"Social Impact" is NOT cool phrase or buzzword to toss around at networking events. Instead, she ended up with an addiction, broken friendships, and the rubble of a toppled pyramid . Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing is the eye-opening, funny, and dangerous personal story of author Emily Lynn Paulson rising to the top of the pyramid in the multilevel marketing (MLM) world, only to recognize that its culture and business practices went beyond a trendy marketing scheme and. 00:00:00. She has given two powerful TEDx talks, both challenging the status quo of parenting, alcohol use, and feminism as we know it. . Heres a replay of one of the many questions Ive been asked on instagram. Buy Hey, Hun. Emily is also AntiMLM. scheme. Hey, Hun by Emily Lynn Paulson - She signed up for the sisterhood, free cars, and the promise of a successful business of her own. When #BossBabe culture goes wrong. Check out this great listen on Audible. When #BossBabe culture goes wrong. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. True stories and conversations with survivors, advocates and experts on the insidiousness of cults, frauds, scams and pyramid schemes. By. EMILY PAULSON reposted this Report this post Report Report. I'm going to add this to my Kindle read-list once it's available! Emily Lynn Paulson, an MLM salesperson, was gifted a Lexus for reaching her goals — but there was a catch. But also an important look at why connection and listening to your intuition can serve you in so many aspects of your life! Emily is a TEDx speaker, author of the #1 best-selling Amazon book, Highlight Real and. Emily, an author and public speaker from Oregon, US, joined an unnamed MLM in 2013 as a way to “escape from the mundane day-to-day as a stay-at-home. When Emily Lynn Paulson received a Kate Spade purse from her boss — a bonus gift for hitting her sales figures — she posted a photo of the $350 handbag on Facebook. . . She has given two powerful TEDx talks, both. Courtesy of Emily Lynn Paulson Emily Lynn Paulson said she made $1 million as an MLM. HEY, HUN: SALES SISTERHOOD, SUPREMACY, AND THE OTHER LIES BEHIND MULTILEVEL MARKETING is the eye-opening, funny, and dangerous personal story of author Emily Lynn Paulson rising to the top of the pyramid in the. 72 episodes. She shares her story of using al. I don't think she'll start putting us in debt I mean, I don't want to panic you but you also didn't think she'd get sucked into a MLM. Emily Lynn Paulson is the author of Highlight Real: Finding Honesty and Recovery Beyond the Filtered Life, and Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing. She is also a speaker, recovery coach, and the founder of Sober Mom Squad, and has given two powerful TEDx talks,. Talking shit about booze and pyramid schemes. The truth about how many MLM. . Emily Lynn Paulson achieved the nearly-unachievable for a consultant in an MLM: She made it nearly to the tip-top of the pyramid, getting touted as a million-dollar earner (before taxes), winning a "free" car, and receiving five-digit paychecks every month. Emily Lynn Paulson, author and founder of the Sober Mom Squad, holds nothing back as she dishes on her new book "Hey Hun: Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing" with Maria Sansone. Cult Babes! Boss Babes! Huns! This week I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with author Emily Lynn Paulson to discuss the Culty-ness of MLMs. ” — Roberta Blevins, anti-MLM adovcate, host of the Life After MLM podcast, and star of the. Anyone have an idea of which MLM (s) it sounds like? Emily Lynn Paulson said she made $1 million as an MLM consultant — but it wasn't worth the stress. Audible provides the highest quality audio and narration. She claims the companies exploit and victimize women for profit. Sober Mom Squad. Emily Lynn Paulson is back! And this time it's to talk about her book Hey, Hun Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing that comes out May 30th! In our chat we cover a lot of bases, including the process of writing and publishing a book with an "AntiMLM" message to the oddity of Parasocial relationships. Emily Lynn Paulson became a millionaire thanks to an MLM—at the expense of loved ones, her sobriety, her health, and her moral compass, even using her own cancer diagnosis as leverage in the pyramid scheme in which she’d. This throwback is for all you Gen Xers out there. Author of Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing and former member of an MLM she calls Rejuvinat, Emily Paulson, shares how she was first. or future. "I ended up spending well over the allotted $1,000, including getting a. Paulson will be discussing her new book, Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing, an eye-opening, funny, and dangerous personal story of author Emily Lynn Paulson rising to the top of the pyramid in the multilevel marketing (MLM) world, only to recognize that its culture and business. EMILY PAULSON’S Post EMILY PAULSON Best-Selling Author and Founder at Sober Mom Squad 5h Report this post Report Report. Emily Lynn Paulson said she made $1 million as an MLM consultant — but it wasn't worth the stress. She has. Author. In her past life, Emily was highly successful within an MLM, but after she got sober, the work she was doing within the MLM started