Why should she be any different than his family? If you believe Harry called his brother to ask for a truce… he called demanding an apology and he didn’t get passed…” Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. Jack Royston has put out 4 articles about Meghan Markle in 24 hours. Shes lied about and insulted the British people. It’s unbelievable that Harry admits that he didn’t even read many of the stories that he’s suing over when they came out! But they affected him?If Meghan was this supposed self made millionaire why did King Charles have to pay for her engagement dress? The brides parents normally pay for everything?Did you notice that Meghan’s big “award” was a complete NOTHING! There was nobody of importance that attended! They were the most famous people there!Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. Here’s a thought… Harry didn’t have to go! He could’ve stayed safely out of the public eye and safe from the dangerous paparazzi and their scary CAMERAS!Don’t think because she’s having lawyers threaten the Telegraph anyone believes Nutmeg didn’t leak that story because WE KNOW SHE DID! Pretty ironic how quickly she knew who to threaten when 10 news outlets ran that story…. Harry says that he had been shielded by the Palace from unfavourable tabloid coverage while growing up – hence the delay in bringing action over a series of events which took place decades ago. Mystifeyed👁 on Twitter: "It just occurred to me that if Harry truly wanted to try and get his IPP status back he may have not wanted to highlight and promote his regular and enthusiastic use of ILLEGAL DRUGS! There’s no way a drug user who’s publicly and proudly admitted and advocated for illegal…" / Twitter @Mystifeye / Twitter Mystifeyed @Mystifeye Meghan Markle was a working Royal for LESS THAN 2 YEARS! The Real Royal family should barely be a blip in her “memoir”! I mean why a 43 year old is even writing a memoir is bizarre to me! But knowing Nutmeg she’ll just make up more stories… like she did for Oprah and Netflix and Harry did for Spare! Mystifeyed @Mystifeye And I don’t know how Tyler Perry just figured out that Meghan Markle was the one who gave his address to the paparazzi, that Radar online article with all the facts came out in December of 2021! Not too quick on the uptake there Tyler! 4:04 PM · Jun 19, 2023 · 3,374 Views 34 Retweets 3 Quotes 266 Likes mkb @marshbjsb · 4h Will not purchase any product she represents 4 Rebel @Sis858789 · 9h Be cautious wife of Ari- Rachel Meghan may have him in her ️sights Ana Rojas @AnaRoNew68 · 9h Mystifeyed👁 (@Mystifeye) / Twitter Follow Mystifeyed @Mystifeye True crime enthusiast Paranormal enthusiast Currently designing jewelry with pure metal wire and gems Massachusetts Joined June 2009 65 Following 26 Followers Tweets & replies Media Mystifeyed @Mystifeye · Apr 23 #JusticeForJohhnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeardIsALiar 2 Mystifeyed @Mystifeye No he forgot he’s not protected anymore! If he was still a working Royal he’d be protected. It really went down and all of the sudden I can find it in google when 6 months ago I couldn’t!Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. 😂😆🤣 THEY DONT! Enough with the BS propaganda! I’m sorry that Netflix and Spotify were too ignorant to look into the history of Meghan Markle BEFORE they wasted all that money on someone who…Mystifeyed @Mystifeye Meghan Markle was so jealous of the paparazzi attention that Catherine got before she was Princess of Wales she continuously called the paps on herself, when that didn’t work, she accused the press of being racist. Well she’s having her PR put out stories saying she should dump him! No talent agency is recommending you dump your husband! She’s not divorcing him with no income! She’ll hang on and bleed him as long as possible! #HarryAndMeghanAreFINISHED. They’ve been apart for awhile but she still keeps him dangling and paying. He himself admitted…. 11 Jun 2023 18:29:18🤣😂😆 Imagine being so pathetic and friendless that your PR has to set up a lunch date then flood the media with the HUGE NEWS STORY that MEGHAN MARKLE HAS FRIENDS! 🤣And STILL NOBODY BELIEVES IT!Mystifeyed👁 on Twitter: "That’s how ignorant she is it’s Meghan, Duchess of Sussex or just The Duchess of Sussex. Ple…” “Nobody will feel sorry for Meghan Markle when it all goes down. Harry is San Francisco a lot and Meghan mostly in LA because. 