A Florida jury awarded $800,000 in damages to a 7-year-old girl on Wednesday for the suffering and mental anguish caused when a Chicken McNugget fell on her thigh, causing a second-degree burn. Bush, of course, is a prog true believer and knows his job was to distract his follower from noticing until too late”In this conversation. 5:27 PM · Sep 11, 2021. Likes. What they are is men *so* conformist that they figure out the principles of society and conform to them *even better*. L . “@HobbesCrownest @steveoatley You want to override the decisions of the men of that community and take responsibility for the results? Then own it - which was the better place to live? The one where people do something about guys in the video and so that doesn't happen except rarely or this one?”Covfefe Anon. @CovfefeAnon The part where "they wouldn't do this if you just gave in" is a lie, too. Covfefe Anon on Twitter: "It's hilarious how incredibly stupid this essay looks in retrospect. The Voice Of The World. @CovfefeAnon. ”In this conversation. 247. Log in. “@FrailSkeleton @OnPurposeToday Married women are richer b/c men are (overall) more prudent with money. OP was talking about 18-19 year old women. The solution strips away that leverage but is going to be hard because there won't be an excess of brides for the men who united. "I got all my banned books from the banned books section of my local bookstore but most of them are also in the 'required high school reading' section as well. 1. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Covfefe Anon - Effective Autism Beats Effective Altruism. She's fat by any standard. Banished AmericanWhat they are is men *so* conformist that they figure out the principles of society and conform to them *even better*. 3:30 PM · Jul 24, 2023. R. Covfefe Anon“@HarriersAreGood What is "degenerate" for a woman and for a man are different because women and men are different. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. You can’t just gender-swap PUA tactics and expect them to work the same way lol. Every individual node comes up with their own conspiracies and tries to get buy in Carbon credit trading Renewable energy Climate pledges Green investing / accounting Nonsense self interested status / money grabs”In this conversation. Quote Tweet. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersIn this conversation. Learn. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. See new Tweets“One succeeds - it gets mental traction in the egregore and enough buy-in from "the public" that it can't simply be dismissed - there's always an element of making sure that there's enough buy-in on the problem to head off opposing coordination points”Covfefe Anon on Twitter. Retweets. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. ----Commentary. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. 260. Retweets. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Are you under the impression that we live in a functioning country? If you're living in reality and you know we're not are you under the impression that this dysfunction is some kind of *accident* that. The woke are more correct than the mainstream (mainstream conservatism here) The very simple answer is this - "fascism" means "anything that opposes communism" and as the right realized the scope of the problem and shifted away from NRO-ism that's when it became "fascist"Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. “@ElonBachman @LanceVader @kitten_beloved The modern write up here is missing the nuance / is a being written to assuage people with Marxist sensibilities. It was incredibly violent - ethnic cleansing of cities and political violence by a faction of the left that executed a successful putsch. 5. Prices literally are a summation of the effort and energy spent on things and people naturally economize. It's totally unsurprising that women come up with unnatural and bizarre rules that create non-functional societies. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . “@theburt @Richard_Vixen You're supposed to say you find it *boring*. Sign up. @CovfefeAnon The explicit (explicit!) message of the video is "I feel sorry for young, attractive women who don't feel the rage I feel. They really had no choice you see. Marxist cope about how institutions run by communists actually cheated and stopped the worker's revolution. Likes. @CovfefeAnon Perhaps. Covfefe Anon on Twitter: "🧵" / Twitter. Replying to @CovfefeAnon It is amazing how the RW looks at this, taking place in some mega-chain that donated $20 million to St. The idea that there can be no status distinctions between people with rules about the conduct of people with regards to people of different. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon The only actually workable solution to this is "if you're deathly allergic to sesame, that's your problem and you figure out how to live that way since you're in the best position to understand your life". Instead, hire a guy that *you* mug - look through his wallet, scoff and tell her "nice score but you're still paying"” Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. @CovfefeAnon. Likes. “@sewthrowaway @SealOfTheEnd @ConvictApeDroid @thetemphero and yes, there is a bit of a jump between 98 and 100 but that looks similar to the general jaggedness of the line otherwise. In this conversation. 