They typically wear short-shorts, mini-skirts, low-cut tops (typically flannel/plaid) , "painted on" jeans, and cowboy boots that resemble the high heel shoe. A term that is something of a “left handed” compliment, meaning that a person may be showing some courage, but only a very minuscule amount. a place to sit at a big rodeo. Entries where "buckle bunnies" occurs: buckle bunny: buckle bunny (English) Noun buckle bunny (pl. Remembers her manners but will drop them on a dime to teach someone 'What's right'. (noun): Originally, a term of affection to describe a hot tuna who hangs with surfers at the beach. one who gets mowed like a muppet, a kid who doesn't shoot mad faces, el noobisimo Buckle Bunny’s normally are born in September and March. from canadian slang. getting frisky in a vehicle. Origin Barbados. buckle rat. it still makes your butt buckle like a bunny rabbit's nose Swash your buckle or Buckle your swash with fork crown and turn buckle. Buckle bunny is a slang expression for a female groupie prowling on rodeo cowboys with a well-cut Kentucky Waterfall Mullet. Fake tans, daddy's money, probably. a woman who goes to hockey games for the sole purpose of fucking one of the players. A person that constantly asks for cuddles. a female who enjoys engaging in sexual intercourse and prefers to be on toppuck bunny: [noun] a girl who dress up for a hockey games hoping to get a date with the players. Mainly a mexican girlie who is explicitly attracted to pitbull. Reviewed by Kinkly Staff. It is a bit of a sarcastic portmanteau between the "buckle up" phrase used to get people to use seat belts and "pucker up buttercup" meaning to prepare for a kiss. 14. ago. The act when a beautiful woman suddenly inserts 2 fingers into your chocolate freckle up to the 2nd knuckles instantaneously causing your toes to spasm and cramp upWhen you accidentally drop your wife on the dance floorHurricane Ian specifically is conjuring up drama as linewives blame bucket bunnies for their husband’s infidelity. getting frisky in a vehicle. An individual or pack consisting of at least 2 women that prowl around rodeos in search of Buckle-Winning cowboys to sleep with. Blacks were first knick-named 'Bunnies' by law. She is a city slicker in faux boots, and a push-up bra to get the attention of any cowboy at a rodeo. Works great to define a persons looks or hopping personalityThis is the meaning of buckle bunny: buckle bunny (English) Noun buckle bunny (pl. may also be seen. . Twitter;from canadian slang. If there birthdays are in September or March keep them forever! Buckle bunny is a girl who is from the south that is funny and amazing keep them forever make them your best friend they are girly but have a dusty side to em. a bunny in fnaf named bonnie the bunny who never leaves ur door also jumpscares u often"Huckleberry" was commonly used in the 1800's in conjunction with "persimmon" as a small unit of measure. The buckle on the buckle buddy is a territorial marker that is meant to keep other rodeo cowboys from attempting to mate with the buckle buddy. 5 persist in Navy towns. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Add to Favorites 20 Super Cute Bunnys / Rabbits and Guinea Pigs Overlays, Cliparts, Kids Photography, Photo Editing, Scrapbooking, Social Media, Easter Bunny. To leave or give-up when losing an online game (For Eg. MTO – Motor Transport Officer, the Marine in charge of maintenance and operation of a unit's trucks. Blacks were first knick-named 'Bunnies' by law. Do not approach ungently. an uncircumsized penis with chlamydia. Look just as natural in jeans and boots as they do in dresses. Often found rolling around in a mud hole or getting railed in the woods. Dude 1: Shit, I'm pounding more asian. They can be. lowkey, but not at the same time. When a man performs oral sex on a woman with no expectation of reciprocation or intercourse. An Attractive white girl with a really big butt. Noun [ edit] buckle bunny ( plural buckle bunnies ) ( slang) A female groupie of rodeo cowboys. A texas belt buckle is when you have a boner, and you flip the boner upwards, pinning it between the waistline of your pants and your stomach. . She takes good cowboys from actual deserving cowgirls. Like groupies who follow other sports and musical groups, buckle bunnies are rather famous for dressing and behaving in sexually suggestive ways, and some seek out intimate relationships with. Presenting one’s testicles through the fly of their pants; especially in an active endeavorIt’s funny how the exact same word can have a different meaning depending on the region in which you hear it. Cowboys are asked - "What is a buckle bunny?"Bull Riding videos by Andrew Gayner - continous rubbing and eventual rash-making of the pubic hair region. History: Derives from old cowboy rodeo phrase, as a reminder when riding on a wild bull or bucking bronco. They can’t grow a real beard and drinks White Claws like it’s real beer. But it can also be used when a white woman is fetishizing over Black men, and when someone says something racist. Low rated: 1. They are also loyal, but when pushed, if they do not care about the person, they will not hesitate to push back. A slut who is a cowgirl wannabe. Spending about the same amount of time on the ground as in a