Liv's life lipstick alley. 61,309. Liv's life lipstick alley

 61,309Liv's life lipstick alley  I don’t understand how that they they look good in a two piece bikini weighing 350 pounds or body on dresses that are way to short showing all the cellulite and big knee’s

Them kids probably forgot about her already. I’m way way way way way. . Source: Liv's life lipstick alleyanson county warrant list. In between her pausing the live to handle her 55 kids by 70 different fathers who were screaming bloody murder, Chrissy took the high road, only talked about what she deserves to have in life and would not direct anything she was saying to Liv only. Liv’s. Even better, does. At the time I thought why would she waste. Liv wants to live in a house and is tired of apartments. . However, will she be too tired to make it to the court house?. I don’t get that vibe from Niecy. I’m sure she does, cause you can tell Neshia is loving on that baby instead of threatening her with medicine and getting popped smh. And Liv got a car. Y’all must be new to Necie and only like her because of her calling Peppa out. Lipstick Alley ranks 456th among Forum sites. Goals. They swear they look good. We Loyalty Gang over here! You with it or you not!#LoyaltyGang You'd think she'd have figured out by now where babies come from and how to avoid them. Guess it didn’t work. I would love to see the size of the women Jerrod has had affairs with. All that he has another child blah blah blah now looks like her setting the stage to leave him for the light skin dude she was trying to have a baby with so she can have the light babies with loose curls she always wanted. She probably does this to everyone she gets "close" to, that's why she doesn't have. Me: Hi. . [ATTACH] Not sure what going out to eat has to do with flat pillows. 51 2 2. Olivia seems like a decent enough Mom. 53 followers. Liv said she only bought 400 lashes total, so the font that post bulk prices gave us insight on her business. Reviewers complaining about Lipstick. 5 posts. but poor Ryan gonna grow up thinking her brother touching her. I hate women like that, who feel like rudeness is a personality. Thanks x 14. If you're a fan of Mariah, I'm sure you will enjoy it too. Quick Links. #10. I thought to myself not for long if you left TX with an open court case. That’s something Liv can never teach them. She deserves all the bad karma heading her way, Also, someone brought up her sleeping with Brandon in his girlfriend's bed. You can hear her gasping for air with each pause she took. Many ,many years ago I was a waitress in a high paced restaurant in ATL. Brandon is sending a message to Jerrod, that he's the new man in the house, and for Jerrod to back off for good. That bizarre TONE!! That stupid "School Girl Persona". 32 minutes ago; Replies: 8 A lot of people victim blame, express disbelief, or heck even anger at suicide victims they don't know. Red lipstick on babies, that she has hugged up against a random man. Thanks x 13 WTF! The "boy toy" admitted Liv wanted to eat his butt hole because she said thats what she does to all the guys. O’Liar posting pictures Florida beach scenes one she captured freedom. btw I hate this maintenance they need to hurry up and get my shabby life thread back working. I say the hell with that. Quick Links. Those kids will suffer in the long run! I think Storm is Liv in the future who came to warn her what will happen if she doesn't change her ways like in Terminator. She did and she got braids too. Some of the plus size channels make me cringe. Olivia (Johnson) Webb, formally, "Living with the Webbs" and professional shit starter, has changed her channels name to "Liv's Life". Not sure of this was posted She talks to him like a bitch, he stayed for way too long, he couldn't say nothing and she would give him attitude. she's extremely girly, feminine and mindful of moment to moment. Liv's Life: Living My Best Lie! Discussion in ''Net Famous' started by WorkInProgress, Oct 9, 2018. she regularly spewes hate foul language and inappropriate behavior going against the YouTube guidelines. Any kids of mine will do as I say or get dealt with, point, blank, period and I’m not going to keep repeating myself like Liv does. She’s so always putting her husband and kids on a pedestal. Alleybux. Liv can’t control those kid’s and wants Jerrod to come back to be the disciplinarian. THIS! He was in BlahMa’s live on YouTube a few days ago ans I was sitting there like dawg, you ain’t gonna do anything!!!! You mean to tell me that he was sitting on his big pansy ass entertaining a stupid ass reactor’s live? He is chilling and watching his children be exposed to tons of shit. Livs on IG putting on makeup at 3pm in the same exact clothes she had on when she did her late night youtube live last night. ugh. He says she can never apologize for the