Jokers updates quick view. Older updates use this instead of '(TV)' for TV Show updates. Jokers updates quick view

 Older updates use this instead of '(TV)' for TV Show updatesJokers updates quick view  Michael - Taylor 5

(TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Terrance - Taylor 6. 24,885 likes ยท 24 talking about this. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Brittany - Taylor 3. Joseph - Taylor 8. Turner - Monte 2. Kyle - Taylor 7. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. That Marvel pic ended its run with $783M. This is this season's version of "Fish". NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Jasmine - Taylor1. Joseph - Taylor 8. Terrance - Taylor 6. Turner - Monte 2. Terrance - Taylor 6. Joseph - Taylor 8. BB22 Terms Stars - or *Stars*, is used to describe when feeds are blocked with an image of paint splatter and stars. Michael - Taylor 5. Jasmine - Taylor1. Joseph - Taylor 8. Terrance - Taylor 6. Kyle - Taylor 7. Joseph - Taylor 8. Michael - Taylor 5. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Jasmine - Taylor1. The House CC - Camp Comeback NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Michael - Taylor 5. Kyle - Taylor 7. Brittany - Taylor 3. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Brittany - Taylor 3. Turner - Monte 2. Kyle - Taylor 7. Brittany - Taylor 3. Older updates use this instead of '(TV)' for TV Show updates. Brittany - Taylor 3. Kyle - Taylor 7. Older updates use this instead of '(TV)' for TV Show updates. " The others agree. Thursdays @ 9PM. Kyle - Taylor 7. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Joseph - Taylor 8. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Kyle - Taylor 7. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Brittany - Taylor 3. Jasmine - Taylor1. Joker's Chat. Turner - Monte 2. Jasmine - Taylor1. Kyle - Taylor 7. Jasmine - Taylor1. Brittany - Taylor 3. Joseph - Taylor 8. Kyle - Taylor 7. Michael - Taylor 5. Thanks for reading and following along. Joseph - Taylor 8. Brittany - Taylor 3. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Joseph - Taylor 8. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Jasmine - Taylor1. Joseph - Taylor 8. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Terrance - Taylor 6. Michael - Taylor 5. Older updates use this instead of '(TV)' for TV Show updates. Keywords: television, reality, jokers updates, jokersupdates, cbs, spoilers, Live Feeds, Big Brother 13 spoilers, cbbus, jokersupdates. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Kyle - Taylor 7. This is this season's version of "Fish". Kyle - Taylor 7. Kyle - Taylor 7. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Turner - Monte 2. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Terrance - Taylor 6. Joseph - Taylor 8. Joseph - Taylor 8. Turner - Monte 2. Michael - Taylor 5. Brittany - Taylor 3. Jasmine - Taylor1. Jasmine - Taylor1. BBT - Big Brother Time (Pacific Timezone). Alyssa - Taylor 4. News & Announcements. Kyle - Taylor 7. PST for BB USA, EST for BB Canada. Jasmine - Taylor1. Brittany - Taylor 3. BBT - Big Brother Time (Pacific Timezone). 4:10 AM Feeds go down. Michael - Taylor 5. Jasmine - Taylor1. Brittany - Taylor 3. Brittany - Taylor 3. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Brittany - Taylor 3. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Jasmine - Taylor1. Joseph - Taylor 8. more. Terrance - Taylor 6. The House CC - Camp Comeback NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Read Jokersupdates. Brittany - Taylor 3. Turner - Monte 2. Terrance - Taylor 6. Brittany - Taylor 3. Kyle - Taylor 7. Turner - Monte 2. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Kyle - Taylor 7. Kyle - Taylor 7. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Joker's Updates | For the past 15 years, Jokers has been a large, humorous community based on everything from the premiere Big Brother site to pets and politics!BB22 Terms Stars - or *Stars*, is used to describe when feeds are blocked with an image of paint splatter and stars. Michael - Taylor 5. Kyle - Taylor 7. Turner - Monte 2. Brittany - Taylor 3. Terrance - Taylor 6. Alyssa - Taylor 4. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Turner - Monte 2. Brittany - Taylor 3. Joseph - Taylor 8. Terrance - Taylor 6. Turner - Monte 2. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Joseph - Taylor 8. "Come hell or hurricane" -conch 3:06 PM PT NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Terrance - Taylor 6. BB22 Terms Stars - or *Stars*, is used to describe when feeds are blocked with an image of paint splatter and stars. Times are displayed as Big Brother Time (BBT). Michael - Taylor 5. Thanks for reading and following along. Terrance - Taylor 6. Turner - Monte 2. Alyssa - Taylor 4. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Michael - Taylor 5. Jasmine - Taylor1. BBT - Big Brother Time (Pacific Timezone). Joseph - Taylor 8. Terrance - Taylor 6. Turner - Monte 2. PST for BB USA, EST for. Terrance - Taylor 6. This is this season's version of "Fish". Michael - Taylor 5. Monte says go right away and talk to people. Joseph - Taylor 8. Brittany - Taylor 3. Alyssa - Taylor 4. NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. NT - Scott3325: Click to show 4 captures. Brittany - Taylor 3. Alyssa - Taylor 4. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Kyle - Taylor 7. The House CC - Camp Comeback NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Thursdays @ 9PM. Michael - Taylor 5. Jasmine - Taylor1. Brittany - Taylor 3. See ya when we see ya!The latest tweets from @JokersBBUpdatesThey can't take J&B but can take Matt. Kyle - Taylor 7. Brittany - Taylor 3. Alyssa - Taylor 4. Terrance - Taylor 6. Joseph - Taylor 8. Alyssa - Taylor 4. (TV) - Indicates the update is from the TV episode content (such as an eviction show) (NL) - Indicates the update is 'Not Live'. Terrance - Taylor 6. The House CC - Camp Comeback NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. The House CC - Camp Comeback NT - Update is marked as subject line only, and contains 'No Text' in the post. Brittany - Taylor 3. NT - Scott3325: Click to show 2 captures. Terrance - Taylor 6.