First, water facilitates the transfer of ions between minerals and within minerals, and therefore increases the rates at which metamorphic reactions take place. B. 09290304 × 121 m² = 11. A room has an area of 121 ft2 but carpeting is only sold in m2. It stops elements from moving around within Earth's crust. It stops elements from moving around within Earth's crust. 0 Answers/Comments. Water affects metamorphic processes in that: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. Weegy: In general, Making a prediction step of the scientific method generally follows forming a hypothesis. It stops elements from moving around within Earth's crust. B. f. Weegy: Water pressures lower than the rock pressure cause metamorphic reactions to run at lower temperatures. Pure water is a colorless liquid. A room has an area of 121 ft2 but carpeting is only sold in m2. User: Word how does water affect metamorphic processes? Weegy: Water affects metamorphic processes in that: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved [ substances. How does water affect metamorphic processes? A. It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. It prevents the transfer of ions between and within minerals. It stops elements from moving around within Earth's crust. How does water affect metamorphic processes? A. Water affects metamorphic processes in that: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. Asked 7/11/2019 10:08:03 PM. B. Pure water is a colorless liquid. -is how does water affect metamorphic processes. 0 Answers/Comments. User: How does water affect metamorphic processes? Weegy: Water affects metamorphic processes in that: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved [ substances. D. It decreases the rate at which metamorphic reactions take place. Water affects metamorphic processes in that: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved [ substances. Time. weegy. B. It stops elements from moving around within Earth's crust. weegy. What's a black hole . It decreases the rate at which metamorphic reactions take place. Updated 5/29/2020 10:26:36 PM. It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. Weegy: Based on the size and shape of the Clasts in the sedimentary rock shown on the image,. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or. It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. Pure water has an acidity of about 7 on the pH scale. Score 1. B. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. D. D. -is one way water affects metamorphic processes. Log in for more information. Log in for more information. Weegy: Water pressures lower than the rock pressure cause metamorphic reactions to run at lower temperatures. D. Question. User: meaning of variable (More) A variable is a factor that can change in quality, quantity, or size, which you have to take into account in a situation. How much carpeting is needed to carpet the. 0 Answers/Comments. It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. It prevents the transfer of ions between and within minerals. It stops elements from moving around within Earth's crust. B. Weegy:Water affects metamorphic processes because it can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. D. identifying variables C. -is one way water affects metamorphic processes. C. Cezss. C. Log in for more information. How does water affect metamorphic processes? Weegy: Water in a metamorphic processes is often superheated. Weegy: Clay, silt, sand, pebbles are the types of sediment in order from smallest to largest. 11. Updated 3/13/2021 9:26:42 PM. How does water affect metamorphic processes? A. Updated 3/13/2021 9:26:42 PM. Score 1 User: What is chemical weathering? Weegy: Chemical weathering is the process by which rocks are decomposed, dissolved or loosened by. It stops elements from moving around within Earth's crust. D. D. ] Score 1. It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. Question. Log in for more information. D. It stops elements from moving around within Earth's crust. How much carpeting is needed to carpet the room?Water affects metamorphic processes in that by: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. Score 1 User: A geologist discovers fossils of marine animals in a layer of sedimentary rock in the desert. Weegy: An important feature of Emergency Operation Plans is that they: provide a uniform response to all hazards that a. Rating. C. Added 6/25/2019. C. Score 1 User: Which factor affecting metamorphic process is most likely to cause foliation in a rock Weegy: Pressure in metamorphic process is most likely to cause foliation in a rock. Asked 5/6/2019 7:43:45 PM. It stops elements from moving around within Earth's crust. B. It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substancesHow does water affect metamorphic processes? A. f. designing an experiment D. 1. Asked 169 days ago|11/21/2022 3:29:00 PM. D. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Water affects metamorphic processes in that: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. which of the following is a physical property of a substance . C. How does water affect metamorphic processes? New answers Rating 3 Grace12 Water affects metamorphic processes in that it can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. User: How does water affect metamorphic process Weegy: Water affect metamorphic processes as It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. Question. Question. It stops elements from moving around within Earth's crust. It prevents the transfer of ions between and within minerals. Asked 7/6/2019 7:54:04 PM. D. 8. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or. Updated 10/10/2019 2:50:29 AM. C. It stops elements from moving around within earths crust. It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. Water affects metamorphic processes in that: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. D. Weegy: In general, Making a prediction step of the scientific method generally follows forming a hypothesis. Water affects metamorphic processes in that: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. 5/6/2023 3:31:13 AM| 3 Answers. It stops elements from moving around within Earth's crust. C. Asked 169 days ago|11/21/2022 3:29:00 PM. emdjay23. Log in for more information. Question. It prevents the transfer of ions between and within mineralsWater affects metamorphic processes in that by: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. D. How does water affect metamorphic processes? A. Water affects metamorphic processes in that: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. Expert Answered. New answers. How does water affect metamorphic processes? It decreases the rate at which metamorphic reactions take place. Expert Answered. 1 Answer/Comment. Log in for more information. C. It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. It prevents the transfer of ions between and within minerals. 24 m². Log in for more information. B. User: how does water effect metamorphic processes? Weegy: Water affects metamorphic processes in that: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. Weegy: The separation of sediments into layers that. User: How does water affect the metamorphic process? Weegy: It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. C. ] Expert answered|MichellDonovan|Points 7477|. identifying variables C. D. Log in for more information. which of the following is a physical property of a substance . Log in for more information. Log in for more information. Water is the main fluid present within rocks of the crust, and the only one that we’ll consider here. C. C. making an observation B. It prevents the transfer of ions between and within minerals. Score . weegy. D. -statement identifies an observation, based on the scientific method. Pure water is a colorless liquid. It decreases the rate at which metamorphic reactions take place. 0 Answers/Comments. Score 1 User: The separation of sediments into layers that differ from one another in texture, composition, color, or weathering characteristics is known as Weegy:. -is how does water affect metamorphic processes. It stops elements from moving around within Earth's crust. This conversation has been flagged as incorrect. It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. D. It prevents the transfer of ions between and within minerals. Updated 12/20/2020 9:25:49 PM. It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. It can have elevated concentrations of dissolved substances. Question. Weegy: Brain disorders are one of the many seriously damaging effects of alcohol. How does water affect metamorphic processes? It decreases the rate at which metamorphic reactions take place. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Question|Asked by anthonyreyes. B. D. B.