mid air jump during a given period. Canadian slang can differ by region, but there are universal phrases that exist across the country. noun. MTV – Modular Tactical Vest, a type of ballistic vest worn by Marines. Dictionary entries. A site where people go on to search words, even if they know what they mean, just to see what it says. a woman who hops from electrical lineman to lineman looking to have sex often not caring if the men are single or married. Can also refer to real life going home early on a night out or to give up at something. “Buckle bunny” was first defined on Urban Dictionary on July 7 th, 2003, with several other entries having been added since then. Opposite of laced up. Definition of buckle bunny buckle bunny noun. A girl/woman that wears pink camoflauge just to attract real hunter's attention but in reality does not hunt at all, like Puck bunny with Hockey playersbunny boiler: [noun] a crazy, dangerous woman. These cowgirl wannabes will often manipulate cowboys with their cleavage. Every state has its own unique sayings, and Wyoming is no different. Lair – a flashily dressed young man of brash and vulgar behaviour, to dress up in flashy clothes, to renovate or dress up something in bad taste. When one consumes so many narcotics, subsequently displaying an illogical approach to every aspect of their lives within its entirety When you dry hump someone whilst fully clothed to the point of cumming on their belt buckle/waist band. bunny hat kid is not specifically someone who owns a bunny hat, bunny hat kid is a mindset. The Flying Fish Buckle is a sexual position where a ladies legs are extended over her head and behind her neck. Flag. She wears little to no clothing in hopes of getting under a cowboy's buckle. . A rodeo hussy. “Snow bunny” itself first started emerging as a slang term during the 1950’s, following the 1952 Winter Olympics,. She wears little to no clothing in hopes of getting under a cowboy's buckle. Post date: 27 yesterday. When you accidentally drop your wife on the dance floor Origin Barbados. They typically wear short-shorts, mini-skirts, low-cut tops (typically flannel/plaid) , "painted on" jeans, and cowboy boots that resemble the high heel shoe. Origin Barbados. Urban Dictionary is written by you. Author: Buckle. These cowgirl wannabes will often manipulate. Beware boys, better get your jizz on cause they really don't take too kindly to the carpetingbuckle meaning: 1. Here’s a list of some of Wyoming slang and Wyoming words that you might hear and understand, but likely only if you’re from Wyoming or spent much time here! 1. A slut who is a cowgirl wannabe. Prostitutes that frequent truck stops. bunny hug; Definitions include: Saskatchewan term for a sweatshirt with a hood and a large pocket in the front. Letting your nuts n' sack hang out the top of your pants, so that they sit right where your belt buckle would be. ' said Mark Lawson on BBC2's The Late Review; 'This is a terrific piece of work - learned,. Any extremely attractive female that participates in winter sports and or activities. These cowgirl wannabes will often manipulate. Buckle bunny is a term used to refer to female groupies or fans of rodeo cowboys. she is such a. See more words with the same meaning: to lose, be defeated, fail . a person who is attracted only, mostly, or especially to champion rodeo cowboys. These girls typically work at winghouse and will only date men with diesels and hop around from truck owner to owner, hence "bunny". Advertised through a patch or tattoo, usually on a diamond-shaped back field. Methadone. Honestly, on Tik Tok this word is just used to describe a white person. Ergo he gave a threat. Most of the time an influencer or insta baddie. ago. See also: handy. Since then, the expression has appeared on memes , in articles as well as musical compositions, with a recent example being the 2017 song of Roosevelt Road , titled “Buckle Bunny” . When you sit down in a car and the seat belt buckle jams up your ass. An individual or pack consisting of at least 2 women that prowl around rodeos in search of Buckle-Winning cowboys to sleep with. adjective used to discribe a curveball that is so nasty it makes the hitters knees buckle in fear. Get the Bunny mug. 2. Summary: A slutty man or woman that actively seeks out cowboys as romantic or sexual partners. buckle bunny (n. Buckle Bunny’s normally are born in September and March. She skipped the movies to stay home and pet the bunny . There should be a mutual agreement that the cuddles are strictly platonic and the two of you are seeking mutual affection, nothing else. They typically wear short-shorts, mini-skirts, low-cut tops (typically flannel/plaid) , "painted on" jeans, and cowboy boots that resemble the high heel shoe. To leave or give-up when losing an online game (For Eg. buckle bunny. . Blacks were first knick-named 'Bunnies' by law. For example: Last week the section Boss walked through the office and caught one person surfing the net at their workstation instead of working and he therefore jumped to the conclusion that all the office workers must be doing it all the time. The Flying Fish Buckle is a sexual position where a ladies legs are extended over her head and behind her neck. She has 3 siblings and she cares a lot for