she needs to stop posting all those pics w her nipples out etc online. Liz please go incognito and drop the tea on your daughter cause she making. . Page 752 of 1186. I tried to listen to a couple of his interviews and I almost threw up. Gabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The Bad Girls Club Forum' started by TrillClinton, Feb 26, 2019. da dummy jumped the gun telling us she moved into her own place in the middle of still. . Randy says a person with real mental health issues wouldn’t use words like that. That’s why the friendship with Gabi, Dani, Celina and Aliza isn’t going to work. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Dani is just as insane as Gabi, maybe John and Russ can link up to serve a double restraining order funniest thing i read all day hahaGabi also lied in her new YouTube video and said she’s never came at anyone’s looks but muffins. the fans really do go nuts over any mention on social media and run to dm them about it. When she finally calls him, he pretends he wasn’t mad about the video but then. That’s Gabi and Dani except although they’re older, they’re in the same place and doing the same thing and the supporting characters are different because the old ones have grown and moved on. [MEDIA] She knows how to take pics better than gabi. Imagine Dani and Gabi’s reactions when they saw the thread got locked. 833 386. . ”. If Gabi and Dani seriously regret doing Bad Girls Club then they wouldn’t be beefing with other former Bad Girls and have Bad Girls Club or BGC as their hashtags Thanks x 6; LOL! x 1; Nov 1, 2020 #40050. righttime Active Member. 6 2 2 B. At this point we’re just watching reruns cause they’re still doing the same whack ass shit just. Thread starter TrillClinton; Start date Feb 26, 2019; Forums. Honestly, I don’t blame Liz for not putting money towards bringing Dani home (if true). The Bad Girls Club Forum. I predict shell make a only fans video with dani. Page. i think what irritates me the most about the twins is how pathetic they are at this big age. Gabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The Bad Girls Club Forum' started by TrillClinton, Feb 26, 2019. Then 1 hour later there’s Gabi in similar lighting in a similar interior color holding a. BestOnEarth. Page 1319 of 1321 < Prev 1 ← 1316 1317 1318. Page 1389 of 1482. Thread starter TrillClinton; Start date Feb 26, 2019; Forums. . Thanks x 7; Jul 7, 2020 #23525. . . Only post the dead black people and never speaking to white people about their wickedness. 1,565 886. Pick a side Gabrielle. Gabi and Dani Thread II. Gabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The. The conversation is still up, just the screenshots were taken down. . Gabi talking about Winter: I never liked the bitch she treated my sister like shit Also Gabi: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] *sigh* shit changes all. TV Show Alley. On Dani’s podcast, Jonica was a “little bitch” who wasn’t on Gabi’s level As for Dani, she’s geeking for Winter to drop a video so she can benefit from a shitload of extra views. You could have easily stalked Jonica while eating at Applebee's (y) Edit: Imagine if Gabi talked this much about something really important like a career. I think there’s a time and a place tho, dani has obviously got communication going on with Zeus, she could possibly organise some type of discussion. Those may not be the best accomplishments but it’s something, which is more than can be said for Dani who’s in LA wasting money she doesn’t have to take IG pictures and stalk men she had sex with probably 4 times in a month. Gabi and Dani Thread. . 132 36. I tried to get through Ms. Prev. TV Show Alley. Similar threads. . But no she's sitting at her momma's house with no job, no goals dreaming about an imaginary. I think this l ties into earlier fonts saying she is mentally delayed. This was Celina and Aliza listening to how Dani and Gabi get pumped and dumped . I know at one point he was getting bullied on the bus, too. MysteryEnchantress nothing to see here. It's beyond toxic. I know Dani and Gabi are weeeeping lol lmfao facts af , 100% AF PERIOD. Quick Links. leee123. . Danielle and Gabrielle love threatening to sue people. Gabi really considers herself a “goody two shoes” at the whopping age of 32. Thread starter TrillClinton; Start date Feb 26, 2019; Forums. She’s there by the skin of her teeth, if she didn’t have Matt or Franky to help pay bills and rent she wouldn’t be doing okay. I listened to both Gabi’s video and Trauma Queen’s and just wanna say Gabi reads here all the time and I do believe that was her in the R&J thread. I mean Gabi too, but nowhere near the extent of Dani, and having a kid has made her somewhat mature & have a focus. But there are thousands of YOUNGER prettier girls with better makeup and style on Instagram. Yassssss. Thread starter TrillClinton; Start date Feb 26, 2019; Forums. . Lawd, Gabi done went through and made lots of her pictures and videos public again. Because i was kicked off her live and can't see her story. Lol did y'all miss beak nosed winter blanco made herself an onlyfans when just barely a week ago she was talking shit about dani being on onlyfans. do I think there’s some truth to some of what Gabi said yes. . Page 744 of 1453. Gabi and Dani Thread II. "Hellonosy", bye nosy. Serving backpage realness, hunty. Page 1391 of 1518 < Prev 1 ← 1389 1390 1391. 