😂🤣😆 The Duke and Duchess of Delusion didn’t go to the Met Gala BECAUSE THEY WEREN’T INVITED! While I’m enjoying the propaganda if you think I believe that Meghan Markle wouldn’t have gone to the Met Gala had she been invited…Meghan wrote one of her hand written “calligraphy” letters to Taylor Swift and she turned her down through a rep? Pretty big burn! But think about who would know that?The question should be why is a judge in a court of law trusting the testimony of this prolific drug user? #PrinceHarryHasGoneMad. I can now enjoy the Coronation without seeing her face. youtube. Omid Scobie knows NOTHING about what went on the morning of the Coronation. Harry’s Email: 'I can't begin to tell you what it will say about the institution if this isn't resolved before the baby's arrival and wedding Nobody is wondering. Squatting in stilettos after 6 months knees closed for extended periods and then standing without assistance 3. Nothing. She’ll be all done world wide! The only way she can get money is to divorce Harry! She can’t earn any money, because nobody wants her. I’m telling you right now. Meghan Markle spent £99,000 on a Dior outfit in Morocco - but she has never worn it since. So when Meghan Markle took a private jet to Uvalde, and had her. Show more". Queen Elizabeth was the longest reigning monarch, and loved by the world. Meghan’s clearly merching…”Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. Meghan likes weed and white. So she could leak it to the press! Just like she did the ENTIRE TIME SHE LIVED IN THE PALACE! She was leaking stories daily and then had the testicular fortitude to blame the Palace for not protecting her!So they were in blacked out SUVs that nobody could get photos of them and then they got out of the SUVs got into a yellow cab with no tint to block cameras took a ride around the block and got their photos taken went back to the police station and got back into the blacked out…. The only one that’s true is the one with the quotes about her being a sociopath! He had to write the other three to bury the first one, which he only wrote to try and prove he’s not a sewer squaddie! I guess she’s not giving Scabies the exclusive. What a crock of BS! How can something written when you were 11 years old THAT YOU NEVER READ until you were grown affect your…. “The reasons why I believe that Meghan Markle used a surrogate for her pregnancies: 1. He donated the entire settlement to charity. That whole bicycle PR propaganda, now the bicycle shop owner works for Meghan Markle… who publishes the fact they gave a gift of an expensive bicycle to the child of millionaires, then publishes the thank you letter?Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could 'command a top-dollar fee' for Spare rights“No wonder Meghan Markle can’t find any meaningful employment… she’s so busy scanning social media for every criticism about her, so she can have her personal propagandist at @Newsweek write a few puff pieces, and flood the media with her misinformation, she has no time for…”“It’s exhausting! Every kind of “expert” has reported that Nutmeg has been offered everything from starring roles in movies to millions for repping Dior, and all this since Spotify dumped her for not meeting her contractual obligations… NONE OF IT IS TRUE! She and her husband are…”Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. mirror. com. Show more". Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. I understand wanting a child. Meghan was invited and CHOSE NOT TO GO! And perhaps if Harry showed up a day early and actually SPOKE TO HIS FAMILY… who knows he may have had a robe. Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive content Not one single “friend” has spoken up for either one of the Duke and Duchess of Deception! Nobody wants to be associated with these two grifters and they’re tired of getting hit up for private jets and vacation homes! “RT @the_royal_rogue: Someday, one of my portraits is going to be featured there. Shes lied about and disrespected the British Monarchy. Since they can nominate THEMSELVES for an Emmy I won’t be surprised or impressed when they announce they’re nominated. I’m curious how the Harkles NetFlop mockuseries can be considered a documentary? It wasn’t based on FACTS. So they have an ex. So Spotify. However they came into the world isn’t important either. It’s so sad that the Harkles named their daughter after HMTQs nickname and never bothered to introduce