2. This is pathetic cope by you because you're afraid to say or think anything mean to a woman - it. "according to who?" You can't even evaluate the thought in your own head - you need to outsource it to the hivemind. Daily Caller. 476. 1. These are not bad incentives - they're very good incentives *for what they want* Maybe the next hundred proposals about how you could better accomplish some alleged goal through market means will. ·. You'll do a lot better in life when you learn that women strongly prefer to communicate indirectly and are. It's beyond "allow" - they were the driving force behind the destruction of those states. Good joke from . Do you think he *forgot* about that when framing his argument?"Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. May 26. A man who would blow up his own gas pipeline might do anything. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“@eugyppius1 @SandpiperFax Take that natural aversion to anything healthy - everyone in the hive mind just *knows* that the primary job is always and everywhere to weaken the society's defenses then in that environment many many conspiracies spring up and get tried out. The return of one of the most popular guests of the show and one of the most powerful anonymous accounts on Twitter. Covfefe ( / koʊˈfɛfi / koh-FEH-fee, [2] / kəvˈfeɪfeɪ, koʊˈfɛfeɪ / [3]) is a nonsense word, widely presumed to be a typographical error, that Donald Trump used in a viral tweet when he was President of the United States. "This nation" he references was founded in 1968 and "peaceful protest" is a progressive term of art as demonstrated in 2020. More 22 year old men than 20 year old women, the women get more leverage. The truth is that poor conditions on American buses and trains is a deliberate policy decision dictated by the companies who profit from you sitting in your car for three hours every day. America is far far worse an actor than Russia and it's not even close. 5:35 PM · Sep 11, 2021. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. “@friend__maker @overexcitabIe @SpicyNoodlelo @blockedfireexi1 @dancerinspace No, it's not. They're choosy but that doesn't contradict his point. 54th Clause of the Magna Carta absolutist. 2. "“@RichardHanania This is the data that exists. One of these videos actually happened, one was scripted and done by actors Can you guess which is which? Why are they so different? The System feels the outrage about the reality and reacts in. This is cool. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon "You didn't build that" 4:12 PM · Jul 22, 2023. The clever man knows life is a pussy buffet and rejoices The wise man knows life is a pussy buffet and despairs. ·. 1. Here's the crux of the decision - the Court did nothing - certainly not "overturning aff. I don't think this is actually the case; 18 year olds aren't beating down the doors of moderately well paid 36 year old system engineers. "state capitalism on a global level" - lol. Yes it is when you look at who's actually with the """groomed""" 14-17 year olds. The alternate universe libs live in where everyone is at risk of being radicalized by. Covfefe Anon. Women indulge in sex. The reality of course is that this tweet isn't sincere - it's one part bait for her idiot simps "oh, I would treate you with the respect you deserve m'lady" and one part woman bragging - "high powered, successful, together men lose it around my raw sexual power". . “@ConvictApeDroid @thetemphero On both sides, yes. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersSee new Tweets. 175. 8. If you take this fool's argument seriously you'd have to conclude that Soros prosecutors and (D) district attorneys are paid off by Big Oil to not prosecute crimes on public transportation. I only consider reading assignments from chicks who I'm in bed with - even then your odds aren't great. Replying to @pointbreakism. To be a progressive means to instantly and instinctively side with any. 100. Retweets. Women's sense of "fairness" is that it's "unfair" if two people are treated differently - the old two tier system was *unfair* in their eyes. Colleges won't stop using race as a determinative factor immediately, but they will when they start paying out tens of millions in class action lawsuits @CovfefeAnon The problem with this take is that the embedded assumption is untrue. Progressives object to any and all measures that actually succeed at reducing crime. First, let's get a picture of what we're dealing with. Here's non-anecdotal evidence; these are the rates of abuse of children in homes with non-related men. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. @CovfefeAnon Jun 13, 2021 If this is correct the vax causes damage via the same mechanism as the virus - except that the version vax is highly limited because you run out of it so it stops producing spike proteins while the virus reproduces. “Step 1: be legally unfirable Step 2: be alpha in the office This is actually the key to why civil rights law is so destructive. Sure, if you question the hypothetical then "take the $500" might be correct but why would they even offer that choice? 