shit she does even though he always admits his faults because he’s not perfect. Hopefully she sticks too it, we all should be getting healthy I know I am. . She. Liv’s ugly ass ! She’ll be all but pregnant. Celebrity Alley - Celebrity News and Gossip. She knew people would react and run with it. Them kids deserve better from both parents! Yesterday on live Ryann came in and told her she booboo’d and her ass didn’t change her until about 30-40 minutes later bc she was too busy running her flaps about Neisha. . #36,221. Something about her is off though. . WAIT?!?!?!??? His new "girlfriend" is a strong healthy childfree woman??!? Jerrod has simply moved on to his next Victim. I don’t understand how that they they look good in a two piece bikini weighing 350 pounds or body on dresses that are way to short showing all the cellulite and big knee’s. 25,367. Glitter was a great movie. . The welfare sector of YouTube are literally the worst moms, allowing homeless losers play the role of daddy. That’s how Liv is gonna look if she keeps gaining weight. As a mother Liv ain’t doing enough. Liv and Brandon were live, and I quickly changed it. Liv is the saddest most miserable toxic mother, partner, and woman I have seen in my life. Which means she hasn’t. She told people Ryann was sleeping in the crib that a subscriber bought for her months ago. Web liv's life lipstick alley. And…. Most Liked; Most Commented; Blogs Liv was in a hotel room with that man at 3AM this morning, home girl couldn’t even stay in for Robyns birthday. Even if the kids do miss her it doesn't matter. Lipstick Alley | Lipstick Alley Alleybux. Liv’s life has been a total train wreck since she’s been in Florida. . Haul full of can food and junk food. " I first I thought she was thirsty, but with all that butt eating, I think shes hungry. Liv wants to live in a house and is tired of. but she purposely encouraged Liv to leave Texas for a wonderful life in Florida. Overview. It’s like the wrapping paper is pretty but the box is empty! Knew that was coming. Most Liked; Most Commented; Blogs Personally I can care less about all 4 of those ninja turtles. Service 6. This makes sense now. You can tell they were talking about Jerrod and his GF. Didn’t Jerrod make Liv take her to get braids so her hair would look nice. Reviewers complaining about Lipstick Alley most frequently mention black women, real life, and light skin problems. Liv's Life: Living My Best Lie! | Page 843 | Lipstick Alley. The only reason he's not doing this to Robyn is because she's vocal and would tell. 24. Liv is always talking about how she lives for her kids but she does the bare minimum to keep them alive, she lives and cares for herself only. Poor Ryann is going to have a fit once she has to go home & smell olivia big sour ass again. 2. Yesterday she's telling herself that she loves the body she created through bad eating habits, depression and no exercise (no you weren't born this way Liar). Order Cancelled; Sample Page; Success; liv's life lipstick alley. That was just really bad luck on her part. She has a long ass thread on here. lmao Brandon wants his free housing, food, liquor + weed. So what are you waiting for? Join us on a journey of glamour and self-expression with our exquisite collection of lipsticks. I think she intentionally put that photo there for attention but I'll bite. She THOUGHT she was going blow up on YouTube. Liv said something about ramen or noodle hair and about Abe Lincoln. 23 stars from 101 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Africa 'unfortunately' last in queue for life-saving ventilators amid global shortage funnywithfierce posted Mar 29, 2020 at 12:40 PM Why do Europeans and Arabs love inserting themselves in (black) African history? TDG. Poor Robyn wants an award like she has seen her classmates get in school so she ripped the one from the back of her Amazon workbook and filled it out best she could. LMAO!! OH OH OH you are right! I didn’t notice Ryan in red damn lipstick. . She trying to lay a trap to get the reactors talking about her because this shit is sad. But I guess she's too dumb for that, too. . Peep how he ABANDONED his family right when Liv was financially taking off and was about to be a married woman making bank. Yesterday at 2:16 PM. Jul 22, 2013. It’s not going to even happen. she didn't get him any help for his impulses . Ratings: +53,548/ 3,669/ -133. Olivia Johnson, also know as liv's life has repeatedly heaked havok and constantly Cause problems among other Youtubers, reactors and subscribers on the YouTube platform. A fresh new start!. lol. Last edited: Feb 19, 2021 at 11:44 PM LOL! In all seriousness this id disgusting. he had his hands on her butt under the blanket and it grossed me out. Most Liked; Most Commented; Blogs Liv's lashes are sold out. . . It’s giving her views and keeping her relevant. With liv track record, I wouldnt believe 1 word she says. She rode for him, gave him swag, and when she. Web shady 1. I wish she had some goals and a better self esteem. Lipstick Alley | Lipstick AlleyYesterday when Liv and Zolo was on live, she showed him something on her phone and they laughed and made slick comments. She should have her meth mouth mama, her huzband and her big ass pushing people orders so they get it in timely manner. She’s talking about she loves the kids so much and they’re like glue, and so close. They are safer with their dad. It’s the hope and the dream keeping some people. We Loyalty Gang over here! You with it or you not!