her to her Great Grandmother! That’s so pathetic to me. She used to not be able to live without holding him with both. I don’t believe they’ve lived together in awhile. Meghan Markle absolutely damaged the monarchy. If the press intrusion was an issue she wouldn’t have hung in for SEVEN YEARS! She’d have been gone long before that if it was about the press!While I appreciate Camilla Tomineys opinion about the Duplicitous Duo being dangerous because they’re running out of money, for them to start trashing the Real Royal Family again would only serve to PROVE THEY HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO OFFER!Mystifeyed👁 on Twitter: "She means she regrets encouraging him to lie and make up stories for his memoir! She’s sorry the moneys run out! She needs to apologize for her own lies and behavior! His book is not why we dislike her! #MeghanMarkleGlobalVictim #UNSUSSEXFUL". It’s not an” honor” just to be nominated when you can pay and do it yourself! #HarryAndMeghanGlobalGrifters. Secondly, she ought to speak to someone who actually knows the history of words “Another incredibly informative video that really points out some interesting facts about Harry’s involvement with our government. Hard to believe someone who so strongly supported unproven allegations should now have allegations against him. Mystifeyed @Mystifeye And the whole song and dance that Meghan Markle made about “not wanting to live anymore” and going to the “institution and telling them she needed to go somewhere” because she’d “never felt that way before” and she really “needed to go somewhere” And they refused. I believe she still keeps him on the hook for money but I don’t believe they’re together at all. It’s interesting the people involved in the Aspen institute that are currently being sued. Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. Show more". This is Riley Faith’s baby sister Adalynn. He and the rest of the PSYCHO Sussex Squatters need to STOP ATTACKING THE WALES CHILDREN. I'm unable to locate this lake he's re…”I think she’s right! It started with the Taylor Swift snubbing…. Nutmeg, like a bug in his ear constantly telling him how their titles were worth money in the US, had him convinced just introducing himself should get him paid! I’m still annoyed that the Queens Commonwealth Trust backs Better Up! Better up is a ridiculous toxic workplace and Harry of all people has no business. As the lunatic security guard who’s stopped their vehicle blocking traffic is running around like a moron with the cop trying to get him back in the car you can hear the other officer speaking to the…How can the same security guard be in Canada AND getting off a plane from London? ( they cut his head off in the Daily Mail photos!) 29 Jun 2023 05:57:28Yeah instead of taking them out with her! Heaven forbid either one take their children to the park or the beach or anywhere outside! Unless they really DONT EXIST…As much as I’d like to believe that nobody would use something so personal and tragic that happened to their husband to manipulate him, this is right up Nutmegs alley!The Harkles twitter Bots are hard at work keeping their names from trending! Anyone else notice how nothing about them have trended in days and a few big accounts. Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. The Democratic Party considers the Harkles extremely dangerous, too unpredictable, volatile, inconsistent and maverick, they understand nothing about loyalty, whether it’s to the party, the cause, or even their own interests. Which by the way is more than Harold has ever given to charity. uk. I’m not insulted. “It’s twisted that the Harkles named their son Prince George’s nickname and their daughter HMTQs nickname! That’s sick on a different level! She truly has not one original thought! #MeghanMarkIeNoMannersNoClass #UNSUSSEXFUL” Meghan's silence explained as expert says she knows 'they went too far' Mystifeyed @Mystifeye There’s an interesting comment under TRGs video from someone who’s got a contact at DHS and it says that there were no records on Harry until 7 months ago and that when they entered the country it was ordered to “just let him in” by a high level official and it was by phone breaking all the protocols! “Honestly I don’t see what the big issue is with trademarking Archetypes in the first place, that podcast was not exactly groundbreaking 🙄 I mean seriously? She was discussing stereotypes not archetypes and the issues she discussed have all been covered at length 20 YEARS AGO!