stretched, slapped, injected with liquids, and even slashed off!Now the balls are twisted more than 360 degrees. masturbation strapon anal cumshot toy handjob creampie bdsm fetish bondage. BallbustingStacy. Ballbusting Rupture Porn Videos. Conversation. Like I said, I can still feel it a little. 1:20 PM · Mar 15, 2022Twitter Web App. 3M views. Watch Extreme Ballbusting Rupture porn videos for free, here on Pornhub. BallbustingStacy. I can't watch the live because of the time difference, can I watch the live later?We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Ballbusting, CBT Fantasy. @BbustingStacy. James of Los Angeles attested: “I like the idea where the girl kicks me in the nuts, I go down, and she says, ‘Man up. It started when I was a teenage girl in school showing the boys who was really in charge, with my heavy yet lightning fast Mary Jane shoes, just not giving a single fuck; at University, teaching boys manners on a Friday or Saturday evening, in the pubs and clubs and sometimes. com. Yudi6157. Ballbusting, Interviews. 825 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Wanda and Haley returned to the torture chamber 45 minutes later. Showing 1-32 of 61009. The nerve rich ball spaghetti can spill out into the scrotum sac and hilariously because the DNA in the sperm is different from the rest of the body, they get immediately attacked by the immune system. com. I think a ruptured ball is too far for me personally. 81%. Report. In my ballbusting video, A Date WITH My Knee, when I kneed that boy's balls so hard he puked, I stood there laughing at him. Monte Luxe LUNAdict Homemade handjob RedAugust TierraDoll WorshipAlexa VV Fetish and Femdom. After University, I realised some guys are actually into ballbusting, like me! I then began my journey into professional ballbusting and later on, I released my first few ballbusting. 6:23. In it you see a hapless ball-slave, whose balls were carelessly crushedd almost to death in a testicle vise in Part 1, get kicked multiple times, and then, by using a special breathing technique and a super hard kick, he passes. extreme amateur ebony handjob black cum fetish balls mistress domination. Rupture videos "Squeeze Me 1+2", World's Hardest Knee "A Date With My Knee" + Brutal Vice/Ball Kicking Action "KO Ballbusting"This makes it easier to do. BallbustingStacy Retweeted. May 21, 2020. Ballbusting Tom @BallbustingTom. ”BallbustingStacy @BbustingStacy · Mar 15. 2. self defense techniques for women escaping a rape attempt. com. 1. Ava Juices Throbbing, Aching Rock Hard Cock, Draining His Balls Until Empty w/ Explosive Cum Shot!! 17m 12s. com. Then I finish him off with some full force punches to his remaining healthy ball, cuz why not?BallbustingStacy @BbustingStacy. “Now, would you prefer that…” she pointed to the board and stilettos, “…or a swift kick in your ballsies by your sister?”. In Squeeze Me 2 you can HEAR the testicle rupture really well as me and my gf laugh at the screaming boy. Fight. 94%. ago. Wtf is yalls malfunction? Dont wanna buy her video, then dont. My interest and passion for ballbusting started early. Squeeze Me. Both had decided to abandon knickers to provide full access to each other’s bodies as their passions became aroused during their torturing. I practice moderation --- 50% shots and minimal swelling/crushing. 00m 27s. Ballbusting Stacy – Squeeze Me – Crushing, Cbt. 901 subscribers in the BallbustingStacy community. “I do a lot of ballbusting. “Well, I guess our audience was satisfied! Now stand up. Barikisu, who justified her. com. Purchase amazing ballbusting videos, audio, books and adult toys. She continued to squeeze, then let go, then keep squeezing in intervals to make sure it didn't rupture too fast. She laughed long and hard. Because the camera is far away from the scene, we see nothing beside some liquid beneath the guy and the panicked look of the girl. Stacy grabbed my right ball, locking her index finger and thumb around the top of it, and began to crush it with her hand. Replying to @BbustingStacy. 3) Get him in a vulnerable state. He plays twice weekly at school practices, and sometimes represents his school in tournaments. Who knows, she’s just in her pj’s, no tantalising speech. There is a ballbusting video where one of the balls get ruptured. Elizabeth on Long Ballbusting Session vs Extremely Hard Ballbusting. No other sex. 825 opinions shared on Relationships topic. The latest tweets from @BbustingStacyWatch Balls Rupture Ballbusting porn videos for free, here on Pornhub. The hours can stretch into days, and in some cases you’ll be feeling your testicles spasm with bowel churning nut ache randomly, even weeks and weeks later after just one nut-bashing experience. Home - BallbustingStacy. Your nut would collapse into mush within seconds. This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author. I know your weakness. Rupture video "Squeeze Me" + World's Hardest Knee "A Date With My Knee" + Brutal Vice/Ball Kicking Action "KO Ballbusting"adult video clip 33 Ballbusting World Nikki Sarah Jessica Rage Against The Bollocks on fetish por…Women think it’s great, and funny, and appropriate, as well as completely harmless fun, whereas boys just don’t seem to like it that much, they tend to get defensive and say stupid shit like, “It is also painful for women you know…” and, “That would totally not happen, men are way stronger than women…” etc. bustingstacy. 0. At any rate, I have discovered through my own very scientific analysis that this extreme testicle rupture amount can be greatly reduced by first beating the absolute living fuck out of them. -0:00. Stacy grabbed my right ball, locking her index finger and thumb around the top of it, and began to crush it with her hand. BallbustingStacy answers questions about her infamous "Squeeze Me" ball-rupture video, while wearing a sexy secr. It’s a ballbusting cult classic, really. Rupture video "Squeeze Me" + Tinder Date Pukes "A Date With My Knee" + Brutal Vice/Ball Kicking Action "KO Ballbusting"Thoughts of his testicles exploding in her grasp, her hands forcing the nuts to rupture as their innards spilled out into his scrotum within her grip made her so wet, she lost control for a few seconds. pornhub. So don’t think I won’t do it!”. Honestly it’s possible that her last video saw the rupture or ruination of the boy’s testicles beyond the. Avid pro ballbuster based in London UK, available for videos, pics, audio stories and sessions! and. JuliaJoi. Unfortunately she hasn’t released anything new in a while. guide to testicle twist and testicle rupture methods. I immediately felt some of the intense pain I had ever experienced in my life. If he's done this with you, he has a problem that goes beyond YOU. The only thing bad about this method is that it’s extremely hard to do anything too serious like rupture a testicle, or crush it, as normally this requires extremely precise and penetrative force. Really, it helps if the boy is already a bit motion sick, or car sick. See full list on bustingstacy. Google says 50-lb force is needed to rupture the testicle. ”. 23 Aug 2022. This is THE infamous Squeeze Me video you’ve all been looking for. “A guy just asked me to rupture his nuts in order for his singing voice to be more feminine 🎤 ya'll just looking for reasons now”BallbustingStacy @BbustingStacy. Doug was trembling in fear.