Blogsnark uncensored. This thread. Blogsnark uncensored

 This threadBlogsnark uncensored  This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule (s): Do not create a narrative about influencers and propagate it as fact (e

We’ll see if anything green in the Target dollar bin sparks joy for March’s holiday. Influencer Discussion, Thursday Jan 27. If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, message the moderators. Never change Shauna. Please check the thread to see if the topic you want to bring up has already been discussed before posting. 3. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Bring your takes, deeply judge the homes of celebrities you'll never meet, and bitch with me about Bojack not winning for Best Animated Program! Fuck you, Rick and Morty !Blognsark reads! August 9-15, romance edition. If it has, please reply to the existing parent. , “they are definitely getting divorced”). Here's your daily place to snark on the antics of your favorite influencers and bloggers. She said her eggs went from $1. Perez Hilton and Go Fug Yourself around 2007, Gawker until it closed down, xoJane to watch the trainwreck, found GOMI from there, stayed there and commented until xoJane shut down, was still into a few other threads but stopped gradually. BlogsNark is the best and outmost choice for everyone. 23 votes and 210 comments so far on RedditInfluencer Discussion, Thursday Feb 16. I remember back when royal gossip was allowed on BS she was one of the most measured commenters who would also highlight other royals apart from the BRF. Just because I'm curious. Sort by: new (suggested) level 1. Shishbi •. 21 votes, 69 comments. Please read Blogsnark's rules. Here's your daily place to snark on the antics of your favorite influencers and bloggers. It’s essentially mods gone wild over there. Do not attempt to diagnose mental or physical health conditions, including eating disorders. This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Content mocking mental and/or physical health conditions will not be tolerated. Feel free to ask the thread for ideas of what to read, books for specific topics or needs, or gift ideas! Suggestions. Let’s keep this community friendly and humane. I honestly empathize so hard with hair troubles postpartum. A genius in the GOMI thread just said this: "In the US, adopted children get free insurance. Influencer Discussion, Thursday Dec 02. Tips for the new/refreshers for the old - "snark" is a combination of the words snide + remark. Reply evedalgliesh. Taza looks great, but very different. Press J to jump to the feed. g. I stopped for a few months, than got reinvolved after falling into snark about some woman who was blogging about feeding her family of 4 on less than a dollar a day cuz tubemeats. It’s gluten free with no additives and is very good for inflammation. Y’all! Give some poshmark snark, just sayin yes!. If it has, please reply to the existing parent. " For years, her writing had an undercurrent of condescension about spending money on traditionally feminine things like hair or makeup and she made a really big deal about how her husband cuts her hair and she doesn't care blah blah blah. r/blogsnark: Swipe up to snark on your favorite bloggers, influencers, and everything else on the internet. This post is a catch-all for discussion on a daily basis. Her image had 2. I followed the Free Jinger thread on TWOP (RIP) back in 05ish and then made the leap to the message board. Swipe up to snark on your favorite bloggers,. Here's my blogsnark forbidden Skalla tea before I turn in my snarking cap. A place to talk/snark about the chefs, instagram food influencers, food bloggers/youtubers etc, behind the recipes. 7. Influencer Discussion, Tuesday Feb 15 : r/blogsnark. 20. Please check the thread to see if the topic you want to bring up has already been discussed before posting. Reddit Blogsnark; Blogsnark Uncensored; Blogsnark Reddit; Blogsnark Snark; One of the Reddit Blogsnark subreddits is simply called “Blogsnark. She’s a different person now. Blogsnark Watches: January 30- February 05. We want to apologize for our lack of attention to detail in customizing the survey for this community and Blogsnark’s subject matter, and especially for leaving out. It will help you to do SEO of you website and help. BUT , why the fuck do they have to stick to the letter C? Floated on over to r/blogsnark today (first time in a long time) and the sub has devolved into nothing but downvotes and removed comments. Influencer Discussion, Monday Oct 10. g. This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Do not stalk, dox, or post info that has not been disclosed openly. Semi handmade is also amazing to work with- the whole process was so easy. Shishbi •. She does not look good in her newest story with the girls. Nothing at the moment though. That’s a lot when you’re getting ready for a baby and live on influencer income in an apartment. Remember the human on the other side of the screen. Here's your daily place to snark on the antics of your favorite influencers and bloggers. Influencer Discussion, Wednesday