errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. #OverturnIt”“But for tonight I’m going to leave it at that. “president—overreached his authority by attempting to put in place a *wholly unconstitutional* covid vaccine mandate for employees at companies of 100+ people. When you propose taking away—or even just infringing upon—gun ownership, you’re essentially banking on everyone being a “good guy. But but at all a fair response when we’re talking. ” #LiberalHypocrisy. I don’t “play constant defense. Someone on here suggested it’s bc they’re technically county employees who are mandated. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. For information on the Massachusetts Republican Committee (the state organization), see MassGOP. 172 likes · 57 talking about this. ”Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. “On most issues, the conservative position is reasonable, rational, logical, scientific, moral, ethical. In my city, as of about 2 months ago, I’m permitted back inside restaurants. The Truth is for everyone. How utterly offensive to the women (and men) who are actually survivors of assault. I. ”“@idkmillennial Unbelievable (although, after the past 2 yrs, not so much) to me too. ” My point is that society celebrates women’s divorces—but not men’s. Share. I didn’t immediately become conservative, Republican, or Christian. com. Middle-aged white men account for 70%. It is perhaps only rivaled—or, at least, most closely rivaled—by fatherhood, in terms of gravity, self-sacrifice, significance, & merit. cash. What is your point? That because a pastor did it, a member of the LGBT+infinity community never has or does? Are you reveling in the fact that it was a pastor? Are you tweeting about this solely BECAUSE it was a pastor—or because you care about the kid(s) involved?Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. 20K Followers, 1,849 Following, 584 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Natalie Beisner (@nataliejeanbeisner) Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner Feminism is behind the trans agenda. White American adults are more likely to end their lives than any other racial or ethnic adult group. May we never again be ruled by tyrants—unless they tell us “we need to do this for the good of all” in which case your “asserted freedoms” don’t outweigh our “needs. For decades, women have been 2nd-rate men. We don’t. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Additionally, Florida’s law. Since 2020, when Hunter was ordered by a judge to take a paternity test (that confirmed paternity), Hunter has been…”“I didn’t have outside help. Masturbation isn’t abortion. Searching to find out more about Natalie Beisner? We have a full Biography, Photos, Theatre Credits, Videos and more! Check out Natalie Beisner's bio now including film and tv, as well as. 1. What should’ve been one of my least controversial takes, turned out to be one of the most. If it’s already on the shelf—online or. Natalie Beisner. It is highly disingenuous to act as if pregnancy isn’t a wholly unique circumstance—a circumstance where a distinct human life and body is growing within another human body. My mother’s generation was taught they NEEDED that option to succeed. The Liberty Daily benefits when you shop using the following links and Code: TLD. Ex-Dem turned sane person/Now I fight for the right side/Short vids to help you do the same. We give life, and there is nothing greater. Society has a right to Norma and standards—upholding a certain lifestyle as the one that is most fruitful, the most likely to leave you fulfilled, the most likely to bring you long lasting and genuine joy. On top of that: Redistricting last fall made her district MORE blue. ”. ” Natalie Jean was born on April 18th in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Natalie Jean Beisner on Twitter: "Define “female equality” and “healthcare rights. But the last 2 years—of unemployment, of segregation, of”Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Quote Tweet. I have been a Democrat my entire life. Half of y’all forget or don’t know (or don’t care) that I used to be firmly entrenched in the Democrat party. Maybe, just maybe, you don’t either. Call me whatever you want. Scott Adams Retweeted Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner (May 6, 2023) I walked away from the Democrat party summer 2020 when I was told I could go out and “protest” but not go to work. Natalie Beisner is known for The Tempest, All for Love: HopScotch (2015) and Hard Pack (2016). Join me in Walking Away from the Democrat Party ️. For decades, feminists have insisted women can and must do everything men do. A sperm is not a whole, individuated, genetically-distinct human life. You all are so desperate to make the rest of us believe “oh it’s not that bad to kill your own preborn offspring. ConversationNatalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Feminism molds women into second-rate men. . ”“Over the past 2 years, after walking away from the Democrat party in 2020, I gradually & accidentally became a conservative Christian. org >. ”Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. com (secure)] Last Edited by Coastie Patriot on 05/13/2023 09:50 PM. ” Divorce should make us sad. Her background in classical dance and modeling eventually led to a career in film and TV. To act as if white folks were the only ones who had a hand in black. But the more I researched, the more I realized I’d been lied to about so many things, including Donald Trump. . I spelled women with “x” & supported Planned Parenthood. But the flip side is: they were likewise freed through the efforts of black and white people both. An entire generation of young women are going to see they can be just as happy & successful as they were before—more so, even—without having or needing that option always readily &”Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. For decades, feminists have insisted women can and must do everything men do. . 