FAQ; RulesQuick links. Quick linksJessica Clements - Page 35 - Guru Gossip. Keep it classy and respectful. Skip to content. 1099 posts Page 6 of 55. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipQuick links. she's looking very matronly lately, and she's only 27. FAQ; RulesRe: Jessica Clements Post by nutfreak » Wed Feb 26, 2020 1:35 am wild_fire wrote: Makes me think that he is the brain and camera behind the whole thing, which would explain why Jess's youtube is in the toilet and now Sanne's channel has evolved so much (good managing +))))) and yes, definitely the same type of content that. And also she doesn’t exude real happiness, she comes across as slightly miserable. FAQQuick links. Jessica was born on 31 December 1993, in Boston, Massachusetts USA under the zodiac sign of Capricorn. I found a website (most likely a Chinese website) that has some of the trip vlogs that Eric took with her about 6 years ago. Oh god that nose, makes me think of Woody Woodpecker. FAQ; RulesQuick links. Discussions on YouTube Beauty Gurus, Influencers, Vloggers and Personalities. No matter how fat Jessica gets, her ankles and calves stay thin. FAQ; RulesQuick links. I did not see those Brandy Melville images, frankly I’m shocked, I thought she had a far better physique. He met her way before his current girlfriend Sanne. FAQQuick links. she does! she uses dr barbara sturm's overpriced useless sun drops, and it shows She looks like she belongs on one of those garbage reality shows, the real wives of wherever. Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:35 pm. FAQQuick links. FAQ; RulesQuick links. Quick linksQuick links. ↳ The Gurus Against Guru Gossip; ↳ Troll Hall of Fame; GET HELP OR TECHNICAL SUPPORT; ↳ Requests; ↳ Username Changes; ↳ Questions/Help; ↳ Errors; ↳ Tapatalk Errors. Sanne and him seem to be comfortable with one another Is he just friends with many female models and gay or does he actually. As for the VS model lookalike, she looks like Andreea Diaconu too especially when I first saw her and Andreea is my fave model. Quick links. FAQQuick links. Broader shoulders tend to be overlooked if the chest is bigger, and wide hips are okay with longer legs. Quick links. FAQ; RulesQuick links. FAQQuick links. Erik can seem a little overly sensitive at times, but his positive and go-getter attitude makes up for it. Am not opposing body positivity, but if maintaining weight is part of her. FAQErik Conover/ Jessica Clements - Page 31 - Guru Gossip. ↳ The Gurus Against Guru Gossip; ↳ Troll Hall of Fame; GET HELP OR TECHNICAL SUPPORT; ↳ Requests; ↳ Username Changes; ↳ Questions/Help; ↳ Errors; ↳ Tapatalk Errors. I have to agree, it's not her. FAQ; RulesQuick links. FAQQuick links. 6k. FAQJessica Clements - Page 37 - Guru Gossip. FAQQuick links. Re: Jessica Clements Post by wild_fire » Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:50 pm OK, not that Jessica needs my validation, but I think Pete is a keeper (unlike Max): he's good looking (in my opinion), he seems funny, he's acomplished (unlike her) and most importantly, he seems to treat her like a queen. FAQ; RulesQuick links. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipQuick links. And I felt for her when she looked SO uncomfortable and trying to cover it up by giggling - I unfortunately have that same tendency. To be honest, I for one can do without her so called recovery story and the rest of her bullshit. FAQ; RulesQuick links. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipJessica Clements - Page 51 - Guru Gossip. FAQ; RulesQuick links. 14. FAQQuick links. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipJessica Clements. Re: Erik Conover/ Jessica Clements Post by 1873 » Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:23 pm So a video titled "broke up on Valentine's Day 2. Quick linksQuick links. pbored wrote:I'm starting to think bouncing around women and flirting with them on instagram is Max's way of "marketing" himself and becoming more famous. It's like she constantly needs to let everyone know she has sex, like cool we get it you're not the only one. ↳ The Gurus Against Guru Gossip; ↳ Troll Hall of Fame; GET HELP OR TECHNICAL SUPPORT; ↳ Requests; Re: Erik Conover/ Jessica Clements Post by 1873 » Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:23 pm So a video titled "broke up on Valentine's Day 2. Meh. Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:36 pm. FAQ; RulesQuick links. FAQ; RulesThoughts on Jessica Clements? Reactions: 1 user NewYorkSkinny SkinnyGossip Royal. FAQQuick links. She doesn't seem to have worked for a long time, more than a year, like before covid. I did not even know there is a gossip chat for Jessica Clements from her Eric era. Re: Jessica Clements. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipQuick links. Discussions on YouTube Beauty Gurus, Influencers, Vloggers and Personalities. 1873. Quick linksQuick links. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipQuick links. Quick links. Jessica and Max were best friends way before Sanne and Max got together, and it was obvious Jessica was in love with him. Guru Gossip. FAQQuick links. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipQuick links. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipJessica Clements - Page 36 - Guru Gossip. FAQQuick links. Quick linksQuick links. FAQQuick links. Erik Conover/ Jessica Clements - Page 17 - Guru Gossip. FAQQuick links. jpg sooo much better before. 3. FAQ Re: Jessica Clements Part 2 Post by Evil_robot » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:04 pm I think her body type is probably triangle - because her shoulders are super broad. Quick links. He got a huge boost from Jess when she was flirting with him after her and Erik broke up, and i would imagine people are paying him more attention now that they're wondering whether he's. FAQQuick links. by wild_fire » Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:12 pm. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipMax and Jessica had a friend-work relationship. But her personality is super annoying and too frustrating to watch. From her recent story, I think she’s losing some weight…. Re: Jessica Clements Part 2 Post by SunnyBunny » Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:00 pm After watching all these LA "fashion" and "beauty" gurus, I can't help but start thinking that people in LA have different standards for what is acceptable and decent in terms of outside clothes. Quick linksQuick links. Re: Jessica Clements Post by andreea42 » Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:57 pm The last time she talked about the wedding was with that "search for perfect wedding. I used to really like her because she seemed weird and humble but something has gone up to her head lately and she's just become so fake, so basic. And to leave you with a couple of juicy nuggets, here is Jessica at the peak of her ballerina career. . Yes, I totally see your point of view. Top. Quick linksQuick links. Since she's been in LA for a few months now, it makes you wonder why she's still paying rent in NY. Maybe filler, but maybe just filter =)))) and a lot of lip liner. Jump to page:. FAQQuick links. Members. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipQuick links. Bigger lips, smaller nose, bigger cheekbones, better faceshape, bigger eyes, rounder ass, bigger thigh gap, she photoshops everythings. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipQuick links. That girl has very chubby lower legs and upper arms, none of which can be seen on Jessica even at her heaviest. I thought her legs. FAQ Joined: Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:28 pm. Re: Jessica Clements Post by Cherub » Sun Jan 01, 2017 10:50 pm Yeah, she was in his first vlog of 2017,and had breakfast with Raya and him (you can tell by that cup to Erik's right in the frame, and the photo that Jess posted on IG was the same place. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipQuick links. Jess has dead eyes and no expression also, it doesn't help that her hips aren't 34 with her beQuick links. To my understanding, commercial modeling makes more than high fashion modeling (unless it's like a campaign). FAQQuick links. Quick links. Re: Jessica Clements Part 2 Post by wild_fire » Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:51 pm 1st photo: what Jessica likes to pretend she looks like for her blind delusional ass-kissing minions vs 2nd photo: what Jessica really looks like. if so, she'd gain the size on the breasts quickly with gaining weight. FAQQuick links. Erik lost his way on YouTube towards the end of their relationship and became desperate. FAQJessica Clements - Page 36 - Guru Gossip. I really enjoy them. 1099 posts Page 6 of 55. On top, her shoulders are broad and her chest is very small, and on bottom, she has wide hips and short legs. FAQQuick links. Welcome to the community dedicated to all things Jessica Clements. 3. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipQuick links. Her upper eyelids looked like a mix of all rusty, shimmery colours she could find on her palettes, the under eyes were straight up yellow, nose - brown, cheekbones - gray and cheeks - coldass pink, lips - 20 shades of pink and multiple textures. FAQJessica Clements - Page 23 - Guru Gossip. Gossiper. Quick links Re: Jessica Clements Post by wild_fire » Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:02 pm Well, the way I see it, if someone is OK with their body, they don't feel the need to photoshop it, or pose strategically. He management her influencer career. 14. But she definitely isn't "french girl cool", she just doesn't have it and she is definitely trying too hard. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipQuick links. FAQQuick links. FAQ; RulesQuick links. Quick links. FAQQuick links. Quick linksQuick links. FAQQuick links. FAQ; Rules Re: Jessica Clements Post by wild_fire » Thu Jun 08, 2023 9:19 pm I don't have a lot of time, so I will have to come back to discuss Jessica's weight, fahshun sense [ SunnyBunny], attending a premiere where she stuck out like a sore thumb and debunk her claim to 5'10" for the millionth time. I have to agree, it's not her. He's also really awkward in every Maldives video I've watched. FAQQuick links. Through him Sanne basically got her fame through social media. FAQQuick links. He got a huge boost from Jess when she was flirting with him after her and Erik broke up, and i would imagine people are paying him more attention now that they're wondering whether he's with Jess or Sanne. all her snapchats are either her showing off her fake tanned body or a selfie that looks exactly the same as the 876342364 selfies before, with that dumb smile she does trying to make her lips look fuller or something. He met his current girlfriend on a rooftop party through their old model agency they both were assigned to. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipJessica Clements - Page 52 - Guru Gossip. FAQJessica Clements - Page 27 - Guru Gossip. seems over the top for a FWB situation!Quick links. Jessica Clements. Sooner rather than later, because her current sponging luxurious lifestyle won't last forever, just like her looks. FAQ; RulesJessica Clements - Page 35 - Guru Gossip. Re: Erik Conover/ Jessica Clements. Jess is bland, barely IG famous, and has a hard-to-work-with body. 1099 posts. Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:35 pm. No matter how fat Jessica gets, her ankles and calves stay thin. So Max was a bit of a failed model (has done random catalogue work. FAQQuick links. She doesn’t really have a personality BUT she’s gorgeous AND she’s enjoyed more success in modelling than Jess has. Quick linksGuru Gossip. 16" was just uploaded and a lot of comments were either asking if it is real or just clickbait and a lot of complaining about clickbait. It's like she constantly needs to let everyone know she has sex, like cool we get it you're not the only one. if she's trying to move on I don't know why she would dwell on the past and introduce him to new viewersl think she's trying to flaunt how well she's doing and how happy she is for Erik's benefit. Discussions on YouTube Beauty Gurus, Influencers, Vloggers and Personalities. FAQ Quick links. Discussions on YouTube Beauty Gurus, Influencers, Vloggers and Personalities. 14. btom Learner Posts: 46. Her Instagram has her posing with the Hadids and other VS models. If she's smart enough, she'll venture into acting since she's dating a TV producer. Skip to content. FAQQuick links. Re: Jessica Clements Part 2. To my understanding, commercial modeling makes more than high fashion modeling (unless it's like a campaign). Jump to page:. ICONIC; Jessica Clements. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk. quote=wild_fire post_id=4518083 time=1662583745 user_id=318286] OK guys, which one of you did it [img] Jessica Clements - Page 4 - Guru Gossip. Then the whole Max thing happened with the last Max and Jessica final Ireland trip where I think Jessica probably tried to put the move on Max while he was dating Sanne. Funny, I was watching Sanne's latest video and she was going to breakfast with Shopbop. Re: Jessica Clements Post by nutfreak » Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:23 am RagingHippo wrote: Watching her older videos, she used to be prettier and model worthy, in my opinion. Re: Jessica Clements Part 2. not so much ) She has gorgeous, absolutely GORGEOUS hair if you ask me, and she looks best with it slightly messy, sexy bedhead sort of thing, loose curls falling softly along her face or whatever. FAQQuick links. Quick linksQuick links. FAQ; RulesQuick links. btom Learner Posts: 46. Since she's been in LA for a few months now, it makes you wonder why she's still paying rent in NY. Forum. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipQuick links. by horcrux_dr » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:40 am. Feb 10, 2017 1,216 5,529 New York City. FAQGuru Gossip. FAQQuick links. FAQ; RulesQuick links. png I’m sorry, but how can she seemingly be so proud of her laziness, and the fact that she does absolutely nothing other than dolling herself up and taking selfies for a living? Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:47 am. FAQQuick links. tar Site Admin Posts: 26450. FAQ; RulesQuick links. As one flat-chested lady to another, I thought she looked beautiful in the video. Quick linksJessica Clements - Page 36 - Guru Gossip. . Quick links. Apr 2, 2018 #256 Blair Waldorf said: Yes, I totally see your point of. FAQRe: Jessica Clements Part 2 Post by Evil_robot » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:04 pm I think her body type is probably triangle - because her shoulders are super broad. FAQQuick links. And she easily could have done a normal asian inspired look but of course it had to be hyper sexual dress up doll that NO ONE is going to recreate. FAQ; Rules; Guru GossipQuick links. Post break up Erik is more bearable though. FAQQuick links.