@scumbelievable. @scumbelievable. Gretchen Felker-Martin. 1,215 members; Feb 25, 2023 · Aphex Twin, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Matmos, Mitski, Xiu Xiu, the Rolling Stones, Beach House, Soccer Mommy, Wye Oak Feb 14, 2023 · Those threats seem to come disproportionately from people who appear to be deeply misinformed about the content of my actual work — most likely, I think, because they follow Felker-Martin or the hundreds (thousands?) of other medium-to-large Twitter accounts who gleefully spread misinformation about it (when they aren’t complaining about. In this conversation. Sometimes I still feel kind of stunned by how totally and completely inept The Rise of Skywalker was as a movie. INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS. Books ;. @scumbelievable. Gretchen Felker-Martin @scumbelievable Caitlin R. . 5:19 PM · Jan 15, 2020 · Twitter Web Client. Let's do an AMA. Objectivity has never been the goal of any critic. Quote Tweet. 31. Total Tim @TotalTimWright. ”Gretchen Felker-Martin. Mount Rushmore of TV finales is such a great idea. ”Gretchen Felker-Martin. " 8:46 PM · Jul 31, 2022. Hit me. Gretchen Felker-Martin. Feb 18, 2023 · Well-known transgender horror author Gretchen Felker-Martin said she wanted to slit J. Gretchen Felker-Martin. 5. “Who, in your opinion, is the single greatest villain in the history of cinema?”Gretchen Felker-Martin @scumbelievable I wrote about M. ”“RT @scumbelievable: I think if you can't see how your "no kink at pride!" bullshit fed directly into the present moment's moral hysteria ab…”Gretchen Felker-Martin: I could not be happier. 4:35 AM · Apr 21, 2022 · Twitter Web App. Likes. Likes. ”“The first time I saw him he was still a kitten; the family downstairs from me and my then-partner had just adopted him. Gretchen Felker-Martin. Gretchen Felker-Martin on Twitter. Gretchen Felker-Martin. “She tells you about a treaty and a hab-stack where the fighting went room to room up thirteen hundred stories and an imperial commendation from the archons on Mars, but it's not really clear what happened. Gretchen Felker-Martin. Quote Tweets. Jul 4, 2020 · Gretchen Felker-Martin @scumbelievable "Filthcore queen. Universally considered one of the best people to work for, but look at where his money goes, what he pushes for. “They're gaming us into thinking they're our babies so we take care of them from Bimbo's Falafel Hut in Haifa buffoon's quit already, has he? Well if it worked for him with fatherhood, I'm sure it's good enough for this "Twitter" nonsense. Gretchen Felker-Martin. (1800s twitter) not gothic novels romanticizing cannibalism. Likes. “I write something bad, usually, and fix it later. ”Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin. Gretchen Felker-Martin. 10:35 PM · Jul 10, 2023. Gretchen Felker-Martin. refuse to have any part in the rehabilitation of Andrea Dworkin as a thinker or an activist. it’s ridiculous to judge people on what they had to. She's pretty good at it! But, like, have some perspective. I Don't Wanna Grow Up (And Neither Can You) | Gretchen Felker-Martin on Patreon. Page 1 of . 4:27 AM · Aug 31, 2021. @scumbelievable. The 800,000th "feminist reappraisal of Picasso" is such a hilariously stupid thing to get blood on your hands over. Quote Tweet. Are you 18 years of age or older? Yes, I am 18 or older. Gretchen Felker-Martin. “The lives of trans people all over the world are constantly impinged on and openly threatened by TERFs. @scumbelievable. Gretchen Felker-Martin. Fictionally. @scumbelievable. "Gretchen Felker-Martin @scumbelievable A guy who has spent decades getting kicked in the head by the horse of ultra-wealthy existence decides whether people live or die based on whether he remembers to pay his bills. Retweet. The Last Man meets The Girl With All the Gifts in Gretchen Felker-Mar. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . “Just another hot fat goth girl a patron of Gretchen Felker-Martin today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators. @scumbelievable. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. I can't stop laughing at this. Gretchen Felker-Martin, a horror writer who has gotten glowing coverage from outlets like NPR, has blamed commentators she doesn't like, myself included, for. noooo don't start this Gretchen. No matter how terrifying, I want the truth. The rich have absolutely no connection whatsoever to reality. Felker-Martin is a film critic and the author of Manhunt. Gretchen Felker-Martin. It's funny that . RT @scumbelievable: DUNKIRK is an interesting little showcase of all the things at which Christopher Nolan is best and worst. Sep 7, 2021 · “"IT DOESN' MADDA WHEDDA THEY'RE IN DA MATRIX OR NOT; CONSCIOUSNESS IS ITS OWN PRISON, AN' DA FIVE SENSES AH' ITS WARDENS! DA TRUTH IS, YEH JUST AFRAID *WE'RE* IN DA MATRIX, AN' EVEN IN A BOUNDLESS DIGITAL WONDAHLAND YEH LIVIN A COWAHD'S LIFE, LIKE A DOG!"” Apr 19, 2022 · Gretchen Felker-Martin. it's complex. 9K. i love this so much. 118. Gretchen Felker-Martin. In Gretchen Felker-Martin's electric debut novel Manhunt, the book's nightmare world is populated with everyone left — mostly cisgender women, but there are also plenty of non-binary people. The Russian support for the war oscillates around 3/4 acc to independent surveys. — Gretchen Felker-Martin (@scumbelievable) April 21, 2022 But there are still some readers who are bothered by the fact that Felker-Martin killed off Rowling in their book. Likes. @scumbelievable. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. ”it's really amazing to see people actually take the Green and Black positions as, like, party lines in real life. Gretchen Felker-Martin. Horror || Beth and Fran spend their days traveling the ravaged New England coast, hunting feral men and. 11. Felker. It's the final day of the third annual Deadlights Film Festival, and we're kicking things off at 1pm with a double feature of BREAKDOWN and SORCERER! 3:19 PM · Jun 17, 2023 · 9,207. 7:08 AM · Mar 24, 2023. . Gretchen Felker-Martin. @scumbelievable. ☁️ ethan's little pogchamp ☁️ Retweeted Gretchen Felker-Martin once again its trans masc and trans men being turned into monsters. DUCKWRTH. @scumbelievable. “Jesse Singal is doing the job Goebbels did, priming the public to think of certain negative things when it hears the word "transgender", but his work is much more plausibly deniable, coming not from the party machine but from a single journalist. Conversation“I've always wanted to see the Bay of Fundy she's truly the worst. 10. 74. 6. Views. The point is to find critics whose work challenges/stimulates/interests you, whether because their taste aligns with yours or because it differs, and to use their work to help you build the lens through which you view art. lawyer for otuher rats. “@wychstreet Eastwood, for instance. Gretchen Felker-Martin. Gretchen Felker-Martin. Retweet. You can follow her work on Twitter: @scumbelievable. nick“I wrote about the horrific feminine and the use of women's dreams and interiority in horror film for @WatchVRV! Felker-Martin. Gretchen Felker-Martin. 8:37 PM · Jul 31, 2022 · Twitter Web App. J. 5-ton predatory cetacean than i do with a billionaire Sep 2, 2021 · Video games as an art form are ultimately the most consensual way to experience questionable action. Gretchen Felker-Martin is a Massachusetts-based horror author and film critic. 174. Likes. “I wish this article went a lot harder, but my god, what a crushingly depressing portrait of a human being. 22 from Tor Nightfire Represented by @dreamoforgononCouldn't stop thinking about the response to raytheon sponsoring the hugos so here's my responseGretchen Felker-Martin @scumbelievable The experience of being homeschooled is completely encapsulated by the time I went to a book club for homeschooled teens and there was a girl there dressed in a crushed velvet revolutionary war uniform who introduced herself by saying "I fancy myself a bit of a libertine"I would like to be a siren. You did this you feckless, evil coward. ”Gretchen Felker-Martin. See new Tweets. 5. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersGretchen Felker-Martin. Gretchen Felker-Martin. 22. Gretchen Felker-Martin @scumbelievable Sometimes I forget that I'm 30 feet tall and my skin is made of iron and my blood is poison and I can't be killed or injured and wolves and coyotes obey my every command, so I tweet something a little mean and entire nations are laid waste. . Likes. Gretchen Felker-Martin on Twitter. 2. Dec 28, 2022 · Gretchen Felker-Martin @scumbelievable (sprinting into an active minefield) INTRODUCTION OF THE TERM "BIMISOGYNY" IS A CLEAR ATTEMPT BY CIS WHITE WOMEN TO CLAW BACK GROUND THEY FEEL THEY'VE LOST TO TENTATIVE AND LIMITED CULTURAL ACCEPTANCE OF CONCEPTS LIKE MISOGYNOIR AND TRANSMISOGYNY Apr 19, 2022 · 7:15 AM · Apr 19, 2022 · Twitter Web App. There's no trick. 7:57 PM ·. The New York Times. 3:06 AM · Oct 7, 2019. “russian nesting gremlins, each living inside the mouth of the next, all of them different classes but progressively weaker Felker-Martin on Twitter. “a dog man driving a tank. 6:00 AM · Aug 30, 2022. Jesus Christ alive. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. “It's been a minute, so let's do an AMA”Gretchen Felker-Martin is creating Filth | Patreon. Le Guin Lilith's Brood, Octavia Butler The Books of Blood, Clive Barker IT, Stephen King We Have Always Lived in the Castl…more A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula. @scumbelievable. Quotes. Jun 17, 2023 · i have more in common with a 4. Felker-Martin @scumbelievable "Filthcore queen. K. ”Gretchen Felker-Martin @scumbelievable I don't think I understood how bad misinformation has gotten on this dump until I tried to figure out what's going on in France and the algorithm just showed me hundreds of hairy, shriveled ball sacks squealing about blood purity and the need to kill immigrants at the border“Ceding this argument, claiming that children are in danger of being snatched or attacked by queer/trans people who are outwardly "freakish" by social standards is just feeding the crocodile who'll eat you next. 1 day ago · Facebook Twitter Email. MissyJack #lgbtiqacab. Feb 22, 2022 · Log in. 3:08 AM · Feb 14, 2023. @scumbelievable. Quote Tweets. BITTER EDGE: A Twitter Choose-Your-Path Story Gretchen Felker-Martin. You just finish it and call it finished and that's it. @scumbelievable. “My agent found me, rather than the other way around. Gretchen Felker-Martin. 349. Matte paintings, animatronics, clever use of miniatures, etc. I've run out of energy to mount good-faith arguments against their beliefs, which boil down to moralization of their own shrieking fascist revulsion. 49. a goblind for all seaosns Rumfitt's TELL ME I'M WORTHLESS with absolutely no idea how to combat fascism) here's how we combat fascism”<style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . It isn't happening. @scumbelievable. @thathagengrrl. via podcast. . lollllll I have scumbelievable blocked bc I found her SO unpleasant during the Nicole Cliffe/Pete Buttigieg “scandal. 57. com/yRF2CNPi2b — Gretchen Felker-Martin (@scumbelievable) April 21, 2022 One, she is killed as a result of a cisgender friend with PCOS contracting. @scumbelievable. Her behavior since is completely in line with that derangement. The archaeopteryx or whatever confounded tangle of Greek they've saddled it with. 21. Gretchen Felker-Martin. 7:53 PM · Jun 2, 2023. Oct 7, 2019 · SKIN / BONE A choose-your-path adventure by Gretchen Felker-Martin. Jemisin never apologized or took responsibility for what they did to Isabel Fall. “Get your work out. 869. “"If we meet again in the next life, I will be your sworn enemy and I will show you no mercy. It isn't unchanging. 57. Retweets.