Jan 05. Let’s keep this. Please read Blogsnark's rules. The guy she’s with now they’re just dating, a little over a year now, he seems good to her. It's the end of March, and this year, she has posted seven recipes on the blog, two of which were cocktail recipes. ago. 1. I think the nature of Twitter is that it encourages shallow takes and nuance-free spam. If it has, please reply to the existing parent. We also have a number of off-topic posts to get to know and chat with your fellow snarkers. some frequently followed or discussed people are below: BUT to start - gossipgirl or watchdog content is not welcome and we should refrain from even acknowledging that trash. I'm in the middle of a huge remodel in my office and the days are getting long. So either he did contribute or the poster is full of sh**. I think her only escape will be if he finds his next Sugar Mama to hitch his RV wagon to before she can be free of him. Influencer Discussion, Tuesday Oct 12. Podsnark Sept 18 - 24. g. Bloggers you find personally annoying who don't have much or any gomi attention. ago. It's witty, sarcastic, or irreverent commentary. Not sure if there is a regular poster for this thread anymore, but figured I'd try it for today! It's one of my faves to read on a Sunday afternoon. Discuss your lives - the joy, misery, and just daily stuff. Married a guy via elopement who was also from UT and had been raised Mormon. g. 6. Floated on over to r/blogsnark today (first time in a long time) and the sub has devolved into nothing but downvotes and removed comments. I’m super late to the party and although I saw the photo when it was posted, I felt nostalgic and wanted to post here because I just found the post. Here's your daily place to snark on the antics of your favorite influencers and bloggers. Influencer Discussion, Friday Sep 23. Not mention that they receive hundreds of dollars worth of free product 🤦🏼‍♀️ Trust me, these are the Influencers who have merely 8-10K followers and an authenticity score of like 25%. Mocking children or directing others to view content of children in vulnerable positions is not permitted. It probably actually is used as slang by now since we always hear the 5150 term when it comes to celebs. This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Content mocking appearances and body shape/size will be removed. Influencer Discussion, Thursday Dec 02. Do not comment on aspects of someone’s appearance that they cannot easily change. If it has, please reply to the existing parent. Please check the thread to see if the topic you want to bring up has already been discussed before posting. This post is a catch-all for discussion on a daily basis. Discussion should be limited to public figures. Press J to jump to the feed. will not be tolerated. So disgusting. Please check the thread to see if the topic you want to bring up has already been discussed before posting. If it has, please reply to the existing parent comment to help others navigate the thread. All crafts are fair game. December 4-10 : r/blogsnark. Last week's thread | Blogsnark Reads Megaspreadsheet | Last week's recommendations. I see she took the 41% out of the previous post so she knows she was wrong too. LET'S GO BOOK THREAD!! Weekly reminder number one: It's okay to take a break from reading, it's okay to have a hard time concentrating, and it's okay to walk away from the book you're currently reading if you aren't loving it. This post is a catch-all for discussion on a daily basis. This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): We do not allow discussion of the following in any capacity: -Robbie & Sarah Tripp and Shannon Tripp -Royalty -Call-out accounts Trying to circumvent filters or moderator action to discuss these topics will likely result in a ban. This post is a catch-all for discussion on a daily basis. Here's your daily place to snark on the antics of your favorite influencers and bloggers. Influencer Discussion, Monday Aug 29. South Texas majority is of Mexican descent, the more north you get the more “un Mexican” influenced it is. If the point of your post is to call someone out or demand accountability - save it. Vince was GOMI speculation running rampant. If it has, please reply to the existing parent. yeah, it seems alice is on another bender because she’s been blocking people left and right, locking forums, etc. If it has, please reply to the existing parent comment to help others navigate the thread. Museums are great and I think they are free. r/blogsnark. Here’s what I can say: our relationship has been largely severed for almost a year, and this has not been by my choice, Mr. If it has, please reply to the existing parent. The rest of us are ingrates. If it has, please reply to the existing parent. Influencer Discussion, Tuesday Jun 29. This bitch is grabbing into anything to stay d list relevant since her fifteen minutes expired. I actually think it would fix a lot of the problems in the daily by getting rid. 46 and said that was an increase of $6. 