…” According to Lady C any hopes of a career in politics that Nutmeg may have had will never happen. 2. I found it very informative and entertaining! Check it out:…”She can’t register Archetypes, it’s already taken… not that big of a deal considering Spotify dumped them. Explains a lot and reinforces the fact that Nutmeg is most definitely making money for each fake pap shot she arranges. Why is Harry talking about anyone but himself? He can’t provide information on other people, that’s hearsay? Not to mention his daily drug taking compromising his memory…". 4:50 PM · Jun 12, 2023 · 25 Views 1 Retweet Mystifeyed👁 on Twitter: "These links are so helpful! Ask Twitter what they’re doing to protect YOUR account information from nefarious fraudulent companies… that would track and rate your account to harass and cyber stalk and bully you or other twitter users…. How gross that Harry and Meghan leaked their own location at Tyler Perry’s house, to then complain about press intrusion! See NOBODY CARED UNTIL THEY THEMSELVES LEAKED IT TO THE PRESS!Green put to the duke that he has never been able to identify any story in an MGN publication to have come from phone hacking. Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. This clip shows how meager acting skills can up your grift game! Especially when on every occasion it’s only the LEFT EYE that seems to tear!I’m legit on hypocrisy overload. Royal Circular @Royal_Circular. Does this surprise anyone? It’s a drug addled collection of lies, complaints, petty jealousy and cringy details! I guess that huge multimillion dollar offer to turn it into a movie was wishful propaganda. This is 100% UNTRUE. I’m not…” Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. It’s true, IT IS NOT SUPPORTING OR ADVOCATING FOR WOMEN that Meghan Markle took ALL THE CREDIT HERSELF for the cookbook created and written by the amazing WOMEN who suffered through a tragic fire, then came together and wrote a. Show more. Spotify said Meghan and Harry didn’t make enough content therefore failed to meet their contractual obligation. I don’t know how I missed this article and I’m sharing it now because TRG brought it to my attention and she’s right this is why Meghan tried to cancel Jeremy Clarkson, not the game of thrones reference, which I still find both hilarious and apropos!Why does she look so awkward in every photo of her holding a baby?Who on Gods green earth is paying Harry $100K or MORE to speak? And you know he wants a free hotel room, limousine with a driver, and more! On what exactly is he an expert?Every time I think about the fact that Prince Harry is involved with the Aspen institute, trying to create legislation that uses BS excuses to justify CENSORING OUR FREE SPEECH, as a FOREIGN NATIONAL, it boils my blood. ” 😂 😆 🤣 NO HES NOT! 😂 🤣 😆 Prince Harry is at his LOWEST approval rating in the US! Prince William is way more popular than the Duke of Deceitful Delusion! Prince Andrew is more popular than Harry here! “I find it disturbing that our government is covering for Prince Harry. They may SOMEDAY forgive Harold but only if he divorces Nutmeg! She’s dreaming if she thinks she’ll EVER have any relationship with the King!Hang on to that video from Scabies because the Harkles are changing their story ALREADY! Because EVERYONE KNOWS THEYRE LYING! You know it’s not bad enough Meghan lies about her “life of service” as if she serves anyone but herself. Apparently Doria dislikes Harry and runs the house in Monteshitshow like it’s hers and she likes her drugs. …” “So Netflix cancelled Heart of Invictus. It’s truly concerning what lengths certain politicians and corporations will go to to promote their narrative. Because I know what a manipulative lying sociopath Amber Heard is. And it would be disingenuous to cancel Dan on unproven allegations…” “Not to be mean but honestly, WTH is going on with her neck? Lay off the Ozempic! It’s not flattering at all! #UNSUSSEXFUL” Mystifeyed @Mystifeye So we’re supposed to believe that the photographer that photographed Meghan Markle and wrote a story about her, spoke to her and says she’s “humble” and told all this to Jack Royston, Sussex squad member, but she didn’t arrange the whole thing and neither of these two are propagandists and this story wasn’t. “That’s how the Harkles work. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle dumping all this BS propaganda that’s been taking over the media is ALL A DEFLECTION from all the current lawsuits involving MEDIA MANIPULATION and…” Meghan Markles “Brand” is so TOXIC nobody will touch her with someone else’s 10 foot pole! #MeghanMarkleIsAToxicNarcissist “Why do they LIE? The propaganda continues! If America loved Harry, The Heritage Foundation wouldn’t currently be suing the Government to check his immigration status! And because he’s a publicly self proclaimed drug user and has stated that hallucinogens are a fundamental part of…” Mystifeyed @Mystifeye When I hear Neil Sean say that the Queen was a very stoic woman and never let anyone see her emotions but that Harry and Meghan’s lies during their interview with Oprah, left HMTQueen in tears, I understand why they FAIL and will continue to FAIL. She is very sick. “It’s interesting the people involved in the Aspen institute that are currently being sued. Which is the strangest story of a relationship and wedding I’ve ever heard btw, but the poor man gave every penny he had to give her whatever she wanted and now he needs help and…If Meghan Markle couldn’t get any decent parts in any real movies with all the time she PERSONALLY spent with Harvey Weinstein at SoHo House, she can hire whomever she wants SHES NOT GETTING ANY ACTING ROLES IN HOLLYWOOD!So Harry’s entire case is they must’ve used illegal means to get the information for these articles because he can’t imagine any other way… but he has no evidence that they actually used illegal means!Mystifeyed👁 on Twitter: "I’m just waiting for one REAL INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST to get ahold of all the EVIDENCE that’s in the public domain, and put it all together, like TRG has, or watch her videos! And use their investigative skills to add to it and report to the world THE FRAUD Meghan and Harry have…. If he was given any kind of special consideration…What’s completely false and frankly ridiculous is believing that Meghan Markle was EVER suicidal! So she was never suicidal in her life BEFORE or SINCE but we’re supposed to believe that when she was living on Palace grounds going to events wearing maternity outfits that cost as…So Nutmeg needs to decide which propaganda she wants people to NOT BELIEVE! Either she wants a close relationship with HMTK, grandfather of her children, or she’s concerned about the NONEXISTENT racism in the Royal family. He’s going to be cross examined on 33 separate articles by the MGN lawyers. Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. there’s no actual office for Archewell. Harry replied: "I think that is a question for my legal team. Johnny Depp WAS defamed. He didn’t acknowledge his family why should they acknowledge…. . According to Neil Sean the only reason we got an answer from Harold was that KC and PW told him no more waiting either make up your mind today or you’re not invited. King Charles and Prince William will NEVER TRUST Meghan Markle EVER. “For Harry and Meghan to blame everything from Covid to the death of HMT Queen for impacting their careers? Seriously? After trashing the Royal family at every opportunity? I think Meghan thought her crappy podcast was worth $40 million from Spotify and their ridiculous lie fest…” Wow. NEW: Today, The Duke of Edinburgh, as Chancellor of the University of Bath, will visit the University and attend. “@HeidiSnow381 Tyler Perry wrote Meghan Markle a letter before either right before or after her wedding telling her if she ever needed anything to let him know. 18 May 2023 06:11:01. gbnews. Why would he stay all the way out at Windsor to travel back in every day? He stayed at a private members club per Neil Sean. Also details how why and how much influencers make. It’s IRONIC how quickly Nutmeg put out a statement telling the tabloids to stop the circus around the story SHE told to the Telegraph about a letter she supposedly wrote to King Charles, because she looks like a liar. Gratefully the Heritage Foundation will not give up…” Mystifeyed @Mystifeye I actually find it HILARIOUS that Meghan Markle is so deeply DELUSIONAL that she thought that the First Lady of the United States watched her in that lemon dress then wore a lemon dress a month later and it was some secret signal of supporti! “Imagine being more loyal to a paparazzi photographer than you are to your own father!?!? You know Nutmeg sent Karl Larsen to her father in the first