to feel…icky. Why did she quit MLMs even though she made up to $40,000 a month. Subscribe Sign in. Emily is also AntiMLM. In the book "Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing," Emily Paulson. Emily Lynn Paulson is. Instead, she ended up with an addiction, broken friendships, and the rubble of a toppled pyramid . <p>Rushion interviews Emily Lynn Paulson author of Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing. She has been the makeup artist for mu…Emily is the author of Highlight Real: Finding Honesty & Recovery Beyond the Filtered Life and the forthcoming book Hey Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and Other Lies of Multi-Level Marketing (May 2023). Cult Babes! Boss Babes! Huns! This week I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with author Emily Lynn Paulson to discuss the Culty-ness of MLMs. Guest Writer. com. and the need to escape • How Emily got involved in MLM as a way to escape and. Anna Davies. . . Through compassionate and educational informal chats, we work to end the stigma of "failure", in an machine systematically designed for you to fail. Publishers make digital review copies and audiobooks available for the NetGalley community to discover, request, read, and review. Emily is an author and speaks on sobriety and parenting. In her new book, Emily Lynn Paulson share the true story of how she signed up for the sisterhood, free cars, and the promise of a successful business of her. “When I got the diagnosis, I thought ‘OK,…When Business Insider spoke with a former multi-level marketing success story, Emily Lynn Paulson, she recounted the experience with caution, referring to everyone who joins an MLM as "a victim. <p>When #BossBabe culture goes wrong. Emily Lynn’s Bio: Emily Lynn Paulson is the author of Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing and Highlight Real: Finding Honesty and Recovery Beyond the Filtered Life. Emily Lynn Paulson started off selling skin care products on social media and felt "on top of the world" when the pay checks started rolling in. When #BossBabe culture goes wrong. Discover something new every day from News, Sports, Finance, Entertainment and more!. com for up to 70% off Spring Styles. . A cervical cancer survivor tells her story of how a MLM company urged her to use her diagnosis to sell more products. scheme. Emily Paulson was a MegaHun before certain circumstances in her life made her reevaluate her life choices and make some amends. This book does something a lot of anti-MLM documentaries don’t. @emilypaulson. Emily Lynn Paulson was a 33-year-old mother of five, married to a successful and supportive man and living a comfortable life in Seattle when a “friend” from the past reached out to her via. Emily Lynn Paulson was a 33-year-old mother of five, married to a successful and supportive man and living a comfortable life in Seattle when a “friend” from the past reached out to her via. Cult Liter with Spencer Henry • Episode 303. Hey huns! This week we are joined by author, TEDx speaker, and founder of the Sober Mom Squad, Emily Lynn Paulson. She signed up for the sisterhood, free cars, and the promise of a successful business of her own. Follow. Cult Babes! Boss Babes! Huns! This week I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with author Emily Lynn Paulson to discuss the Culty-ness of MLMs. So, Emily went. " Paulson spent four years working for the MLM she was a part of and earned $1 million during that time. Author of Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing and former member of an MLM she calls Rejuvinat, Emily Paulson, shares how she was first introduced to the group by a friend from school, how it seemed to be the perfec…Hey, Hun; an essay about "friends who still diet;" how to pronounce anything (even "segue"); and Gen Z being awesome againWhen #BossBabe culture goes wrong. . EMILY PAULSON’s Post EMILY PAULSON Best-Selling Author and Founder at Sober Mom Squad 10mo Report this post My second book, Hey Hun, is now available for pre-order!. Emily Lynn Paulson - Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing. com. In this episode, Emily Lynn Paulson discusses the intersection between Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) schemes and alcohol. Hun in a Millennial (MLMs with Emily Paulson). – Listen to The Dark Side of Multi Level Marketing: Women Selling Their Houses, Judging Each Other, and More with Emily. Anyone know the MLM in Emily Lynn Paulson’s book, “Hey Hun”? Currently reading her book on “sales, sisterhood, supremacy, and the other lies behind multilevel marketing” and she recounts her time in an MLM but fictionalizes it to “Rejuvanat” (which doesn’t exist). Check out this great listen on Audible. scheme. She had a picture perfect family with five kids and until almost three years ago, a secret an increasingly unmanageable drinking problem. While Paulson was one of the few MLM success stories, it ultimately led to addiction and compromised her physical and mental health. com's Emily Lynn Paulson Author Page. com. scheme. . EMILY PAULSON’S Post EMILY PAULSON Best-Selling Author and Founder at Sober Mom Squad 5mo Report this post Report Report. Emily Lynn Paulson is back on the show to talk about her mind blowing new book “Hey Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy and the Other Lies Behind Multi-Level Marketing”. Emily Lynn Paulson - Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing. Emily Lynn Paulson is the author of the new book Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing and Highlight Real: Finding Honesty & Recovery Beyond the Filtered Life. 1. Today, I’m sharing a Q&A (and many cringe photos) with my friend, author, and former #bossbabe Emily Lynn Paulson. scheme. Quite often, she said, she would drink while taking care of her. She signed up for the sisterhood, free cars, and the promise of a successful business of h… Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing by Emily Lynn Paulson | GoodreadsEmily Lynn Paulson is the author of Highlight Real: Finding Honesty and Recovery Beyond the Filtered Life, and the forthcoming Hey, Hun: Sales,. Emily Lynn Paulson was a 33-year-old mother of five, married to a successful and supportive man and living a comfortable life in Seattle when a “friend” from the past reached out to her via Messenger. Your first book is Free with trial!In this episode, Emily Lynn Paulson discusses the intersection between Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) schemes and alcohol. NetGalley helps publishers and authors promote digital review copies to book advocates and industry professionals. . Facebook. Let’s Talk About MLMs, 0rg@sms, and Liquid Courage. Share this post. Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing is the eye-opening, funny, and dangerous personal story of author Emily Lynn Paulson rising to the top of the pyramid in the multilevel marketing (MLM) world, only to recognize that its culture and business practices went beyond a trendy marketing scheme and. @themlmpolice · Feb 5, 2022. . The contractors’ earnings come from a multilevel commission system in which 96-99. . Emily Lynn Paulson is a writer, speaker, and the founder of Sober Mom Squad. She resides in Central Oregon with her husband and their five children. Mental Health. Updated: Jun 22, 2023 / 10:03 AM CDT. Emily Lynn Paulson Website – Visit Emily’s website to learn more about what she has going on! – Thank you to our Sponsors!She claims the companies exploit and victimize women for profit. I just downloaded the book on Audible and can’t wait to listen! Roberta actually interviews Robert in episodes 15 and 16 of Life After MLM. She has given two powerful TEDx talks, both challenging the status quo of parenting, alcohol use, and feminism as we know it. Paulson's experience as an MLM rep, mixed with her background as a chemist and an advocate for the truth, takes the reader on a. Author of Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing and former member of an MLM she calls Rejuvinat, Emily Paulson, shares how she was first introduced to the group by a friend from school, how it seemed to be the perfect way to bring purpose and. Emily Lynn Paulson. Writer, Mom of 5, Married to a great dude, Author of HIGHLIGHT REAL, and the forthcoming HEY HUN, founder of Sober Mom Squad PS. She has given two powerful TEDx talks, both challenging the status quo of parenting, alcohol use, and feminism as we know it. Everybody who is in an MLM is a victim before they come become a perpetrator. Courtesy of Emily Lynn Paulson Emily Lynn Paulson is the author of Highlight Real: Finding Honesty and Recovery Beyond the Filtered Life, and the forthcoming Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind. Instead, she ended up with. Why Emily? Well, she quite literally wrote the book on exposing MLM’s which comes out this May called Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing. Fitzpatrick. 4. “When I got the diagnosis, I thought ‘OK,… 96K Followers, 1,040 Following, 490 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Emily Lynn Paulson (@emilylynnpaulson) Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing (Row House Publishing,May 30, 2023) is the eye-opening, funny, and dangerous personal story of author Emily Lynn Paulson rising to the top of the pyramid in the multilevel marketing (MLM) world, only to recognize that its culture and businesspractices went. EMILY LYNN PAULSON is a writer, Certified Professional Recovery Coach, TEDx Speaker and the Founder of Sober Mom Squad. Top 3 Value Bombs 1. You don’t need to be accepted by others. She highlights the story of finding. How it led to her drinking addiction. Publishers make digital review copies and audiobooks available for the NetGalley community to discover, request, read, and review. 7 percent of people selling for MLMs lose money. Skip To Main Content. We discuss the dirty details that MLM companies don't want you to know, because, well, they're shady as hell! We also discuss her sobriety and the story behind it. com as an approved email address to receive files in your. Fun Fact for Non-History People: Between 96 and 99. She has written a book about the "dark side" of MLMs and. Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing and former member of an MLM she calls Rejuvinat, Emily Paulson, shares how she was first introduced to the group by a friend from school, how it seemed to be the perfect way. the myth of how easy it is to turn a profit in an MLM, the drastic disparity between top and bottom earners, and how she was encouraged to use her cancer story to sell more product. HEY, HUN: SALES SISTERHOOD, SUPREMACY, AND THE OTHER LIES BEHIND MULTILEVEL MARKETING is the eye-opening, funny, and dangerous personal story of author Emily Lynn Paulson rising to the top of the pyramid in the multilevel marketing (MLM) world, only to recognize that its culture and business practices went. EMILY LYNN PAULSON is a writer, Certified Professional Recovery Coach, TEDx Speaker and the Founder of Sober Mom Squad. Emilylynnpaulson. I have never seriously considered joining an MLM. Emily Lynn Paulson was a 33-year-old mother of five, married to a successful and supportive man and living a comfortable life in Seattle when a “friend” from the past reached out to her via. Author: Paulson, Emily Lynn. Author. At the time of her cervical cancer diagnosis in 2015, Emily Lynn Paulson was involved in a multi-level marketing (MLM) company — a business where individuals sign up to sell products, and then are encouraged to recruit others to distribute under them. Emily Lynn Paulson, author of “Hey Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing,” says she was introduced to MLMs about 10 years ago when she was a stay-at. Tune in for another…A woman spent 4 years working for an MLM and made $370,000 in a year. Im writing a book about it. Woo hoo! @barnesandnoble is having a 25% off all preorders sale through Friday! If you haven’t preordered Hey, Hun, now would be a great time (code: PREORDER25)!Social media is hating on the MLM 'huns' who shill for multi-level marketing schemes — but the outrage is missing the real scammersNetGalley helps publishers and authors promote digital review copies to book advocates and industry professionals. 96K Followers, 1,040 Following, 490 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Emily Lynn Paulson (@emilylynnpaulson)Jessica has been a licensed Esthetician and Makeup Artist since 2004. We discuss the dirty details that MLM companies don't want you to know, because, well, they're shady as hell! We also discuss her sobriety. When #BossBabe culture goes wrong. Rushion interviews Emily Lynn Paulson author of Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing. I’ll take false equivalency for $1000, Alex! MLM reps are not influencers, brand ambassadors, or product endorsers. This week, Chelsea sits down with Emily Lynn Paulson, author and former top performer in an MLM who left the industry and is telling all in her new book: Hey, Hun | Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing. She has given two powerful TEDx talks, both challenging the status quo of parenting, alcohol use, and feminism as we know it. In her past life, Emily was highly successful within an MLM, but after she got sober, the work she was doing within the MLM started to feel…icky. Emily Paulson of Seattle, Washington, is the founder of Sober Mom Squad, a supportive community for women exploring their relationships with alcohol. </b><br><br>HEY, HUN: SALES SISTERHOOD, SUPREMACY, AND THE OTHER LIES BEHIND MULTILEVEL MARKETING is the eye-opening, funny, and dangerous personal story of author Emily Lynn Paulson rising to. Episodes also discuss how Multi-Level Marketing negatively effects people’s lives as well as small businesses. Gray “helps you see that you’re not weak but strong for stopping drinking and going against the grain,” she said. Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing is the eye-opening, funny, and dangerous personal story of author Emily Lynn Paulson rising to the top of the pyramid in the multilevel marketing. 5. Emily Lynn Paulson said she made $1 million as an MLM consultant — but it wasn't worth the stress. Back Submit. A MUM-OF-FIVE who raked in millions by “exploiting” her cervical cancer diagnosis has revealed it is her biggest regret. Paulson will be discussing her new book, Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing, an eye-opening, funny, and dangerous personal story of author Emily Lynn Paulson rising to the top of the pyramid in the multilevel marketing. Author of Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing and former member of an MLM she calls Rejuvinat, Emily Paulson, shares how she was first. Publishers make digital review copies and audiobooks available for the NetGalley community to discover, request, read, and review. 14 Things Nobody Told You About Running A Social Impact CompanyReview: Hey Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing by Emily Lynn Paulson. March 2019. Emily Lynn Paulson said she made $1 million as an MLM consultant — but it wasn't worth the stress. . Author of Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing and former member of an MLM she calls Rejuvinat, Emily Paulson, shares how she was first introduced to the group by a friend from school, how it seemed to be the perfect way to bring purpose and. And while you do a clear job in the book of showing how much of that income was spent to sustain your MLM-contingent lifestyle (parties, trips, expensive products, gifts for your team, etc), is there any part of you that’s worried someone will pick. The former salesperson said she became a pariah on social media and "pushed away" loved ones. Heres a replay of one of the many questions Ive been asked on. At the time of her cervical cancer. Emily Lynn Paulson - Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing.