Onision and Laineybot. Date of Birth. Jackson's current partner is Kai, a Jackson fan who identified as a woman named Lainey until March of 2017. ogv download. Similarly, he has now abandoned and left his 3other YouTube account named Onision, Uh Oh Bro, and OnisionSpeaks. His Height is 1. Then when Sarah (who has BPD) went public a few months ago, he came out with abusive tweets and Facebook statuses about how people with BPD are monsters. >Greg tries to revive his old school comedy…and fails (seriously dude, it's not 2009. b. :( Includes: Johnnie Guilbert, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and Onision. This has been an ongoing problem with Stephanie Binninger putting bogus restraining orders on any guy that tries to break up with her, and she has and will t. Date Unknown, 2010. Shiloh turns 17. Last week, Onision (real name Gregory Jackson) was banned from Patreon for allegedly tweeting out the phone number of Billie Dawn Webb, a woman who claimed Jackson pressured her into a sexual. In the documentary, Sarah summed it up perfectly when she said that Kai and Greg will always return to each other. 3. Onision In Real Life; I love Onision. Kai/Lucas is the human garbage who started grooming Sarah starting at 12. In the course of his investigation, Hansen has also heard allegations from Onision’s ex-girlfriend, Shiloh Hoganson, and a former fan, Billie Dawn Webb. Kai Jackson, born on October 16, 1994, is a famous and celebrated social media personality and YouTube celebrity. Onision on yksi sellaisista ihmisistä, jotka ovat ottaneet härän sarvea kohti, täyttäneet yllä olevat kriteerit ja nousseet yhdeksi monista YouTubers -yrityksistä, joiden kanssa on luottamus. James Jackson [1] (born Gregory James Daniel; November 11, 1985), [1] [2] [3] known professionally by his online alias Onision ( / oʊˈniːsiːɒn / ), is an American YouTuber. From the Onision meltdow. Under the name Onision, he became well known in 2010 for several viral videos, including the “Banana Song” and other parody-themed sketches. Says director Tom Shadyac, “I hate to use the cliche, but Jennifer Aniston is one of the hottest people in show business. “Soul mate. . he appeared to film his girlfriend having a seizure-like episode where she couldn't remember who he was. 10 ANNOYING THINGS WOMEN DO EPISODE 41. He has 2 YouTube channels named Onision with more than 2 million subscribers and OnisionSpeaks with. Track #27 on The Banana Man. Greg created his Onision YouTube on January 29, 2006. -Kicked out of the military for running around naked. You should watch kappa kaiju’s videos on onision’s books if you like repzion’s, they’re really good!. I'm not going to directly post the images here (for the sake of everyones eyes) but the nudes Kai / Lainey sent to Sarah when she was underaged have been posted on Twitter. Greg's videos about Andy Biersack lead to Andy working with Greg on an Onision video. Does anyone know if Kai is ok? I know they apparently arw still with Onision, living with a transgendered friend. YouTuber Onision filed a petition for orders of protection against. Sorry but this one is for females only. Bitched about being told to give her the money she earned from the YouTube channel. Teya (born: November 7, 1998 (1998-11-07) [age 24]), better known online as STRANGE ÆONS, is a Canadian YouTuber who uploads videos about various topics. Onision. DOWNLOAD HER LIES ON ITUNES: The 'Onision controversy' is a topic my girlfriend got me interested a few months ago, and while normally I despise drama -- particularly internet drama -- this 'case' has me mildly obsessed. Culture Youtube YouTuber Abuse Sexual harassment. Though, he is 1. January 23, 2018. Rate. Wiki User. Around February/March 2019, Onision was exposed on Twitter by a mother that onision refused to change her daughter' diaper and it resulted the toddler to develop a diaper rash and supposedly bleeding. Loser”Relationships. Onision je jedním z takových lidí, kteří vzali býka za roh, splnili výše uvedená kritéria a objevili se jako jeden z mnoha YouTuberů, s nimiž se počítá. Onision's song about someone he dated. 1:43 / duration. His previous girlfriend was Tantaga with who divorced. Disclaimer: Even though the audio clips are taken out of context from various videos, they are all things Greg. She alleges that over the course of their relationship, he emotionally tormented her so severely, she had a stress-induced seizure that he recorded and posted footage of online. And, honestly, it might all start with a massive libel/slander lawsuit. this video is noncommercial and. She told Onision who she was, and he gained great interest in her. We love to follow and immitate our celebrities height, weight, hair style, eye color, attire and almost everything. Play Video. His real name is Gregory James Daniel. The official site of the entertainer Onision. For example Lainey was always pretty "stick-figure-y", Billie is very tiny, very. The controversies began back in 2012 when Onision went on a. Onision is a YouTube personality from the United States. com. She has also. . Even when they got a girlfriend the way Greg spoke. On September 25th, 2009, Onision uploaded a music video titled "Banana Song" (shown below, left). —ONISION🌹 (@Onision) January 19, 2021 A three-part documentary was released on Discovery Plus this month that detailed Jackson's unusual career trajectory, and it featured an interview with his most vocal accuser,. Onision was born Gregory James Daniel in 1985, though his current legal name is James Jackson. $88,284 - $1,478,763. . This blog isn't intended to expose Greg for the empathetically challenged, idiot man-child he is (there are blogs that do an excellent job of that already). Ratings for With Your Girlfriend from The Banana Man by Onision. On March 27, 2013, Greg uploaded "ONISION'S NEW TATTOO" to his speaks channel. Karina speaks to Alicia Kozakiwicz, an internet safety expert and abduction survivor, about how these internet celebrities avoid accountability, and how to keep yourself and your children safe online. Getting stuck in extraordinary circumstances happens, but what about getting stuck somewhere you visit every day, like the bathroom?Sources:[Getting Stuck in. Onision main channel is the only active account for now. The pair have. this video is noncommercial and. Net Worth: $88,284 - $1,478,763. As of 2023, Onision’s net worth is $5 million. In January 2021, a day after Discovery+ aired the final episode of Onision: In Real Life — a documentary hosted by Chris Hansen of To Catch a Predator fame that examines these allegations — YouTube permanently demonetized all three of Onision's channels. Onision is currently married to his second wife named Taylor Anderson. -doxing his ex girlfriend Billie, using his. The couple both started getting to know each other via Twitter. Onision, I'm sorry. Skye got chased off of Youtube by Greg’s fans. Crazy bunny girl is here! It's Onision's crazy fun girlfriend Shiloh!Contact Onision: Site: ht. He got his fans to bully her off the. Feminist Onision No Longer Calls Himself A Feminist. Another twitter user has been researching Onision for the past two months and has a massive amount of information about his relationship history. Dating back to his earliest days, Onision, also known as Gregory Jackson, began uploading more and more intimate and extreme content, some of which allegedly showcased him filming a young woman having a health crisis in the shower. ogv download. With reference to sources like statsmash. Onision is a nickname. Onision has even gone as far as to mock him for his body and call him overweight and did this whole “expose” video trying to prove Shane is fat. Someone needs to tell him that putting on makeup and blowing a smurf are two completely different things. (He’s a youtuber btw). Destruct Love. He was also involved in a scandal in 2012 after he was banned from VidCon 2012 after he stated that that time girlfriend Adrienne slept with more than 20. The ever expanding saga of Eugenia Cooney continues. He loves her. Welcome to reality. 40 votes, 23 comments. Greg was discharged from the United States Air Force in January 2009. -The way Onision handled his divorce with Skye making her out in a video to be a “burglar” of her own things and then sending his fans after her online when she tried to start her own channel. He's known to travel to different states to marry underage girls. 99 monthly just click on our website. Onision first met her in New York, and then they fell for. Onision doesn't have a future. The official subreddit for keeping tabs on the individual known as 'Onision' AKA. Because Shiloh has threatened to spread false-information (false being she denies the evidence & claims it's all slante. This reupload is for archival and educational viewing purposes. Kai married the YouTuber in 2011, when he was 17 and Jackson was 26. Here's some quick hilights from his illustrious career. Onision Online streamer Podcasts and Streamers . Lyldoll. Onision has some serious problems. Onision's song about someone he dated. just after that, he got involved in a romantic love relationship with a girl named Shiloh Hoganson but later got separated in the year 2012. . His primary YouTube channel, "Onision", featured sketches and satirical clips; videos posted to his other. Onision's life was destroyed by someone he rejected/removed from his life due to the. December 2021; November 2021;𝕾𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 "UNHOLY!"Valentine's Day!"_𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖘♦ Vocals by @lollia_official♦ Arrangement by. Some of you saw I'm A Banana? Well. especially with his girlfriend. Suk Mi. I use to watch him in high school, but found out real quick that he was messed up. In the years since “Banana Song” released, Jackson has been no stranger to. crazy. Shiloh Hoganson, best known as her stage name Shiloh, is a Canadian singer/songwriter and is an ex-fiancée of Onision. To Catch a Predator's Chris Hansen has sold the Onision story he investigated for years to Discovery who will be releasing a documentary on their new streaming platform next month. 27K subscribers in the Onision community. As for the scared reaction to juvenile hall, maybe it was a real. crazy. From that point forward, sarah was groomed by onision and kai. still a pedophile, still blocks anyone from making fun of him for being a chomo on his socials, thats about it reallyGo to Onision r/Onision •. While they were dating, his girlfriend even appeared in some of his videos. If I recall she was in a car (asleep I think) and Greg shaved her hair. After seeing "I'm a Banana" on television, Shiloh begins to look into Greg's channels and watch his videos. See. White. He is militant about veganism, for example, calling meat-eaters “murderers,” and despises Christianity, calling the Bible “a book of hate. The weight is 68 kg. On April 18th, 2008, Onision posted a video titled "I'm So Emo," which gained over 3. Onision's Beautiful Asian Girlfriend (Bloopers). 3:55. This blog is intended to demonstrate just how ignorant, uniformed & uneducated many of Greg's opinions/views really are. Jackson's current partner is Kai, a Jackson fan who identified as a woman named Lainey until March of 2017. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Onision เกิด Gregory Daniel Jackson บน11 พฤศจิกายน 1985 พ่อแม่ของเกรกถูกกล่าวว่าหย่าหลังจากพ่อของเขาถูกตัดสินว่ามีความผิดทางเพศต่อผู้เยาว์เกร. Scorpio. Dating/Girlfriend (Name): N/A: Is Onision Gay? (Name of Partner): No: Does he have tattoos?: No: Smoking: No: Drinking: Yes: Profession: American entertainer,. In response, Onision claimed that because this woman had numerous sexual partners. Bio (Alter) Onision wurde am Gregory Daniel Jackson geboren11. Kai Jackson, born on October 16, 1994, is a famous and celebrated social media personality and YouTube celebrity. 1 Video. Its hard for me to give any excerpts from it because its 120 pages of awful things this person has done. 3 million. Greg releases his third novel, Reaper’s Creek. Last week, Onision (real name Gregory Jackson) was banned from Patreon. Onision & Tantaga Play With Web Cam Filters. Her Lies is on Spotify, Apple Music and more. Except, Onision’s story took a very dark, disturbing turn. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The follow-up video he made after in response to. A collection of Onision videos, some of which you cannot find on YouTube, TikTok or Twitter. 3. Gregory Jackson (Born November 11, 1985) known on YouTube as Onision is a YouTube personality that has made 3,000+ videos ranging from music videos to comedy sketches. October 18, 2011. If a video has been deleted and it's been archived, only an archived link. Greg Jackson, aka Onision, is one of YouTube's most controversial figures; after skyrocketing to Internet fame in the mid-2000s, the content creator begins a relationship with an underage fan named Shiloh. 🍒 Onision | Ex-Girlfriend Letter | BasedShaman ReviewIn this Onision Series, we will be investigating the entire Onision backstory. ogv download. Lucas Jackson (born October 16, 1994), formerly Kai Anderson, known also as Kai Elaine Avaroe and Kai Jackson, is the husband of controversial YouTuber James Jackson, known for his channel identity "Onision". Onision, 25, had just divorced Skye Tantaga, his high school sweetheart, in 2010, and he formally introduced Shiloh as his girlfriend in a YouTube video weeks before her 18th birthday. Before Lainey, Onision was dating a woman named Shiloh one day Shiloh was having a nervous breakdown and Onision filmed the video and uploaded it to Youtube. original upload for more Oney Plays Oney Plays on Twitte. Sorry guys. With 2. I watched him on and off thinking not much of him but somewhat enjoying his content. Released in 2019. . The official subreddit for keeping tabs on the individual known as 'Onision' AKA…By James Crowley On 1/22/21 at 2:20 PM EST. About. ∙ 2011-05-06 15:33:06. “If you abandon Justin Bieber because he put his girlfriend before his fans, you are punishing him for making a good decision. Hazel. With over 2 million and more than 570 million views, Onision is reported to generate an estimated income of approximately $100 per day and $36,000 per year, while el OnisionSpeaks, with over 1. My videos exi. Big Ed has crossed the line so many times on 90 Day Fiance. Info Connections Comments Shares. The two appeared together in many Onision videos. or 2: he's trying to s. It was only after the publication of this. Submit Correction. I am not John aka Undert. The person Onision removed confessed to doing extremely illegal drugs. 1:43. Support me on Patreon - video is protected under fair use under the digital millenium copyright act for the purpose of criticism and non-profit. Based on 41 ratings.