her friends. Also a term to describe an intriguingly hot woman with massive titties. They even have a massive selection of flare jeans. They typically wear short-shorts, mini-skirts, low-cut tops (typically flannel/plaid) , "painted on" jeans, and cowboy boots that resemble the high heel shoe. If no one has subscribed or donated within 15 minutes she will burst into flames and yell at ones who already have donated. a form of sword fighting where two homosexual males role play as butt pirates and use there scrotums to dual each other to the end. See more words with the same meaning: sports (related to) . The effects of methadone are similar to those of morphine, but last longer. A rather itchy rash develops, but do not be alarmed. a form of sword fighting where two homosexual males role play as butt pirates and use there scrotums to dual each other to the end. After anal sex occurs, the bottom partner accidentally releases a "bunny tail" of excrement. They typically wear short-shorts, mini-skirts, low-cut tops (typically flannel/plaid) , "painted on" jeans, and cowboy boots that resemble the high heel shoe. Flag. When you're driving and getting head at the same time Gump is a person that insists on tying down the latest victim to a state of marriage, engagement or co-inhabiting, all pretty much within 2 weeks, this is a tactic used in the hope that they wont run for cover, infact, one victim developed a day time sleeping disorder just to get rid of the one we call gump. is based off of tiktok. She loves to tease men by shaking her bunnytail for fun. The Flying Fish Buckle is a sexual position where a ladies legs are extended over her head and behind her neck. © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statementDecember 7th Make sure to give your pet bunny, or any bunny at all, all the love you can give on this special day uwuWhen a man pulls his sack over his belt to make it look like a belt buckleUrban Dictionary: Buckle Bunny. Buckle Bunny is a slang term often used in the rodeo world to describe women who are attracted to and pursue relationships with cowboys or rodeo participants. She takes good cowboys from actual deserving cowgirls. Those girls are just buckle-buffers. Opposite of laced up. Buckle bunny is a girl who is from the south that is funny and amazing keep them forever make them your best friend they are girly but have a dusty side to em. A female that is only interested in men with lifted trucks, preferably diesel. A motorcyle club 1%er patch. An individual or pack consisting of at least 2 women that prowl around rodeos in search of Buckle-Winning cowboys to sleep with. Twitter; Facebook; Help; SubscribeWhen a man performs oral sex on a woman with no expectation of reciprocation or intercourse. by bby gorl March 1, 2022. 4 Aug 23 View Detailed Check-in. Methadone is an analgesic (pain reliever) opioid drug that is used to block the effects of other opioids. A regional variance on Hoodie, specificly Saskatchewan, Canada. Publicize your Discord server on Urban Dictionary in just 3. Your bunny can get aggressive randomly so be careful also they love fulffy things (most the time)a kind of sec contraption that one uses to keep there partner in the air during sexA southern word for a person,hillbilly or ridge runner who tries to utilize anything and everything laying around the homestead/ farm. Advertise your Facebook post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. A virginal, often religous, girl who grew up in the country sheltered by her mother that turns into a complete nympho in bed late in high school. The whole action looks like you are putting a seat belt on. Just before her precious face hits the carpet, donkey-punch the little whore in the back of the head thus causing a sudden seizure of her plump little rectum. Here’s a list of some of Wyoming slang and Wyoming words that you might hear and understand, but likely only if you’re from Wyoming or spent much time here! 1. The. Typically hot, hardheaded, determined, always polite. Super cute and constantly stunned. She takes good cowboys from actual deserving cowgirls. she is also the cutest bunny ever and is so adorable. A slogan meant to convey 'Get to work!' or to say 'Quit lollygagging and get back to work!. A Buckle Bunny is a term used to describe a woman who is attracted to or pursues men who participate in rodeos. Often hopping or being passed around Cowboy "circles" like shes a joint from one to the next. Recent Florida transplant @ dimijimmy1 explained that the drama broke out when a bucket bunny posted a video of herself scrolling through Tinder and all of the men were linemen. Recent Examples on the Web Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA International, was buckled up and ready for takeoff from Chicago to Portland, Maine, with her husband, David. See more words with the same meaning: woman, women, female . Stun bunnies usually age into gold digging cougars. A Buckle Bunny Urban Dictionary is a website that provides definitions for slang terms used in the urban community. When a large black woman flosses her ass with a belt, leaving a couple dingleberries on the buckleOne Two Buckle My Shoe is a new meme by edmondx but it is actually a nursery rhyme invented in the late 1800s. " A clothing line.