I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!" to "palette swapped bosses, the game is dying" is pretty funny. Flow. Published on April 10, 2018, 2:05 pm. How to vote: Info about the two Espers and their personalities will be revealed to the players in the Community and in the game. r/Dislyte. 2 which is being implemented on 21 st June 2022. Attack 1 enemy 3 time. r/Dislyte. r/Dislyte • I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!" to "palette swapped bosses, the game is dying" is pretty funny. Metro News: You and the Esper World 4: Sentinels. Take note you should only upgrade Flawless and Superior 5* and 6* relics to max. 185. That's increasing star level. If the opening of servers is delayed, 100 additional Nexus Crystals will be. r/Dislyte • New Relic sets from the trailer. Like Nick doesn't look like any faction esper really, he just looks like a guy, but his clothes are still distinctly Esper in terms of fashion, especially considering what the rest of the NPCs look like Occasioanlly other espers will get a banner alongside the main banner. You can also tell me what rare espers with kit that feels like an epic/legendary or vice versa. Let's have a look at Ollie (Osiris) skills and animations!#Dislyte #. . i grabbed a helper gaius and he took my shadowfire from S to SSS in a pinch lmfao. 3. 7 : r/Dislyte. Defeat the enemies using the Espers you have! They have different personalities, appearances. r/Dislyte • NEW ESPERS!! AND NEW SKIN!! r/Dislyte • I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!" to "palette swapped bosses, the game is dying" is pretty funny. This only takes consideration of the Esper's physical body, any object or companion that is also part of the transformation is not included. Freya maybe because of the roses and the "friday". I also have the skills for. 1. The difficulty of the stage doesn't change the ripple dimension weightage. New espers look alright, I'm not a huge fan of the super deformed cartoony Rocket Raccoon guy but the snake girl's cute. r/Dislyte • NEW ESPERS!! AND NEW SKIN!! See more posts like this in r/Dislyte. 1 / 2. Every time you use the main fusion material, the big guy or Alexa, the next fusion the will need to be stronger (Level, resonance etc). Recycling turd assets, taking actual assets away and placing them in a different game. Once you get a copy of a Legendary Esper, you wouldn't even think about wanting to get dupes. So they let you buy the less strong one. 6 comments. The Wish Pool's spin times reset every 60 days. 212. Thunder and Light getting buffed in New patch. I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!" to "palette swapped bosses, the game is dying" is pretty funny. There are 4 new Espers in the patch notes for the 31 May update: Esper Ollie - Osiris Dislyte : A 5-star Aqua hero and support-type Esper, Ollie can CC his enemies with Silence and Provocation in addition to. 0. r/Dislyte • NEW ESPERS!! AND NEW SKIN!! r/Dislyte • I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!" to "palette swapped bosses, the game is dying" is pretty funny. r/Dislyte. You only need to grind Tower and PW for the Legendary Abilimons. r/Dislyte • NEW ESPERS!! AND NEW SKIN!!. My Dislyte Confession. The update will add a new game mode, new cosmetics, and four new Espers to the already brimming roster of mythical guys. Acquire card flipping attempts by completing Quests, and consume the attempts to draw Espers from non-Shimmer Legendary Esper options (excludes. . NEW Gift Codes!!! LingBigYong. r/Dislyte • New Relic sets from the trailer. r/Dislyte. New Dislyte Gift Codes and all viable ones. Dislyte. 2 so far but theyre all in flow. r/Dislyte • New flow legendary and skin from Endless Summer preview!. I'm now at the point where pulling is kind of pointless because there's only 6 espers I don't have so the likelihood of getting a new one. “I n 2025, massive floating objects - later referred to as Miracles - descended into the airspace around major cities all over the world. A subreddit dedicated to the mobile game Dislyte, a Stylish Urban Mythological RPG…"Dioprism and Monoprism can be used to redeem new items in the Divine Sequencer Shop, including Sander shards, Dhalia shards,. 42K subscribers Join Subscribe 1K views 8 months ago #dislyte #gacha. For flow 5 stars: 0. So a box from Kronos Difficulty10 now has a 7. . • 6 days ago. Also, if anyone hasn't seen it, dislyte posted a 13m cinematic detailing. 4 update that added 2 new espers – Brewster and Ife! Well, it seems LilithGames was. After several incidents, Ethan founded the All-Trades Agency in Tangton with his friend, hoping to help others with his Esper powers. just another three generic cute girls :( it feels like lilith is throwing out new espers just for the sake of new content when i feel like many players would much rather quality over quantity. 