(TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Terrance - Taylor 6. 24,885 likes ยท 24 talking about this. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Brittany - Taylor 3. Joseph - Taylor 8. Turner - Monte 2. Kyle - Taylor 7. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. That Marvel pic ended its run with $783M. This is this season's version of "Fish". NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Jasmine - Taylor1. Joseph - Taylor 8. Terrance - Taylor 6. Turner - Monte 2. Terrance - Taylor 6. Joseph - Taylor 8. BB22 Terms Stars - or *Stars*, is used to describe when feeds are blocked with an image of paint splatter and stars. Michael - Taylor 5. Jasmine - Taylor1. Joseph - Taylor 8. Terrance - Taylor 6. Kyle - Taylor 7. Joseph - Taylor 8. Michael - Taylor 5. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Jasmine - Taylor1. The House CC - Camp Comeback NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Michael - Taylor 5. Kyle - Taylor 7. Brittany - Taylor 3. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Brittany - Taylor 3. Turner - Monte 2. Kyle - Taylor 7. Brittany - Taylor 3. Older updates use this instead of '(TV)' for TV Show updates. Brittany - Taylor 3. Kyle - Taylor 7. Older updates use this instead of '(TV)' for TV Show updates. " The others agree. Thursdays @ 9PM. Kyle - Taylor 7. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Joseph - Taylor 8. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Kyle - Taylor 7. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Brittany - Taylor 3. Jasmine - Taylor1. Joker's Chat. Turner - Monte 2. Jasmine - Taylor1. Kyle - Taylor 7. Jasmine - Taylor1. Brittany - Taylor 3. Joseph - Taylor 8. Kyle - Taylor 7. Michael - Taylor 5. Thanks for reading and following along. Joseph - Taylor 8. Brittany - Taylor 3. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Joseph - Taylor 8. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Jasmine - Taylor1. Joseph - Taylor 8. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Terrance - Taylor 6. Michael - Taylor 5. Older updates use this instead of '(TV)' for TV Show updates. Keywords: television, reality, jokers updates, jokersupdates, cbs, spoilers, Live Feeds, Big Brother 13 spoilers, cbbus, jokersupdates. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Kyle - Taylor 7. This is this season's version of "Fish". Kyle - Taylor 7. Kyle - Taylor 7. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Turner - Monte 2. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Terrance - Taylor 6. Joseph - Taylor 8. Joseph - Taylor 8. Turner - Monte 2. Michael - Taylor 5. Brittany - Taylor 3. Jasmine - Taylor1. Jasmine - Taylor1. BBT - Big Brother Time (Pacific Timezone). Alyssa - Taylor 4. News & Announcements. Kyle - Taylor 7. PST for BB USA, EST for BB Canada. Jasmine - Taylor1. Brittany - Taylor 3. BBT - Big Brother Time (Pacific Timezone). 4:10 AM Feeds go down. Michael - Taylor 5. Jasmine - Taylor1. Brittany - Taylor 3. Brittany - Taylor 3. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Brittany - Taylor 3. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Jasmine - Taylor1. Joseph - Taylor 8. more. Terrance - Taylor 6. The House CC - Camp Comeback NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Read Jokersupdates. Brittany - Taylor 3. Turner - Monte 2. Terrance - Taylor 6. Brittany - Taylor 3. Kyle - Taylor 7. Turner - Monte 2. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Kyle - Taylor 7. Kyle - Taylor 7. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Joker's Updates | For the past 15 years, Jokers has been a large, humorous community based on everything from the premiere Big Brother site to pets and politics!BB22 Terms Stars - or *Stars*, is used to describe when feeds are blocked with an image of paint splatter and stars. Michael - Taylor 5. Kyle - Taylor 7. Turner - Monte 2. Brittany - Taylor 3. Terrance - Taylor 6. Alyssa - Taylor 4. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Turner - Monte 2. Brittany - Taylor 3. Joseph - Taylor 8. Terrance - Taylor 6. Turner - Monte 2. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Joseph - Taylor 8. "Come hell or hurricane" -conch 3:06 PM PT NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Terrance - Taylor 6. BB22 Terms Stars - or *Stars*, is used to describe when feeds are blocked with an image of paint splatter and stars. Times are displayed as Big Brother Time (BBT). Michael - Taylor 5. Thanks for reading and following along. Terrance - Taylor 6. Turner - Monte 2. Alyssa - Taylor 4. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Michael - Taylor 5. Jasmine - Taylor1. BBT - Big Brother Time (Pacific Timezone). Joseph - Taylor 8. Terrance - Taylor 6. Turner - Monte 2. PST for BB USA, EST for. Terrance - Taylor 6. This is this season's version of "Fish". Michael - Taylor 5. Monte says go right away and talk to people. Joseph - Taylor 8. Brittany - Taylor 3. Alyssa - Taylor 4. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. NT - Scott3325: Click to show 4 captures. Brittany - Taylor 3. Alyssa - Taylor 4. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Kyle - Taylor 7. The House CC - Camp Comeback NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Thursdays @ 9PM. Michael - Taylor 5. Jasmine - Taylor1. Brittany - Taylor 3. See ya when we see ya!The latest tweets from @JokersBBUpdatesThey can't take J&B but can take Matt. Kyle - Taylor 7. Brittany - Taylor 3. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Terrance - Taylor 6. Joseph - Taylor 8. Alyssa - Taylor 4. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Terrance - Taylor 6. The House CC - Camp Comeback NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. The House CC - Camp Comeback NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Brittany - Taylor 3. NT - Scott3325: Click to show 2 captures. Terrance - Taylor 6.