place. All this propaganda is to vet the reaction. Of course he’d never admit to all the drug use were he still working for the Monarchy but I truly believe he thought he was untouchable. She wants it removed NOW? After the entire world has seen it and TikTok has it for posterity? More meaningless propaganda! You can’t undo the insult HMQEII suffered so what’s the point? Nobody is going to forget what she did, but it’s her MO to try and revise history so this doesn’t surprise me!Who else can HEAR Meghan explaining to Harry how damaged he is from all the mean articles about him? I can hear her obnoxious vocal fry right now in my head telling Harry “You were damaged H!If Meghan Markle and WME think the WORLD doesn’t see all the nasty PR they’re putting out about the REAL ROYAL FAMILY, they’re sadly mistaken! And it just makes EVERYONE HATE MEGHAN MARKLE MORE than they ALREADY DO! We see your digs at the Palace and MORE PEOPLE LOVE THE…. 😂😆🤣 Scabies is trying to make himself sound like an investigative reporter, instead of a Harkles ass kisser! We all know what you are @scobie!Meghan Markle will NEVER get ANY FORM OF APOLOGY from the Royal family because they did NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR. You have to love PDina! She tells it like it is about Meghan Markle! She points out that because of the ridiculous amount of money Spotify paid Meghan Markle, only because she MARRIED A ROYAL PRINCE, with no following and no real talent, NOW PEOPLE ARE LOSING THEIR JOBS!How pathetic that someone who HAD a Royal WORLD platform has publicly lied and disgraced herself so badly that she has to PAY hundreds of thousands for an agency to represent her. This is legit TERRIFYING! A few times okay maybe, purposely posing the same way in the same outfit for photographers… creepy, this many times… psychological disorder!…The level of hypocrisy it takes for Meghan Markle to pretend her father did something to HER that she hasn’t done HERSELF, is blinding! It’s tragic that Thomas Markle had to hear Harry’s shitty voice stating she’s mourning the loss of her father!So don’t pretend all his drug use was oh so long ago because IT WASNT. Everyone knows those paparazzi photos are contrived. They’re not together and Meghan doesn’t even take Harry’s calls anymore. “This is an excellent video. Looks like Jack Royston, Sussex Squad member has made @Newsweek. Why should a Prince of the British Monarchy have information about January 6th? And speak about it publicly, be involved in our elections, and be…” “RT @MeetMeAtCalvary: RIley Faith Update: (No picture of Riley Faith today. Allegedly Doria and Meghan are abusive to Harry, and his drug use is because of Doria-she got him into Ayahuasca. So Harry was a no show for his big court case this morning. Both Harry and Meghan saturate the media with all this misinformation propaganda. “@Jack_Royston @YouGov 😂🤣😆 No he’s not! William is way more popular! Andrew is more popular than Harry here! STOP LYING!”Princess Anne looked stunning today in her military uniform with our favorite feather! Love that feather! Amazing how good it looks with no ginger whinger behind it!Mystifeyed👁 on Twitter: "I’m sorry @Dior but there’s NO CONTEST! Anyone who thinks #HatefulHarry looks better that David Beckham needs to get their eyes checked or lay off the hallucinogens!"“Why is Prince Harry a commissioner at Aspen Digital, trying to mute all our FREE SPEECH? He hates the press and has said THE FIRST AMENDMENT IS BONKERS! Why should he be involved in ANYTHING TO DO WITH AMERICAN GOVERNMENT? He and his DRUG ADDLED OPINIONS NEED TO LIVE. Good luck with that! If they believe that they’ll be welcome back and EVER BE WORKING ROYALS AGAIN they’re obviously both imbibing in the. They crap all over the Monarchy for 5 years and they think staging a fake paparazzi chase is going to garner them…. Anyone who copies someone else this many times has a psychological disorder. This journalist is investigating what happened to all the extra money? Apparently they had a similar charity in London under the Queens trust and there’s money…” Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. Interesting that Harold left out of his memoir that in November of 2016 when Nutmeg was getting some bad headlines and Harold put out that statement telling the press to back off Prince William ALSO PUT OUT A STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF HARRY saying he understands the need for…Prince Harry's US visa legal battle escalates as fiery statement released! Now a judge will decide, and thanks to Harry there’s plenty of evidence to prove public interest exists!So I’m seeing and hearing that Nutmeg is getting ready to dump Harold? You really think she’s squeezed everything she can get out of him already?Nobody wants to hear about Harry or Meghan! Americans are over them both! I watched with TRG on Sky News and there were no comments! #HarryAndMeghanAreFinishedAll these pathetic Sewer sqaddies whining on about the renovations at Frogmore, consider it not even half of what King Charles paid Harry the first year after the Monteshitshow moaners left the Monarchy!Former board president Nikki Fowler says that members of the executive team and board showed racial bias towards her and two Black directorsMystifeyed @Mystifeye. Brown believes that the Sussexes have thrown "so many bombs it's going to be five years before somebody believes them again,"#HarryAndMeghanArLyingGriftersSo this is why they say they’re done harassing the Real Royal Family! Netflix quit THEM! I thought their NetFlop mockuseries was SO successful?😂 Guess not!I’m sorry. “Why should Johnny Depp save Disneys ass? It’s not his fault they’ve lost $900 million on their last few movies! They turned their back on him when he was being abused by that psycho Amber Heard! She legit cut his finger off when he was making the last Pirates movie. “The PR people who work for Meghan Markle should be able to retire on the money she’s paying them to put out all this RIDICULOUS PROPAGANDA! We all watched Spotify dump her and call her a Fing grifters $100K to speak when they lost millions because they couldn’t think of…. Can someone please explain why we haven’t heard from Harry and Meghan about their harrowing 2 hour paparazzi car chase in New York City, all photos and videos by BACKGRID? The statement from them and their trusted security was very clear that it was NEARLY CATASTROPHIC? I know the mayor, NYPD and the. That’s what happens when your “brand” is publicly trashing and lying about your families and friends! Hollywood and Wall St turn on Harry and Meghan, #. The Royal Grift on YouTube. This tweet makes what Lady C said UNTRUE. I truly hope the Kings High court knows that Harry and Meghan have “leaked” information to the paparazzi and “planted” stories in the press to create a false narrative that they’re being “hounded” by the press!Let’s not forget this was tweeted from the Kensington Palace website and has since been scrubbed from the internet! If it was just some bizarre mistake why scrub it from existence?After reading the response from DHS to the Heritage Foundation regarding their FOIA inquiry to find out if Harry was actually interviewed AT ALL before entering this country, IT SHOWS THAT OUR GOVERNMENT IS NOT PROTECTING ITS CITIZENRY AGAINST ALL FOREIGN THREATS. Omid Scobie needs to stop calling Meghan Markle a Royal source and stop peddling her PROPAGANDA. According to Neil Sean the Palace HAS reached out PRIVATELY to the Duplicitous Duo but that’s NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR MEGHAN! So get ready because the Palace won’t publicly stick up for them Nutmegs supposedly going to publicly come out against the Palace, what else is new?Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. So I wonder how the crowds will react to NutmegAnd in my opinion Chelsy Davy looks like a smart woman. The stories about him staying in San Francisco started a year ago. co. I’m adopted. Seems like KARMA has caught right up with Dan Wootten. And after her father did exactly what she’s done 100 times she ghosted him! But she still uses the photographer that…” Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. And with his wife. . He’s an illegal alien. She convinced most of the WORLD she was a descent human being, a humanitarian even! She convinced Harry she loves him and she gave up. Prince Harry is involved. Glad to see Australia is finally going to get some assistance from the FBI! Perjury is a crime! And Amber Heard has committed PERJURY on three. King Charles should give her whatever she came to the…” “If Harry is trying to weasel his way back in to the Royal family because he and Meghan hate each other now and divorce is imminent… I hope King Charles releases the Royal lawyers on her and he’s smart enough not to pay her the hundred million she’s demanding! I