19. Blogsnark in the past has been a great collection of predictable daily and weekly threads and occasional bonus threads when something warrants additional discussion outside of the daily WTF or OT threads. Perez Hilton and Go Fug Yourself around 2007, Gawker until it closed down, xoJane to watch the trainwreck, found GOMI from there, stayed there and commented until xoJane shut down, was still into a few other threads but stopped gradually. This is not the place to post general hateful comments about influencers nor your fellow commenters. I live in the UK with my partner and we come into to £60-80 per week in our weekly online grocery shop. r/SkallaSnarkUncensored: A place to snark on the Skalla sisters: Emily Jackson, Rachel Parcell, Megan Hunsaker, and Amy Skalla. Gluten Free Girl is unbelievably terrible in every respect, and her recipes are just awful. This post is a catch-all for discussion on a daily basis. @smarterbynature. If it has, please reply to the existing parent. Please check the thread to see if the topic you want to bring up has already been discussed before posting. Here's your daily place to snark on the antics of your favorite influencers and bloggers. If it has, please reply to the existing parent. You should enjoy what you read!Like I said I've had it with blogsnark, and maybe just reddit and wanted to share before I peace out. Hello friends! Today's the day: Book Thread Day! Weekly reminder number one: It's okay to take a break from reading, it's okay to have a hard time concentrating, and it's okay to walk away from the book you're currently reading if you aren't loving it. Mod · 9m · Stickied comment · edited 9m Locked. This one was fine, it didn't measure up to the second book in the series Song of the Quarkbeast. It’s great because the mystery is very gripping but also the show happens to be about a small Australians town which has been taken over by “lesbians from the big city”. Blogsnark is a Reddit forum founded in 2015 that has 100,000 members. Do not create a narrative about influencers and propagate it as fact (e. 180K subscribers in the blogsnark community. Here's your daily place to snark on the antics of your favorite influencers and bloggers. I see she took the 41% out of the previous post so she knows she was wrong too. Please check the thread to see if the topic you want to bring up has already been discussed before posting. are okay. We also have a number of off-topic posts to get to know and chat with your fellow snarkers. Please check the thread to see if the topic you want to bring up has already been discussed before posting. Blogsnark watches! May 24-30. If it has, please reply to the existing parent comment to help others navigate the thread. Shopping chat and general get to know you discussion is also welcome. zemorah • 5 yr. This post is a catch-all for discussion on a daily basis. This post is a catch-all for discussion on a daily basis. Blogsnark describes itself as "a place to share your snark on bloggers, influencers, and other internet personae that drive you nuts!", but it is merely one website. Influencer Discussion, Monday Feb 21. This thread is. And running out of gas isn’t so squee when it’s dark at 4 pm and 10 degrees out. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsThis was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Discussion of children will be removed at moderator discretion. Hello! I’m trying to remember/track down a blogger I used to follow closely in the mid 2000s/2010s. Used to roll with some snark communities on Livejournal. I'll probably throw another £10-£15/week in random groceries I need on the day and hasn't realised were finished/old. Weekly reminder number one: It's okay to take a break from reading, it's okay to have a hard time concentrating, and it's okay to. Please check the thread to see if the topic you want to bring up has already been discussed before posting. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsGo to blogsnark r/blogsnark. I mean, c'mon - the backend is WordPress and sites like FiveThirtyEight and Time. Let’s keep this community friendly and humane. If it has, please reply to the existing parent. It's witty, sarcastic, or irreverent commentary. Free Talk Friday (6/9) What's happening! Share good news or bad news or news updates and definitely animal photos. A subreddit called Blogsnark begins its description with the words "swipe up," poking fun at a common phrase used by Instagrammers in their stories, which require users to swipe in order to access links to the products, posts, or brands they're promoting. This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule (s): Excessive speculation and creative writing exercises will be removed. Reply . it’s a shame, because the idea of GOMI is a good one, if it is well-done; influencers and bloggers could benefit from constructive criticism. The baby naming is apparently a great engagement booster and I admit I'm a little invested. Blogsnark turns 5 next week! What have been the most hilarious, WTF, and cringe moments of the last five years? They grow up so fast. This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Content mocking body, age, weight, height, etc.