Build what is divinely beautiful. Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. Join Magenta. 5. Apps. She works with the Lemurian Starchild Oracle Deck to divine more information about these key dates, including bringing forward information about the opening of the portal to. 5K subscribers Surrounding everyone in this group with the love and protection of the powerful, sacred, hermetic seal that is the black flame to be utilised when needed 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🙏 Magenta Pixie Fraud. Elemental Gate - September 11th to 18th 2023 - Oracle Reading Magenta looks at three more key dates in September 2023, between the 11th and 18th. Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. This channel features videos to awaken your soul, dissect through the matrix, dig deeper, expose cults & cult mentalities and more. . These are channelled messages coming from a non-physical, higher dimensional collective energy known as "The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine". Thanks to John for the reminder about this relevant and densely-packed message from back in March, 2021 ~ Reality expressions within the bifurcation and the ascension cycle are topics for discussion as the Nine respond, through their conduit Magenta Pixie, to questions regarding planetary splitting and quantum alternate selves. Magenta Pixie brings forward channelled information from the 'White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine' and provides her analysis of the material. I give you my divine authority to do so. 27K links. Platform. Magenta Pixie (Galactic conduit for the White, Winged, Collective, Consciousness of Nine) Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. 8K subscribers. Werner Erhard on Responsibility. August 16, 2020 Magenta Pixie shares responses from the Nine to several questions. Magenta Pixie . 19. Apps. They’re not certain what it is, so they fear it, and continue as gods in amnesia and in their. The rapture and tribulation timelines, reflection and non-reflection as catalyst. Magenta Pixie. Elemental Gate - September 11th to 18th 2023 - Oracle Reading. He is very poorly and at the vets now for blood tests. ) Step One: Understand the dark plan. Kaia Ra. . Retweet. . Join Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. Download Telegram About. There will be no spoiler alert or text notes for. 17. There are those who have synchronistically aligned with the natural organic pathway of New Earth. Apps. Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL Magenta, I’m relatively new here (6 months or so on telegram give or take & just before the kooky on youtube) I don’t generally go back & watch videos but it appears your videos don’t go out of date so to speak & are as relevant now as when they were first put out there if not more so. Luna New Moon Equinox, March 20th/21st and 22nd 2023 (Galactic and Planetary Update)These are channelled messages coming from a non-physical, higher dimensional collective energy known as "The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine". Apps. . Blog. Apps. As you come together as 'Rainbow Warriors of Light', holding those unity codes as you stand before 'the beast' as a wall of defence, whilst still knowing you are at one. 13. Join Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. $ 6. ---The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine. Join Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. 31 files. Live Webinar REPLAY for this. 18. 1K subscribers. 22. Magenta Pixie ~ Lion’s Gate Portal, Sirian Stargate – August 3rd to 13th, 2020. Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. 78K photos. @magentapixie9. Magenta and the Nine answer questions around ascension, including the situation with our pets, and the less delightful one around the jabs. We share Magenta Pixie’s answer to a query about why she would support Boris Johnson and Donald Trump, to offer some additional perspective ~ Petra Pixie McGuire ~ I wouldn’t necessarily say I fully support Boris Johnson. 5. Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. They are taking it as personally as. Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. 11. 6K subscribers. 236 videos. Magenta Pixie on Telegram, Jan. Blog. 5. November 8, 2020 from a FaceBook post [Reader question] Magenta, I don’t believe in war or division. This resulted in several downloads and further questions from Magenta, with responses from the Nine. Join Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine, through the channel Magenta Pixie, bring forward this transmission at a time of great change on planet Earth. Apps. Apps. Magenta Pixie (Galactic conduit for the White, Winged, Collective, Consciousness of Nine) Download Telegram to view and join the conversation. . She has worked with people from all over the. 21. 20. Superhero Starseeds, Collapsing Timelines and the Blue Kingfisher Template. 20, 2021. Holding beliefs like 'believe that nothing can harm you and it cannot' or 'there are no limits to what we can do'. Apps. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Magenta Pixie's presentation for 'The Ultimate Star Beings' conference, hosted by Portal To Ascension, introduced by Brendon Culliton. Magenta Pixie (Galactic conduit for the White, Winged, Collective, Consciousness of Nine). Always an event much anticipated: a new Magenta Pixie video, this time on polarized twin flames. Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. I was out of town for a few days. There is no planetary takeover from this reality, this vantage point. However someone has created a Telegram group for this very purpose, so that non juiced dog and cat owners can find homes. . 18. Healing request please for our group member Maria 👇👇 Hello Catzmagick and Magenta, I would like to ask for a prayer healing request from the group. Apps. 👇👇👇. Her discussion starts at. Platform. "Powerful protection techniques. Platform. cindyloucbp says: June 4, 2023 at 21:35. 244 videos. . It is a declaration not an assertion, that is, it is a context from which one chooses to live. August 16, 2020. This presentation offers a unique insight into Magenta Pixie's origins, her observations and experiences working as a channel and her messages of hope for the future. I give you my divine authority to do so. @magentapixie9. 20. Media is too big. Blog. Blog. ” “You Kay” instead of UK. Magenta Pixie (Galactic conduit for the White, Winged, Collective, Consciousness of Nine) Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. 6. Humans fear nothing more than their own power, their divinity, and true multidimensional beingness. Blog. Blog. ---The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine. Blog. 3K Karli Bonne , 20:21. Apps. The transmissions she receives from 'The Nine' have reached thousands of people. Magenta, I have been following a thread on the schuman resonance site and some folk have said that the chemtrails are not geo engineering but galactic assistance. Action combined with intention in heart and mind is what creates the energetic match. Related. Platform. . 3K views edited 07:55. 18. 17. Blog. . Platform. Magenta Pixie, a beloved and widely followed New Age figure in the United Kingdom who says that she channels a “divine intelligence” known as “the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine,” has been hospitalized with COVID-19, according to Telegram updates from her husband and daughter. Magenta Pixie has been communicating with the 'White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine', a sixth dimensional 'monadic light structure', about these concepts for the last 24 years. I will guide you. Discussing the significance of the 22 portal on 22nd February with incantation/spell provided. Rapture, Tribulation, Andromeda - Concept and Catalyst of Non-Reflection. They are telling me this transmission is relevant for now, specifically the first half of this year 2021. Magenta Pixie is a bestselling author of five previous spiritual books. Platform. Magenta Pixie Fraud. I found this transmission presented by Magenta Pixie to be a relevant and useful guide for personal and planetary protection against the harmful frequencies aimed at humanity during these stressful times. Telegram; Like this: Like Loading. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting. Philosophical, metaphysical poetry and storytelling by Magenta Pixie. Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. Healing request please for our group member Amy and her cat Willow Healing Request Please Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL May I please have healing prayers sent to my kitty, Willow? 🙏💜 👇👇 My Willow was at the emergency vet all day yesterday and the vet was unable to figure out what is wrong with her. 19. e. Many tears 😭 Please send me healing and support so that I can be strong for Tony. Stream millions. — Channelled, written and narrated by Magenta Pixie. 7K views 19:35. Magenta Pixie (Galactic conduit for the White, Winged, Collective, Consciousness of Nine). May 8. Blog. Diagnosis: Deep Vein Thrombosis and a suspected Pulmonary Embolism, the latter caused by a Covid clot. Breaking the Dreamspell. 31K photos. Sunday, October 24, 2021 15:43 % of readers think this story is Fact. Magenta Pixie, a beloved and widely followed New Age figure in the UK who says that she channels a “divine intelligence” and has likened COVID vaccines to poison apples, has been hospitalized with COVID-19. 27/07/2023 4:42 PM. Join Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. 12K photos. Download Telegram About. Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. 13K photos. Join Magenta Pixie. Telegram. The energetic peaks on August 8th 2020 and you begin moving into. 21. Blog. Magenta Pixie. Apps. In the eyes of these people then H&M have targeted and attacked the Royals, thus Britain, thus British people. Magenta Pixie (Galactic conduit for the White, Winged, Collective, Consciousness of Nine). 31 files. Apps. In the eyes of these people then H&M have targeted and attacked the Royals, thus Britain, thus British people. She made that decision out of love for her mother so how can this lady not be on God's highest timeline of love or 5d going forward? Her love for her mother was her driving force. Anthony William. " They say that it is time for the lightworkers, the mediums, the researchers, the scientists and all those with. by Magenta Pixie. Subscriber gain, reaches, views magentapixie9 on Telemetrio. Is dit nog steeds het geval?telegram channel publications statistics of Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL telegram channel. Platform. 6K subscribers. 5. » “They have tried to tell Magenta that this occurred because she is unvaccinated,” Daniel Catzmagick, Pixie’s husband, wrote on her Telegram channel, referring to her hospitalization. Join Magenta Pixie OFFICIAL. 1K subscribers. The transmissions she receives from 'The Nine' have reached thousands of people worldwide via the extensive video collection on her YouTube channel. Therefore in. In recent months, Pixie has often discussed. CLICK HERE FOR. 4.