^_^ Commissions are still open!All hands on deck! The British are coming! No, wait, that's not true. Display Mature Content. 2K. The girl on the right is Misa, who's an OC to Mommy Dollia, who I've also drawn a few times before. . User Menu. 21 Comments. 9 deviations. Aurora agrees, from the looks of it. Page Views 746 Deviations. About Contact Core Membership. Watch. Pageviews. All. This is Sakura Haruno of the series Naruto, being mind controlled by Ino Yamanaka to wet her diaper. The two shed their pounds with better eating, frequent exercise, and an iron will to ignore their attempts to tempt each other with desserts and candy; for the most part anyways. Tiffy's Torments - page 7Well, that's a wrap on this one! ^_^How did you like it? Please let me and Babydoll know! 🙂Written by Babydoll, drawn by me. Developers. 31. Watch. 1. User Menu. HofBondage. Hiiii! 18. Fellow magic users, that is. Literature. ^_^. 1. 738 Favourites. Literature. Shop. B. I had a lot of fun doing this one!! ^_^. I tried to get the organisation of Halloween to move it ahead a month, for one time only, but they wouldn't budge. Take Heed and Beware. Explore the HofBondage Art collection - the favourite images chosen by diaperboy187 on DeviantArt. Apr 14, 2020. 256. Is anyone else hungry?. 1807x2556px 1. ^_^. Submit your writingWitch Corrin. ^_^ Here's page 4. DeviantArt Facebook DeviantArt Instagram DeviantArt Twitter. me/d8bzk3g. Watchers 866 Deviations. 1. Pageviews. ^_^. The outfits they wore then are behind them in the Dress-Up corner of the nursery. luckily she has plenty of padding to cushion her fall. HofBondage. Explore the HofBondage collection - the favourite images chosen by vader9 on DeviantArt. 1. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. 9M. The month for the wager passed quickly and successfully for both James and Samantha. She wants to get you guys (and me, I guess. Watchers 865 Deviations. 621 Favourites. 04 MB. HofBondage. Art by me!1. Farrah, Dawn and Vanessa snapped their fingers in unison. Post an update . Well, let's see if I still know how to do this. It's gonna be 7 pages total, posted every other day. 21 Comments. The two shed their pounds with better eating, frequent exercise, and an iron will to ignore their attempts to tempt each other with desserts and candy; for the most part anyways. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Here's an oldie I did as a reward for Christmas, two years ago. 60. The two shed their pounds with better eating, frequent exercise, and an iron will to ignore their attempts to tempt each other with desserts and candy; for the most part anyways. I suppose we might find out in part 2. Preparing baby (sequence) This one is part of a fun little sequence of pics. 456 Favourites. Watchers 861 Deviations. . DeviantArt Facebook DeviantArt Instagram DeviantArt Twitter. 8K. Published: Dec 17, 2022. This was actually a Patreon reward sketch. Done for DiaperPony, who got all excited when I finished it, and put it up on Twitter before it could appear here. His stepmom and Cathy are sure to tell everyone including his ex-girlfriend Stella. Literature. You gotta understand, this is the Patreon poll winner for November. 51. Upgrade to Core Get Core. Not sure the test results are all that reliable though, considering she's using Rita Skeeter's Quick Quotes Quill. The month for the wager passed quickly and successfully for both James and Samantha. User Menu. Under Lock and Key, chapter 8 - page 1! By. Our little girl, sent back into the big bad world! We can only hope this ends well. About Contact Core Membership DeviantArt Protect. This was a sketch reward a while ago for . Could have been a cute ending though! ^_^ ) To read what came before, see this folder that contains everything. Favourites. Hiiii! 18. On Wednesday Februay 17th, and I are both publishing the splash image for the chapter on our respective Patreon accounts. Published: Mar 21, 2020. 50% off for a limited time! Get Core. Pageviews. The Pampered Protector(2018)- (OC/ABDL). . 12 Comments. 36. She tries so hard to fight it. 36. Published: May 8, 2015. abdl sissification spankingpunishment adultbabydiaperlover spankingfetish. Upgrade to Core. This story will undoubtedly be a lot of fun!The month for the wager passed quickly and successfully for both James and Samantha. Watchers. About Contact Core Membership. Featured. 