hope he remembers…” That channel 5 propaganda piece on Meghan Markle is incredibly nauseating! I can’t imagine how much that cost her?! If she thinks that puff piece is going to change anyone’s mind about her vile treatment of the Queen… “All these ridiculous politicians flying their private jets around the world to discuss how WE THE PEOPLE SHOULD GIVE UP OUR CARS because WE’RE THE PROBLEM? How about having those government meetings by ZOOM and not flying your private jets all around the world with your…” Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. Harry admits in Spare, Meghan left staff crying! So Prince William watched staff crying because of Meghan and when he expressed concern to Harry, he was just repeating the press narrative? You know how delusional that sounds?And there’s nothing wrong with Prince William settling his court case out of court. . Mystifeyed @Mystifeye. But none the less, the hits just keep on coming!Harry and Meghan can flood the media with their PR propaganda and Harry and his PR guru can go to the Wounded Warrior games and the Sussex squad can push a fake video that makes it look like the vets are cheering. #princeharry #meghanmarkle #royalty I do not encourage anyone threatening or harassing others on or off this space. Show more". For an award winning, strong, independent woman, who stands up and advocates for women and girls around the WORLD, How is it that she spends so much time on the floor sobbing?This is what’s being stated in all the news shows. Not Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex it’s grammatically incorrect! She’s not REALLY Royal so she’s ignorant of what’s correct. Wasn’t that Harry’s big contribution to their Netflix deal? I guess Netflix is done with the Harkles altogether. I’m American and I know the difference but then I don’t have a…. I can’t believe that Omid Scobie committed perjury today in the Kings High Court! Did he forget what he wrote in Finding Freedom? Didn’t he “forget” Nutmeg was his biggest contributor in front of a judge and Nutmeg ended up getting caught and apologizing to the judge… luckily she got away with THAT perjury… Mystifeyed @Mystifeye I’m stunned to hear that Alexee Trevizo, the 19 year old high school cheerleader, who had her baby in the ER bathroom, put it in a plastic garbage bag, twisted it closed and hid it at the bottom of the trash can, who’s charged with MURDER, has filed a wrongful death lawsuit… this is the kind of OUTRAGEOUS DISGUSTING. What Harry and Meghan did by lying about her and causing her so much distress when she was already suffering with the most painful cancer, IS THE REASON THEY WILL BOTH FAIL. “Taz did a video today that was epic! It shows the relationship of Harry and Meghan when it started, and everything she did to manipulate the media and Harry. If they think we believe it’s against their will… 😂 one single photographer from Backgrid, who’ve already explained how they’re scheduled ahead of time and how she chooses the photos and when they’re released and she gets paid… we. And people think the Heard stans are vile/ and they are the Sussex Squad are just as vile! Funny how BouzyTheFraud supports both of these vile hate groups…And all the rabid, clearly uneducated, Sussex Squat-mongers spreading lies and disinformation about the Middletons are all just pathetic, welfare recipients, jealous that none of them ever had an idea that turned into a million dollar business, because that would require actual…If Meghan Markle in all her entitlement wanted to grift a suite of rooms from the Carlyle Hotel she might have thought twice before posting photos of herself and Harry eating in their very exclusive restaurant! They’re not even good photos because CAMERAS ARE NOT ALLOWED! I’m…. Not shocking that mockuseries they did was a snooze fest! Seriously the music alone was obnoxious! Guess they better get on the…” You know why the Heart of Invictus will fail on Netflix? Because when Harry started the Invictus Games he was the old Harry, the war hero, who overcame his adversities and encouraged veterans to do the same, be brave and compete! “This is hilarious, so Harry’s mad that Page Six didn’t blur Lilis face, BECAUSE THEY WERE ASKED TO? So you knew who was releasing the photos? Once you sign the release through Backgrid, I don’t think you get to dictate to the NYPost in New York, there’s no law that says they have…” “Harry and Meghan are sad and desperate.