16 Jul 2023 18:57:20. Natalie Beisner is a Los Angeles-based writer. In truth, many of us aren’t “to blame” at all, because we inherited the consequences of the sexual revolution and almost didn’t have a chance. Any help is truly appreciated! TY!”In this conversation. She’s your offspring. But I looked into it & county workers are actually”“Seeing the full video of the Charlottesville press conference & WHAT TRUMP ACTUALLY SAID was one of the biggest redpill moments for me. 218 likes · 27 talking about this. “@LeoMaj0r @miacat47 I agree that people needn’t be “cancelled. If you are requesting folks refer to you as “they/them” or as one of the “neo-pronouns,” you are not being inclusive. . Alex Jones telling the truth about feminism. It didn’t happen in a vacuum. What is your point? 9:05 PM · May 10, 2023. Lastly, what a stupid thing to say: “of course Hispanics are going to vote for a Hispanic!” Lol”Last week a black man who is also a convicted felon shot and tragically killed a 34-year-old Korean woman, in front of her husband. a Miss Karen #nataliejeanbeisner #crazykarens #racistkarens #predator #predators #karensgonewild #karensgoingwild #reparations #rep. How utterly anti-woman to tell women we can’t succeed without abortion, without undergoing physically and emotionally risky procedures to kill our own offspring, without denying our biology, maniacally controlling our biology, making our biology more like men’s. It is you giving your word to your beloved, before God, and—very often—before the people you hold. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. A human fetus—while still very much alive, shill very much human—can make no choices. They don’t realize how much they’re being lied to and manipulated. “available, some women & families are going to do without. Some people lost an ancestor fighting on behalf of the north in the Civil War. Some of you all have swallowed a bit too much of that redpill. You say we don’t know, yet you go on blithely aborting 800,000 plus innocent lives per year? Isn’t “not knowing” reason enough to put a pause. “& at that point, I walked away from the Dem party, because I was suffering under their leadership. 20 per page 40 per page 60 per page All Time. We’ve come to expect it, and—in many. Now, I’m realistic—I understand that—with the overturning of Roe (which was, to be clear, constitutionally, the only right decision)—many women in red states will travel across state lines to get abortions (God knows my”“meds. It didn’t happen in a vacuum. Feminists—particularly 3rd and 4th wave feminists—have systematically destroyed everything it means to be a woman, and all the ways in which we are distinct from men. In her video, Beisner went even further and said that Democratic policies actively hurt the very people they claim to support and want to help. latest Most Viewed Most Discussed A-Z Z-A 20 per page. I find it interesting that pro-abortion people always criticize anti-abortion people as wanting to “control women” and “control women’s bodies” and “punish women for having sex. I’m sorry for your experience. A grifter is someone who engages in swindling. You’re gonna need a better argument besides “mind your own beeswax. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner “We don’t kill other human beings because they’re small. I’m also very healthy (which is a combination of both blessing &, on my part, much hard work). Natalie Beisner from United States is on #WalkAway Social. Women don’t get a “bigger say” on abortion. Because I probably would’ve still been on the left. Evil comes in all colors, but so does goodness. With the power now back to the people, more young women like Brooke—who were by no means forced to get pregnant & did indeed have a choice—are going to realize the beauty of what is possible when there’s no longer”Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. We don’t kill other human beings because of their level of development. But it’s silly to pretend as though we treat “Pride month”/LGBT members and our military/veterans even remotely the same. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Is this a rhetorical question? Are you implying it rarely happens? Genuinely not sure. We’re just not out to PUNISH (ie kill) a genetically-distinct human life, for the missteps of his father and/or mother. ” I read books like THE NEW JIM CROW in an…” Found. And you don’t care if a group of very mainly old white men make a (bad) decision—as long as it’s one you like. This woman is 51 and twice divorced. ”Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. “Half of our nation was right all along about covid, masks, lockdowns, & the vaccine. This—and more—absolutely happened. “services. I live in Los Angeles. Which is”“states followed suit; & many individuals in states that refused to follow suit, rebelled & did their own thing, because they saw it could be done. If you’re already thinking about reversal before you get a vasectomy. “struggled with all my life. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. You’re telling folks how to refer to you when you’re not even around. “@Bryan_A_330 What do you guys think about the potential for them to be weaponized against free-thinkers/patriots/etc? I used to be against mental. Conversation“@GoDEEPwithVen are powerful evil entities at play, seeking to demoralize us, divide us, and isolate us (and possibly prep us for transhumanism). I have since authentically changed my mind on things. Profile Info ; 53 Friends 5 Followers 5; 1 Photos 1; All Photos. If your worth is determined by whether you’re wanted, how developed you are, how small you are, how “conscious” you are, etc. We have been bred and brainwashed to believe we have “rights” we don’t have—and even worse, to believe these alleged “rights” lead to our further liberation. George Takei. Just go to her feed. I will testify endlessly to the left’s palpable hatred for anyone who dissents—ESPECIALLY anyone who used to drink the kool-aid but then choked it back up and spit it out. ” And now they’re mad that men can “become” women and call it “gender-affirming care. You just want to control people. May 20. And—like it or not—many laws legislate (Judeo-Christian) morality—including “don’t murder. But yes, as a Christian, I TRY to judge my brothers and sisters as made in God’s image all—not as members of an “other” group which is different than I. A fetus is a whole, individuated, genetically-distinct living human organism. I live in Los Angeles. So stop pretending like you care when men make decisions for women’s bodies. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. To “swindle” is “to use deception to deprive someone of money or possessions. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Tell the truth, let people decide for themselves. All Time This Month This Week Today. “@GoDEEPwithVen just pick a side and believe everything they’re told, without further investigation. What bothered me the most about this wasn’t that Democrats disagreed with me, or that they wanted to keep us locked-down—what bothered me the. Secondly, in all states, the person has to be an imminent danger to your very life, in order to justify lethal force. Nothing to aspire to. We don’t kill other human beings because of their level of. Show more. Are you just going to keep tweeting out opinion pieces that support your cowardice and ignorance? You disregarded facts throughout the entirety of the pandemic, and disregard them. A woman named Natalie Jean Beisner, who claims that she had a political conversion during the COVID pandemic, recently released a video that has gone viral. 4:55 PM · Jul 11, 2023. ” Turns out we do legislate morality. “Has even one Democrat politician come out to condemn these attacks? Biden, Pelosi, Kathy Hochul in NYC, & Psaki (when she was still at the WH) are among those who have implicitly ENCOURAGED these attacks with inflammatory rhetoric. So many people either can’t or won’t understand this ruling. Fellas: while it may be true that women gate-keep sex, you don’t need to walk through every gate just because it’s open and attractive. When. You’re ridiculous. ””Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner “Divorce is a tragedy. We have literally zero agency over our actions or our bodies—even as we scream about ‘bodily autonomy. You should look up the definition of “whole. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner I’ve noticed this 👆 in my personal life, as I’ve ventured out a bit to meet like/open-minded folks over the past year or so: MANY experienced some type of shift in the past 2 years. ”“@DLivingstonRI13 Oh! I’m the girl whose Twitter post you’re commenting on, so it seems like you care a little bit. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. ” From the start. TLM, for example, has danish origins. Nothing…. This is a disgrace, &”“somewhere tonight, upset. I think it’s just important sometimes to hear other sides of the story & to hear what’s possible. In her video, Beisner went even further and said that Democratic policies actively hurt the very people they claim to support and want to help. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. “I have been a Democrat my entire life. You need not be its gatekeeper. What are you doing to fix it? 1:30. 154K views 3 months ago. I couldn’t wait to vote against the ban on gay marriage. Although I disagree with some of what I’ve heard he stands for, but I’m also open to listening and learning more. Please don’t fool yourself into believing you are. This makes me sad. Early stage of development does not beget broken or not whole. “So much THIS. It is amazing how much hatred I’ve gotten for saying married folks should take care of themselves and look their best, for their spouses. I speak facts, common sense, and logic. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Does that deserve a whole movement? An entire month to celebrate? All of. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. No.