45. This was Troy’s last day as an adult and now he’s going to remain a baby for the rest of his life. Take Heed and Beware. HofBondage. Shop. HofBondage. She commissioned me to finish it. This was a commission done for. The two shed their pounds with better eating, frequent exercise, and an iron will to ignore their attempts to tempt each other with desserts and candy; for the most part anyways. 223 Favourites. Good thing too, cause there, they have all they need to handle little accidents! ^_^. But that doesn't mean her clothes aren't still picked out for her by her mommy sometimes!Some mushrooms make you bigger. The two shed their pounds with better eating, frequent exercise, and an iron will to ignore their attempts to tempt each other with desserts and candy; for the most part anyways. The month for the wager passed quickly and successfully for both James and Samantha. In the mean time. Hiiii! 18. Hiiii! 18. Under Lock and Key, chapter 8 - page 6. DeviantArt Facebook DeviantArt Instagram DeviantArt Twitter. About Contact Core Membership. ^_^ Story by . DeviantArt Facebook DeviantArt Instagram DeviantArt Twitter. Status Update. Pageviews. DeviantArt Facebook DeviantArt Instagram DeviantArt Twitter. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. About. Take Heed and Beware 9 deviations Trial of the Madames - Masculinity 7 deviations Goddess and Laura 13 deviations Babydoll universe 42 deviations The Adventures of Sierra, the Diapered Witch 13 deviations The Product Tester 14 deviations Patreon teasers 3 deviations Scraps 9 deviations Haunted Mansion - the disappearing nursery. 7K. To draw, AND to have around, it seems. . Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. DeviantArt Facebook DeviantArt Instagram DeviantArt Twitter. ^_^. The new chapter is going to be 12 pages long, so for 6 weeks, you'll be able to enjoy the next instalment of our little comic. Were you worried something had happened to poor Jenny? Come on, you can admit it! ^_^. Want to get sketches like this, and more?Here's Big Sister Problems, Tiffy's Torments. Explore the The Very Best of HofBondage collection - the favourite images chosen by CaldoRosa on DeviantArt. The two shed their pounds with better eating, frequent exercise, and an iron will to ignore their attempts to tempt each other with desserts and candy; for the most part anyways. 1. 14 deviations. HofBondage. Support me on Patreon, where I post everything 2 weeks before it hits here. Pageviews. Under Lock and Key. 48 MB. Join Log In. Posted in July, even!! This is May, from Guilty Gear! I didn't knew this character before I did this, but I sure love her character design and colors!Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. When we last left Jenny. ^_^ To read what came before, see this folder that contains everything. Watch. Published: Feb 14, 2021. DeviantArt Facebook DeviantArt Instagram DeviantArt Twitter. Mature. 6K Views 1 Collected Privately. 7K. 1. It's Ari, and it was done for Ari. 1. This is Sirila, a demon character by ! commissioned me to finish this Patreon reward sketch I did a while ago, as a present for ShySelkiePrince. 4K Views. Commission: Close research. 8K. ^_^. It's been on hiatus for a while, but we're back, bringing you more magical adventures of ! This time, she's among equals. 9K Views. Pageviews. About Contact Core Membership. His stepmom and Cathy are sure to tell everyone including his ex-girlfriend Stella. Under Lock and Key, chapter 5, page 7. Written by PeculiarChangeling . Let's rectify that, shall we?We interrupt this comic. We got your back. Learn more. Someone loves their spankees too much. I imagine her changing little Jenny's diaper, and before the poor girl knows what is happening, she is locked up again. Watchers 866 Deviations. This was commissioned by N. Upgrade to Core Get Core. DeviantArt Facebook DeviantArt Instagram DeviantArt Twitter. Mike's brain going: "ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Having hottest girlfriend EVER. Want to discover art related to hofbondage? Check out amazing hofbondage artwork on DeviantArt. “What a. abdl chastitybelt adultbabydiaperlover abdlcomic. Written by . Pageviews. Hiiii! 18. They commissioned me to finish it and add the background. ^_^ This is an old sketch reward I did for Patreon. 8K. Published: Apr 18, 2022. 6 Comments. Mature. Mature. Over at my Patreon, the full comic is already published! Image size. Get Core Membership. What you don't know is that there was a secret part to this commission. 44. DeviantArt Facebook DeviantArt Instagram DeviantArt Twitter. Pageviews. About Contact Core Membership. Published: Jul 30, 2022.