#LoyaltyGang On Zolo's live in the AM someone comes in the chat claiming to know a woman who is currently 4 months pregnant by Zolo. If they were smaller than Liv she should get the hint. Who knows if he's still doing it? She's just not filming it. 885. 53 Followers, 34 Following, 5 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Liv’s Life (@livyloves. She will never admit her life is sad and she feels empty, Liv uses drugs, alcohol, man and the attention she gets on the internet to feel better. Liv ain’t shit. And her screenshots are as real as a $3 bill I would believe 3 vs 1 saying the same thing. Give a kid an iPad and some candy and they’ll get over anything lol. . I am wondering what kind of delays (if any) there are in your office recording and making available online pubic records about mortgages or change in deeds. . Liv’s pressed bc a lady with 9 kids is doing better than her and has a man that came to publicly defend her against hips. Most Liked; Most Commented; Blogs Liv’s pressed bc a lady with 9 kids is doing better than her and has a man that came to publicly defend her against hips. Olivia webb is creepy. Did I say way way way way? Well I’m way smaller than Liv and yesterday I fn almost got my keys just to drive and check myself into the morgue. Quick Links. Necie said it in her live and that Jerrod was going to go to Florida after she did. . youtube) livyloves. One thing about liv she stayed tearing that man down and he just kept taking it. He just laughed it off and basically ignored it and then Liv deleted that person and said some sarcastic thing. This life is stressful and society makes it no better. I remember her saying in an interview that the reason it performed so badly at the box office was because it was released on September 11, 2001. Follow. #31,279. You can tell they were talking about. I say :emoji_speaking_head: Let them fight !! Neither one of them would buss a grape. When you realize how screwed up it is, you’ll wonder how anybody survives. Olivia Johnson, also know as liv's life has repeatedly heaked havok and constantly Cause problems among other Youtubers, reactors and subscribers on the YouTube. Just as I thought. Liv denied knowing it was the gf bed but the same person typed that Liv herself admitted she had known in a previous live. Liv is the one who created this lie to create a storyline and drama for her channel. I thought she has a red rudolph nose. Something is definitely a lie about what Liv is presenting about her house "purchase". I'm going to call Liv "E coli. This is Raquel’s karma. Can you just imagine if Jerry does move on, and gets into a serious relationship, the new woman will have to deal with the Beast, as a bitter, petty, vindictive, CRAZY Baby Mama! Those poor kids, she will destroy their relationship with their father, in order to "retaliate" with Jerry. Love you…”Lipstick Alley | Lipstick AlleyLipstick Alley Bloggers . #25,342. I forgot about that. We Loyalty Gang over here! You with it or you not!#LoyaltyGangLipstick Alley has a rating of 1. She is addicted to food and will have a very hard time physically because she will continue to eat and be sick and miserable. Does these kids ever get a hot meal smh She legit was out of breath just standing there talking in the beginning of the clip (and matter of fact throughout). Men lie and tell you that you look good just the way you are all the while they are looking at smaller women sometimes. Jun 11, 2015. Shady 1 said: Liv wouldn’t show that, she has to keep up her “perfect mother” image. Changing is hard and it takes time, Olivia is lazy and impatient, her life has been a mess since she was in the womb, it won't change now that she's 30. fictional characters born on november 21 / saturn check engine light / sergio garcia driver. With their stomach looking like Liv’s and some look even worse than her . We've witnessed the train wreck and regularly question the state of her mind. Lipstick Alley has a rating of 1. Lipstick Alley was originally a website for Black women of all ethnicities, but originally only for African-American women. Yall wasting time trying to give her advice. Feb 4, 2021. Liv is a compulsive liar.