6” is scheduled to go live on 4 th July 2023. 2. 8. I leave the screen and come again and see them gray again. we literally just left an event with 2 new espers and a fusable one, what dislyte community are you talking to? we get way too much content they need a breather banner. Dislyte Tier List & Guide [Google Sheets] Regularly updated community-maintained, this sheet contains an Esper Tier List (standard & role based), info on espers, team comps and relic suggestions. Ollie, Ophelia, Zora, Eliot, even Zeus was planned to have white hair. A subreddit dedicated to the mobile game Dislyte, a Stylish Urban Mythological RPG set in future cities…Lucas fusion. Keep in mind that the list above is subject to changes because Lilith Games, the developer of Dislyte, continues to release tons of updates. Metro News: You and the Esper World 4: Sentinels. 263. And yes put your resources into the 4 shimmer legendaries. 4/11/2023 Dislyte ’s Latest Expansion ‘Dusk & Dawn’ Is Now Live — Meet Two New Espers, Earn Rewards in New Events, Hang out with Markiplier, and Revive. Keep in mind that the list above is subject to changes because Lilith Games, the developer of Dislyte, continues to release tons of updates. ago. Getting those multipliers high and having high damage espers go ham during it is what gets you passed those thresholds. Have someone with disease, I used kara to do that. • 19 days ago. R4 (Power Suppression): When at an elemental advantage, Damage +15%. I was wondering if anyone knew a good way to gain alot of XP? Make sure you are ascending your espers, also. Friday = Freya like Thursday = Donar but I guess this only works in german because it is "Donnerstag" for Thursday which would be "Donars Tag" (Donars day or day of Donar) back in the days. r/Dislyte • I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!" to "palette swapped bosses, the game is dying" is pretty funny2. @dislyte. If your looking for a good support Clara Sally and Ahmed for healing, and Gab for buffs and debuff. r/Dislyte. 33. Lvl 5+ players at the time of the update will receive 200 Nexus Crystals via in-game mail afterward. NEW ESPERS!! AND NEW SKIN!! r/Dislyte • Siggy boy!!!! r/Dislyte • I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!" to "palette swapped bosses, the game is dying" is pretty funny. 185. ago. r/Dislyte • New Relic sets from the trailer. Supposed to be Hephaestus, Hypnos, Chantico and an Uknown one. You know. Acquiring 70 Wish Stones for the first time unlocks the first. Dream Shards and Nightmare Shards can be exchanged for the Epic Esper - Ninsun, Limited-Offer Namecard - Dream of Redemption, Gold Records, Legendary Abilimon, and other rewards! Wait, so we can not only get the new 4 star esper, but also. Metro News: You and the Esper World 1: Miracles. ago. • 5 days ago. as rare as me getting the esper. The RPG has nailed the unique art style and become a fan favorite amongst the community. r/Dislyte • New Espers pfp. r/Dislyte • NEW ESPERS!! AND NEW SKIN!! r/Dislyte • I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!" to "palette swapped bosses, the game is dying" is. r/Dislyte • Does anybody know if there's anymore "leaked" upcoming espers with pictures? Besides these three. Espers have discovered a large number of items in the form of swords, clothing, and rings from the Miracles. Four Star: Level 40. ago. To encourage Espers to challenge themselves, the Union has established the Ultimate Spire to record the formations and speed of Espers who complete the Miracles. r/Dislyte • 26 days ago. Out of 6 infernals. (I assume X to be stamina used). Others maybe to only 6-9 and use only as placeholder until you get a better one. After her (or on part with her) best for PVP now is definitely Toland. What's that legendary esper that everyone tells you to build and invest, but you don't want to for x/y reason. My options are: Gabby, Sally, Heng Yu, Long Mian, Lu Yi, Ren Si, Lynn, Dhalia, Xiao Yin, Mona. Counters against Gmax Charizard / Groudon lead? r/Dislyte • I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!" to "palette swapped bosses, the game is. 10 votes, 19 comments. 1. I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!" to "palette swapped bosses, the game is dying" is pretty funny. Who’s your the. xaldin12. 89. or how some. 0 comments. 7. 39. Players are invited to immerse. You can diassemble excess espers to exchange for levelled rare/epic starimon or just a 1:1 trade with a rare starimon. Shadowgale was: Frontline: Asenath (Ocean), JYY (Astral), Catherine (Astral), Alice (Ocean) Backline: Sander, Chloe (Ocean) For this one, use use low CD AoE cleanse and buffs. It is natural that people have different opinions. r/Dislyte. Maxed out star Drew is more useful than Biodina or Sienna who you can't more. Never knew I would get turned on by using female espers' shoes to dominate someone until now. Dislyte is a difficult game to attempt to make a tier list because there's like a billion game modes. I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!". 28. r/Dislyte • Hilda's story is topnotch. If the opening of servers is delayed, 100 additional Nexus Crystals will be compensated per hour delayed. This one is the best yet and I'm already excited for the next event!!! And I love the thruline with side characters like Hilda playing her role. 40. The real rewards are the friends we made along the way 🤗🥰. I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look. 1 / 2. I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!" to "palette swapped bosses, the game is dying" is pretty funny. subscribers . 🧐. Reply AwkwardMoment2 •Non humanoid espers. r/Dislyte • NEW EQUIPMENT SET INFO IN ONE IMAGE. Join. You see, content on test server is usually several days to 1 week ahead of the regular server. MY MAN ETHAAAAN!!! NEW ESPERS AND SKIN!!! 1 / 5. Dislyte has a variety of Espers with unique abilities, a complete list of ranked Espers can be found in the Dislyte. New Dislyte Gift Codes and all viable ones. When a crisis comes, Ife will be the bravest & the most determined of all! -Dislyte official Twitter post Basic: Ife is a Fighter Esper who excels at Poisoning. Hypnos, god of sleep. 2:46 PM · Mar 13, 2023 8,927 Views 36 Retweets 32 Quote Tweets 206 Likes MagmaDragoon @MagmaDragoon67 2h Replying to @dislyte Put the gold and. Prepare accordingly. Stacks do nothing unless. r/Dislyte • New Espers of the Dusk & Dawn update!r/RedditWritesSeinfeld • George's new GF's cable shows Jeopardy 2 hours later than George's. New Free Espers in Patch 3. 1. While releasing new espers is nothing bad in it self, its the monetization tha is the issue, and in the current banner you need to spend roughly 1100$ TO BE GUARANTEED the new esper, and thats luckily after 2 previous banners with even far worse odds. If anyone is interested and mods allow it, i will showcase stats in later post. Egyptian, Europe, and everywhere have just been granted divine power, making them become “Espers” to protect the world. Long chimneys are prone to leak behind them, adding a roof framing member called a cricket and flashing it properly will effectively funnel water away. Metro News: You and the Esper World 2: Divine Waves. 6 and can be seen in the live version of the game on 6 th December 2022. r/Dislyte. This one is the best yet and I'm already excited for the next event!!! And I love the thruline with side characters like Hilda playing her role. snowyowl14_. 05% chance of getting the infernal five star you want from a normal pull. Espers. Chaoticus84 • 18 hr. We'll be able to get Sopdet, Nyx, Hati, Queen Mother and Fatum Sisters for free in the next update! This is freaking insane! 1 / 3. Machiavellian3 • 8 mo. PvP: 1. Purple color means how many times you Resonated that hero (used dupes on them). SEE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM FOR CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO LEAK ADJUSTMENTS I acknowledge that I have read and understand the conditions for being. Metro News: You and the Esper World 6: The Shadow Decree. I think the turnaround from "these leaked Espers look really cool!" to "those new Equipment look interesting!" to "palette swapped bosses, the game is dying" is pretty funny. r/Dislyte. Kara, Layla, Arcana, Alexa, Berenice. Monster in both PVP and PVE. Elaine isn't a member of the shadow decree either, which would make them a good match. Duration: 2023-07-30 00:00:00 - 2023-08-15 00:00:00 (UTC+0) Event Details: Attend the Treasured Echoes event to get designated Legendary Espers! Unlocks after acquiring 10 or more Legendary Espers. His Neko Mark passive is hard to use. Does anybody know if there's anymore "leaked" upcoming espers with pictures? Besides these three. This Dislyte Best Supports guide will showcase 5 supports that can help clear any end-game content and bosses! Dislyte is a newly released turn-based RPG that involves the role of Espers to combine Espers into a five-team formation. its leora and gaius hopefully we get one for izanami next patch. Pulling is a worthwhile investment mainly at the start when you don't have much, but once you have a sizeable amount of 3s and 4s and some 5s you can grind content. People will like or dislike new esper designs, new gear shakes up the stale gear meta and adds options to espers and team comps, and Lilith did in fact get lazy using a color swap premade boss design. 4 as per tradition.