12:18 AM · Jul 22, 2023. Sure, if you question the hypothetical then "take the $500" might be correct but why would they even offer that choice? 12:18 AM · Jul 22, 2023. ”In this conversation. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. 2:42 AM · Jul 23, 2023. Girl #1 is fat. This leads to a spiral ending in massive bloodshed. ”“@PstafarianPrice Dude”“@The4thResident Hope not”it's extremely easy to debate a flat earther! if you can't give unimpeachable arguments that the earth isn't round the problem is you! 20 jun 2023 04:26:30Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon "No, it's ok - they have insurance - it doesn't matter if they get robbed" "Ok, so you're robbing the insurance company?" "Sure" "Will that have any effect?" "Of course not - I have no ability to perceive anything I can't currently see"The System feels the outrage about the reality and reacts in the only way it can - hoping that enough people will only see the propaganda version". Rachel WilsonCovfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. 30 seconds later there's a chirp from a smoke detector with a low battery. @CovfefeAnon There is no "true motivation" for any action of the Regime b/c it's not animated by a single will. Quote Tweet. Covfefe Anon. ” 4:51 PM · Jul 11, 2022 · Twitter Web App. You're in my replies you dimwit. Commentary from an NRx perspective. Replying to . Men used to treat good girls and sluts differently - women were. It has a delusion at the center of it that is. Combine that with their blindness towards lower status men who look like furniture or light fixtures to them and you get the feminist line. Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. WoudZaten. @CovfefeAnon. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. If she's 18 and he's 20 she'll key on a guy that she thinks either has big value for the time or in the future in a way her pussy. @CovfefeAnon The carve out is not bizarre if imagine the ruling written by a progressive. Zero HP Lovecraft. In reality they didn't go "toe to toe against city cops" - they were *protected* by city cops - and FBI. Tipping makes a lot of sense to solve information asymmetries - a restaurant manager doesn't have insight into whether or not a waiter is providing good service but patrons do In this case? Nah and it's only because of confusion about the nature of tipping - associated with food. “@0x49fa98 The problem is that the trend strengthens itself - vicious cycle. Bookmarks. Replying to @CovfefeAnon. Commentary from. Show this thread. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. 3:33 PM · Jul 24, 2023. Dave the plumber- "but I don't want a former prostie" "Tough! You should have thought of that before you worked to provide indoor plumbing to people!" Quote Tweet. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. ·. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. The woman in the story. Wives don't spend every dollar they have on adornment - single women do. You wanted data. ”Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Jul 11. "Four truths and a lie". These are the highlights of the hobo's criminal record. 8:02 PM · Jul 11, 2023. The hypothetical doesn't have you paying for the chance - all they would be "suckering" you out of would be $500 that they could have just not offered in the first place. " / Twitter. Show replies. "the woke are more correct than the mainstream" Quote Tweet. There are two serious points underlying it but mostly because it's fun. @CovfefeAnon There is no "true motivation" for any action of the Regime b/c it's not animated by a single will. 1,390. You're going off script. ·. For all the progressive talk about "racism" as some conspiracy this is an *actual* conspiracy in the strictest legal sense of tacit coordination of actors to violate the law - admitted to on video. One added note is that the entire System can resist any effort at changing it - it can ignore RW journalism, locals, etc. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. ·. Sign upCovfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. It started with a simple event where the press reacted with a simple кто кого instinctively taking the wrong (but progressive) side. I’m paralyzed but I can walk, that’s why it took me so long to be diagnosed with paralysis. ”In this conversation. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Commentary from an NRx perspective. 7:26 AM · Jul 15, 2023. No other primate went through anything like this”Excellent 🧵 on the state of media and the in practice filters that exclude right wing perspectives at each point. Ice Cream Date Dater. Poll for the ladies this time You have to pick a bf - which of these is *least* objectionable To clarify option 3 - NOT ethically sourced. Women know they only exist in so far as men perceive them so their "POV" is always imagining what they look like when being looked at. @SensiblePerson7. Covfefe Anon on Twitter: "This is the ultimate end of female victory in the battle over social norms. The state of the country when you are old and are in charge of the institutions and have been your whole adult lives *is*. 10:47 PM · Nov 1, 2022.