983. . Page 497 of 599. She said Judi watches her YouTube and that’s how she knows what she posts, like no girl BGC tea Inc page used to post clips from her. She needs a vocal coach though because her singing voice isn’t that good. Dani said she messed with Taylor Kinney, Vinny for jersey shore, zack and CT from the real world and one other famous dude that she hasn’t t name dropped yet but said she was waiting for him to come. Dani was genuine toward her and it’s sad it came to this. Gabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The Bad Girls Club Forum' started by TrillClinton, Feb 26, 2019. This is a thread about Dani and Gabi, not a thread about astrology or "chart readings". The only reason dani wasnt like that toward winter is because she was so in awe of her n wanted to be her friend so badly. Gabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The Bad Girls Club Forum' started by TrillClinton, Feb 26, 2019. Dani's had a drug problem since she moved to, Los Angeles , When she went out with Randy, She didn;t want to drink too much coffee because of her adderall addiction , Gabi is also in denial as well when it comes to her weight, She admits to having the shits all the damn time and photoshopping and sayings she needs a breast reduction but in. Plenty of people have noticed. Like I really think she'd get M taken away and then Liz and Joe. Wasn’t it Dani that said teachers thought Gabi couldn’t read in school? 7 Feb 28, 2021 #47,734 Gabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The. Both lack self awareness and play the victim role to a tee. yeahhh Active Member. The rest were just regular guys. Go. I commented that earlier, it really irks me that her & Gabi both call it celibacy, even after Awilda explained the difference to them. Gabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The Bad Girls Club Forum' started by TrillClinton, Feb 26, 2019. Page 1107 of 1331. bareminimum. Gabi and Dani Thread II. . Page 755 of 1354. . After this swallow it interview with Aliza and Celina, I don’t think Dani will be able to get anyone else to come on, besides bad girls and maybe some. WTF. . . Judi had absolutely nothing to gain from doing a video. If you google victor twins and lipstick alley. Gabi and Victor don’t even speak from what Gabi has said so idk why Dani feels the need to speak on it. All these other ones she had just sound like they were dating or talking. Search titles only By:Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…Gabi and Dani Thread II. Not even Dani, Gabi, or even Jennifer the OGs of Bad Girls Club. Page. . Thanks x 10; Hugs! x 1; Jul 18, 2020 #24602. I just caught the end of Gabi’s live. This is my favorite so far: When she does the tongue thing cringe af gabi thinks she’s prettier than she really is[ATTACH] She literally would have never posed in a shower if jonica never did Omg why did Gabi post that? Her body looks like its melting. Page 1390 of 1566 < Prev 1 ← 1388 1389 1390. Page 714 of 1485. TV Show Alley. Gabi has called lee ugly, tall and has mentioned that. Lol when she falls out with Dani and Gabi she’ll see. Gabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The Bad Girls Club Forum' started by TrillClinton, Feb 26, 2019. Tea: people in winters live asking about dani. 3 4 2 cali melanin. Sour cream and onion. Gabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The Bad Girls Club Forum' started by TrillClinton, Feb 26, 2019. Status Not open for further replies. They're 30 years old still acting like they're on BGC. My question is this thread seems to be very Gabbi focused, but Danni is the crazier one to me. . Taylor Kinney, and Russ need to sue Gabi and Dani too for putting their business all over the internet. I couldn’t make it passed 4 minutesGabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The. Hush looks just like the type to square up with a female And I’m sure Dani would salivate over this cornball right hereGabi frustrates me because she could find a guy who makes good money right there in Massachusetts it at least in the east coast who she would be able to settle down with. . Gabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The Bad Girls Club Forum' started by TrillClinton, Feb 26, 2019. 