Dustin dailey twitter. so embarrassing. Dustin dailey twitter

so embarrassingDustin dailey twitter  i’m sitting here watching Adam’s video like 😮 “i swear this song used to get stuck in my head so bad 😂 what happened to Nelly Furtado? she’s always been a bad bitch 👀 Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey

04 Jun 2023 07:23:01. you said all of that for 36 likes on a social media app. ⬇️ (Mikayla Nogueira V Card GRWM) 29 Apr 2023 00:48:30 “i wasn’t aware that my experiences were “lies” like being locked in a room for weeks being made to urinate into a trash can and hope that if i had to go number 2 that you would be there to let me into the bathroom. where tf y’all putting all that? gonna have y’all’s shit whistling when you’re done 🥴 girls gays and theys don’t do this to yourself 😂Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey y’all are gonna laugh at me but idc. GIF. i went to sleep listening to a meditation and woke up to fucking Ethan talking out of his ass. by Mikayla not addressing this even slightly and just continuing to upload speaks volumes to her character tbh. the night our house burned down these people brought us water and let jen use their bathroom. . “i don’t give a shit what wendy williams said or how people feel about her. but go off shister @tanamongeau i’m listening to @PaigeChristieUK edit her video my god… she’s about to light a fire under someone’s ass… 22 Jun 2023 18:14:57 The latest tweets from @ThreeDaileyDustin Dailey. 26 Jun 2023 20:06:02posted this late last night. Replying to @Kenecia__ and @PaigeChristieUK. 16 hours ago · Dustin’s awards include first place honors for daily Capitol beat coverage from the Sacramento Press Club in 2023, and the “story of the year” award from the. James Charles Can Stay Cancelled (Here's Why) 17 Jul 2023 15:05:00people that follow jaclyn share the same brain as the people that follow mikayla. “directing the narrative” this stream was just a few weeks ago too 🙃 . Conversationwoke up to email receipts from apple saying my mom’s apple ID purchased candy crush credits. do you all remember when @MannyMua733 falsely claimed Tea Spill’s video because his fefe’s got hurt? it’s very much giving that energy. there’s literally no way she can’t address this. Quote Tweet. Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey. @theadammcintyre the fact you gave this right back to her was an epic move 😂 Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey. i would like to apologize about saying Laura was a friend of Colleen’s that was a mistake on my behalf. tana girl didn’t you just make up with James? not sure why you’re laughing at this when you’ve contributed to him getting away with the same behavior as colleen. be/YJPjKRLWmyk. Utilize Polar. : Kodeerants : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet. Jul 2022 - Present1 year 3 months. i wonder what her thoughts would be today since she protected him. Dustin Dailey. 12 Jun 2023 19:00:00i’ll have a video up in an hour or so. Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey. grooming. @theadammcintyre’s latest video is so disturbing. remember karma. 22 May 2023 05:21:04. Fights & Wild content. 29 Jun 2023 03:25:26they want to ban tiktok because it may be dangerous for children but they haven’t put laws in place to punish church pastors that actually hurt children. i assure 8 million people are not watching your every move. 1. ·. jaclyn acting like this didn’t happen is wild. it’s always funny when people comment about me drinking mountain dew and how it’s so bad for me blah blah blah. fruit cup kid can still choke on a rake handle 🙄 . can’t wait to do it again in a few months 😊just an FYI if you came for me over the years and you participated in a group chat around the time the revenge porn was posted of me you should just come clean now because i know everything…i’m late to everything but nick has been saying we should watch PLL. so you’re saying women that have c sections are somehow less than? you’re clearly nutrient deficient, lacking something critical to make your brain work. Quote Tweet. good question though, what about her kids? 18 Jun 2023 00:46:52this made me laugh so hard 😂 i’m not saying an LGBTQ+ person should’ve been picked because they’re LGBTQ+ but what i am saying is it would’ve definitely had more visual appeal. like why tf do you care? some people would like to go peacefully and if they do that’s their choice to make. you’re fucking disgusting!Jaclyn’s husband comparing Lipstickgate to the situation with Alec Baldwin is honestly gross. if you’re in a hurry you should’ve left sooner. remembering the pieces of shit that tried to doxx @spillseshYT. jaclyn acting like this didn’t happen is wild 😂. no, i prefer that women live how they want to. how the fuck you gonna comment on some shit so personal to someone and get it the fuck wrong?!no more lies (but for real) coming soon . Dan Schneider vibes for sure 🤢. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. people like this are fucking weird to me. “she doesn’t know that colleen is one of my BEST friends” the ending is the chefs kiss 😘Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey. 22 Apr 2023 12:15:36this right here is why i’m exposing everyone and everything that started these bullshit lies about us. seek help”i’ve seen a lot of comebacks but this by far is the funniest one yet. i said what the fuck i said. “@TheChelsea1 you know i did”yo what the actual fuck . right now if you use code Dustin @GerardCosmetics you can get 30% off of Hair AF. soon everyone will…”“look at this. you should all start drafting your statements now…. Dustin Dailey is a social media personality from the United States who has carved himself a successful niche by producing videos that centre on celebrity news and gossip. obviously i didn’t take him up on any of it and what i said about either of them was my own thoughts. if you like it then you should’ve put a ring on it. Log in. is there a platform we can watch tv shows and stuff together? i wanna stream and watch tales from the crypt lol “can we all agree that it’s very weird when people that hate you brag about looking at your onlyfans 🥴” i need opinions on this one. his ass has been wanting to choke somebody like that. i want to learn how to crochet because that was one of my moms favorite things to do. this picture is more representational than you know . that’s so fucking wrong. i’ve always been so into learning about how advanced the ancient Egyptians were. this isn’t even the worst. damn you @petermonn 🤤 . is it worth the time? 08 Jun 2023 21:46:11how i didn’t catch this 😬 . this is WILD! definitely some ism’s and phobes going on here. King Libertarian @KingLibertarian. “someone should’ve floored that mother fucker. @ThreeDailey. sooooo many group chats and i have someone spilling every bit of business that went on. shall i keep going?…if you like it then you should’ve put a ring on it 💍. Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey could you all take a second to visit this link and hit the light a candle button. Age 35 years old. read image description. you said all of that for 36 likes on a social media app. “@blazeitcandleco @cassgelormino @itsNICKSNIDER @bathbodyworks hold up did i just read cannabis inspired candles 👀”I discuss everything from pop culture to what's going on with your favorite youtubers. cancer is evil and if you’re out here wishing that on someone else you’re disgusting. Megan was such a light hearted and funny person, we. Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey. it is an affiliate code so i will earn a commission if you use my code. this has went too far. if i speak on it i know i’ll get TONS of hate because this person is so well liked at the moment. Dustin DaileyDustin Dailey @ThreeDailey. 01 May 2023 21:01:44imagine how disgusting you’d have to be to use your ex husbands death and blame other people for your shortcomings to get attention because you have a fucking makeup launch coming for a company that just laid off so many people. this isn't the first time and i'm certain it will not be the last. this is still funny 😆 20 Oct 2022 19:44:50i find it very opportunistic that the beauty gurus that worked with morphe and thrived off of promoting their products are hopping on the morphe hate train because it’s popular now. further, your last video didn’t crack 500k when you used to get millions. she has like two good songs and wants to act like this 💀“@ohlanie i'm sure she's somewhere slithering the internet. not this. it just isn’t going to happen. 7:27 PM · Jul 5, 2023 · 9,747Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey. he Hershey squirted everywhere to say everything was covered is an understatement. Dustin Dailey on Twitter. Lead all aspects of strength and conditioning for the Women’s Basketball team. her and her family have more influence than they ever should have. seek help” i’ve seen a lot of comebacks but this by far is the funniest one yet. it not only. you all have changed my life…can you imagine demonizing someone while they’re literally at one of the lowest points in their life, basically attempting to strong arm them into something they don’t want to do? i’ve got a lot to say about some of you mother fuckers. @itsNICKSNIDER an i need to start going places 😂. newsflash there’s more to life than sitting at home waiting on your husband hand and foot. @Kitty__Pick. so let’s add blackface to the list. i want to address something since i keep seeing it. “@JeffreeStar careful, Jaclyn might call you a bully for this 😂”everything i thought i knew just got much deeper. someone fill me in. it’s a good one too! 15 Jul 2023 01:13:45aww you’re sooooooo funny . 37. this is an affiliate link so if you use it i’ll get a commission but you certainly don’t have to…i wonder if Colleen addressed this in a way that Laura and Manny deem appropriate since she’s AlReAdy ApoLogiZed. Associate General Counsel dndailey@fsu. ” it’s being speculated that this reddit post was made by Bryan Kohberger, the suspect arrested for the Idaho 4 murders. i call trisha out y’all are mad. Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey. i’d sit this one out lmfaointeresting choice of words…. @ThreeDailey. as if colleen has any space talking about people’s looks…. Actions have consequences and Hailey found the fuck out. Conversationthe fact you wasted time putting this together LMAO. it's very much giving me flashbacks to James Charles and how he still has people with massive…Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersnot her blocking me and not addressing the question i presented. @ColleenB123 do this but don’t be manipulative . & More. i think this will do well!”i think i’m the only person that travels with no toiletries. See new Tweets. thanks for chiming in on this. it would be a missed opportunity if i didn’t do this. 16 Jul 2023 05:35:15you can’t really argue with someone’s own words. 🙃 Manny really had some goddam nerve to make that podcast after saying this shit to an audience of children. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersyep. earthquakes, threats of war, hazardous chemicals being released. toxic drama train is now missing from apple music. i'm done tap dancing around people's feelings. 17 Jul 2023 03:21:09I just want to apologize to @theadammcintyre for ever doubting this situation. i’m sitting here watching Adam’s video like 😮Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey. 09 Jun 2023 04:16:17i need to know who ordered these right now 💀🪦 . we live in a world where people abuse their power and get away with it. i think this whole Colleen thing may be a modern version of dramageddon. without googling name a famous historic battle . obviously i didn’t take him up on any of it and what i said about either of them was my own thoughts. See new Tweets. it’s giving rules of thee not for me. Jul 5. I opened twitter, saw the announcement, then closed. ·. Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey. she would make the coolest things. Y’know, he simply requires a six-pack (beverage nonspecific),. ”Dustin Dailey. being late every now and then is one thing but to be habitual about it is intentional. lemme fix it “i have never been honest in my life”. it seems like it was just last week i started but here it is so many years later. Dustin Dailey @ThreeDailey · 10h. she was literally gasping for air. since when was this ladies life choices your business Evie? does it affect you at all? no, not one bit. these messages with Trent Ballinger are vile. MANY people have dealt with this and it needs to STOP!” lmao so original. i don’t match energies i destroy. this old skank needs to kick rocks . 15 Jun 2023 03:05:00“@fatsajak_ @theadammcintyre i live”i’m not sayin all of that 😂 . 10 Jun 2023 00:14:08Log in. i don’t call trisha out y’all are mad. @petermonn is channeling Sally in his latest video. . “still on their website tho 🙄”listen, i do not particularly care for this human myself but the amount of people laughing about this or poking fun about it is gross. i just made channel memberships live. and here i present to you the tags on Colleen's video. Morphe owing James 2 million bucks, Jaclyn another 2 million, and jeffree 1. the erasure of women is scary and putting labels on women such as chest feeders and shit like that is bad. We must acknowledge that Laura vehemently denied it and Manny went on to say he wasn’t a friend of Colleen’s so imo they’re both aware of how serious this is and after receiving comments of people having to correct everything they got wrong or omitted. Show replies. 24 Jun 2023 16:50:50the one thing i miss about working in a call center is the gossip. 1. it’s a no from me. @ColleenB123 there are ZERO excuses for the things you and Kory participated in. Dustin DaileyDustin Dailey @ThreeDailey sorry, i’m not down with trans women dictating to women what a period is. 13 Jun 2023 06:02:42since you guys like these little trailers. 29 Jun 2023 18:46:29In this conversation.