304 36. That's all you and Gabi really do now in your YouTubes. Random, & I know moving to expensive ass LA played a role, but Dani REALLY fucked up her bag. 18 ARIESmarch21. By wildly entertaining I mean I have the feeling that Gabi’s well-deserved ass whooping is rapidly approaching. I need someone to make a list of all the men that fucked and blocked them and all the. MVP. That’s what gabi and Dani need to be doing, leaving as soon as the guys start talking crazy, but they mistake it for love. Joined Mar 26,. Celebrity Alley - Celebrity News and Gossip. Page. How did that right hook from , Elease , Taste , Gabi. People don’t want to network or friend. And sometimes she pulls it off, even though we know it’s photoshopped heavy! She relies on the fact that on their season they did look alike, she plays it like they still do but Gabi has let herself go massively and the only real time we see it is when she’s. Page 833 of 1545. For real if Gabi focused on her kid and career the way she did over p33n that doesn’t claim her she’d be ahead in life. I don’t blame Judi in the slightest for not wanting to alter her plans to film with Gabi. Just watched Dani’s most recent video. THE DUDE WHO GABI WAS GONNA FLY OUT TO SEE IS ALLEGEDLY DRAKE!!! This is according to Gabi’s “step sister,” AKA Joe’s girlfriend’s adult daughter, who spilled the tea on Twitter over a month ago. Dani goes to catch with one of their mutual friends; Winter said Dani had to her tittays hanging out and that’s why she couldn’t get in; Dani was making a scene and acting like a nut: the mutual friend was embarrassed and Winter continues to distance herself ; Incident 3: Cass. DaNi is talking about Moe being broke and fat and Gabi is there laughing at it all while she has a 13,000 bill in collections because of daNi’s. [MEDIA] Gabi just posted another video about moe. Amoryet Boopsi. And it’s the fact that JOE brought up M’s school situation - it probably didn’t even cross Gabi’s mind. It annoys me when Gabi and dani have the nerve to be nit picking picky ass eaters but can post and be proud of food they cook that looks like THIS lmaoooo just like all the food in gabis food tiktok and the. 61CEE22B-1501-4CD9-8583-A52EDEE1B322. Now this is the tea I needed. She’s out to eat with Dani, Celina, and Aliza. 233; 234; 235; First Prev 235 of 235 Go to page. LOL! x 22; Sad x 4; Jun 30, 2020 #22309. Celebrity Alley - Celebrity News and Gossip. Gabi talks a lot about the emotional aspect of relationships for a woman who’s only been used as. i’m 19 and if a guy ever said to me “if i could sketch the perfect woman for me it’d be you” i’d roll my fucking eyes. anotha one at this point im hoping she comes backGabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The. Go to page. some of you guys are leaning more towards dani’s side or just in the middle cause neither of them are innocent. Page. Also it would’ve been Dani, Gabi and Taylor all kekeeing while Moe just sat there (in my opinion) do I believe Moe, yes. Gabi ain't as broke as Dani but she don't got it like that. . Because. Page 711 of 808. The right side where the door is at too is blendedGabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The Bad Girls Club Forum' started by TrillClinton, Feb 26, 2019. EYEdentity posted. if anything, I bet Gabi tried to do a binding or a love spell on RUSS and something fucked up somewhere. Gabi fills her social media with photoshopped pics of her trying to look like Dani. Also Gabi and Dani now trying to shit on Winter for being drunk crying over a dude is a JOKE LOL like their whole life is being drunk and yelling about men tf! Like as much as winter doesn’t have a man, she sure as hell is. . Marcellus look handsome in that picture tho. 376 36. i just listened to it and the fact that it’s probably about Jonica makes me like it more. Reality Tea-V and Game Shows. . So just because we aren’t siding with Dani we have to be fans of winter? We’ve all said in this thread none of us like winter lol we even said there was some truth to what Dani said in her video but she purposely left things out in order to make herself look good. Catfish Gabi only uploads photoshopped thirst traps and wack ass IG pics begging for the same 5 ppl to comment 50x each… If it wasn’t for Dani and her nonsense she literally wouldn’t have had anything relevant to talk about these past few weeks. Gabi can't help Dani because they are equally insane, in denial about it, and unfortunately Gabi is hiding behind spirituality. And it’s absolutely pathetic that she’s done. I think I've discovered this thread around that time Gabi posted the Russ video. The point is Gabi and Dani do this shit all the time, why would Moe be any different since she went out of her way to befriend Gabi?Gabi and Dani Thread Discussion in 'The Bad Girls Club Forum' started by TrillClinton, Feb 26, 2019. Reality Tea-V and Game Shows.