(My assassin's int stacker has fortify, 0 block and bunch of ES/ES leech as primary mean of defenses and I just don't die with it unless i'm. spark can deal damage once every 0. Double CotB, self-chill, headshiver, aegis aurora, timeless jewel, etc versions literally just swap around some gear and passives. Launches unpredictable sparks that move randomly until they hit an enemy or expire. The Phantasmal Spark Poison Occultist relies on scaling gem quality to 50%. Will allow you to drop septic spells nodes. I believe I spent around 30-35 ex on it in the end. From the Phantasmal Spark Gem added quality from Ashes of the Stars, the build is able to reach 100% Chaos Damage Conversion. Reservation Mastery. EDIT: Level 3 enhance, with the poison on hit small nodes from Serpentine Spellslinger and Fatal Toxins, gives you 106% chance to poison on hit, so you can, indeed, go Dialla's for. . 9K subscribers Join Subscribe 383 62K views 5 months ago This build is EXTREMELY Expensive. Due to dual wielding of. In today's video i showcase a new build i've been working towards for awhile! I hope you enjoy seeing the build in action if you would like more guides on ho. It's an excellent mapper and also a great allrounder. . Zizaran takes his Cold DoT Trickster leaguestarter for a spin in the new Path of Exile Forbidden Sanctum league, progressing through the acts in this video m. Current Favorites. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Rerolling to Poison Spark Occultist, feeling way too squishy. The Phantasmal Spark Poison Occultist relies on scaling gem quality to 50%. ApprehensiveCut1068 • 1 min. Sell your build and make poison spark occultist, is the faster and higher ceiling ver of poison Srs for SC trade. Sex. This is achieved thanks to the Ashes of the Stars Unique Amulet, which rolls up to 30% to Quality of all Skill Gems. POB: friends! This time i made a really long video as for my channel, i don't like wasting your time with non-useful info, always do only fast and clear!. Life - 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour. Invest a few more div and do 5-ways to 99 or 100. . In addition, I'd like a build that doesn't rely on a bunch of uniques to scale damage or defenses. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Poison Spark Occultist provides a very smooth gameplay experience thanks to the in-built explosions from multiple sources: from the Occultist ascendancy, the Profane Bloom notable, and the Asenaths Gentle Touch gloves. - GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT FOR $1. r/PathOfExileBuilds. Occultist would be decent for poison spark, but takes investment and you said you don't like poison. With your idea you are getting the chaos damage benefits from occultist: Nearby enemies have -20% chaos res, 15% more chaos damage, Wither to nearby enemies. Combining these skills allows fast map clearing with a low investment, however it can be min maxed to be fantastic for late endgame as well. Welcome to the build guide for a Poison Summon Raging Spirit Necromancer with a massive 51 million DPS in POE 3. You can also use nimis instead which double the spark duration. 18) | Ci Poison Spark Occultist | In-Depth Presentation/Guide GG_TWiF 1. bugel_ • 3 hr. 19 guides with a little bit of effort. From the Phantasmal Spark Gem added quality from Ashes of the Stars, the build is able to reach 100% Chaos Damage. Armour and Energy - Recover 5% of Energy Shield over 1 second when you take Physical Damage from an Enemy Hit. The build focuses on quality of life, ensuring it feels good to play wherever possible. With Occultist getting so much chaos res for free, my first thought was to use Divine Flesh and Incandescent Heart to get defense, but I can’t seem to get the tree just right to balance offense and defense. Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you. Copying POEninja builds. Spoiler. 🌀🔥🌀Assembling the build Circle of Poison Huntress / Venom Gyre is one of the strongest mapers 🌀🔥🌀, Full build, Ranger (Sniper). One of the more suggested skills for no hits was spark so I looked into Poison Spark Occultist but I'm a bit suspicious about that. It also gives an easy way to cap your Chaos. Poison spark occultist/trickster . Hello Exiles - Destroying the Purifier, Constrictor, Eradicator and Enslaver in this one - 3 sets of Elder Guardian maps and to finish each one off with a Ma. Although you can choose to play many different ways with this class, it heavily specializes in doing Chaos and Cold damage over time. PoB: bosses are at 6:00 onwards. I'm looking for a better fast mapper than Poison SRS since bossing really isn't my thing. Pay high attention to the items the build uses. My goal was to use temple mods as I love those and aim for high proj speed while having some fun with recombinators somewhere along the way. On poeninja, I see a few different poison spark builds on poeninja and through searching guides. 1. 17 (3. I thought about going from DO to poison spark once I have 100+divs, but max cold res tattoo stacking and a semi-mageblood from PF ascendancy seems pretty cool. I also have a +2 proj/+2 duration Cherrubim's Maleficence and a +2 max cold res/15% energy shield relic. All my stats seem really low, crafted everthing myself. What Poison Spark. 18 and 3. I'd like to try something different, ideally something that can scale into high red maps, or even beyond that. Phantasmal Spark's alternate quality converts a portion of Spark's Lightning Damage into Chaos Damage, thus making it able to Poison. Spark. Quite a generic Pathfinder PC build but feel free to ask away if you have any questions. Its not the most optimal thing out there, just wanted to play a build using stasis prison that wasn't ward loop lol. This is. Pretty expensive to build, and kind of annoying to. Build is great, damage is insane, but I feel like the build lacks mobility and not running Grace feels sketch. It deals with hexproofs, it makes you not have to invest anything in chance to poison, gives you an extra curse, so you can already use temp chains+despair instantly, without investing in anything else, and also. This is one of my options for late respec ( widowhajl + op quiver variant ). Hordes/Packsize90%Sextant Beyond/sacred grove/Lifeforce Duplicated(purple or blue)PoB:英語. . The most expansive piece of gear is the amulet, "Ashes of the stars". The occ build she usually recommends is bfbb. In sort, you cant upgrade his version to the point where it can do simulacrum (i mean completely clear wave 30, any below than 30 is not doing simulacrum imo). Just a slight caveat to the last sentence - the combined quality of phantasmal spark needs to be 50%, so you could use a 27% ashes combined with a 23% quality spark. As titles state, I league started with Poison SRS, and while I love the tankyness and damage of SRS, I want to try other builds this league. I usually play 1 character per league. Poison Phantasmal Spark Pathfinder is a well-rounded monster suitable for all content. It is a poison build so it’ll be more of a delayed damage type play style and definitely not as fast. . 66seconds so you can use this to work out how many pierce you need. PoB: going over fresh char0:28 mapping2:45 IMPORTANT: CHECK THE NOTES2:55 going over tre. . Luckily, Pathfinder excels at this, if you've ever played with a Mageblood, Pathfinder feels similar by enhancing Flask uptime and potency. . Hey exile, in this video I go over why you should be playing Spark Trickster as your starter. anime princess - Trickster Spark (not beginner friendly). . In this video i'm going more in details on the presentation of my starter version of the poison spark occultist build. Only real difference is that he uses Mageblood but they perform very similarly, he just h. Poison spark is great, but it can’t reach the output standard spark can with huge investment. 20. 84 zone hardest difficulty version of the Legion 5 Way encounter, each time you revive the mobs they get stronger/tankier/faster but supposidly more re. Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you. While having a very comfortable one button play style, this build excels at clearing maps very fast, thanks to explosions, Herald of Ash and Ignite. Choose whatever has the best price/damage ratio, but make sure it?s at least as strong as the VB would be. 20) Poison Is Extremely Overtuned - Spark Occultist Showcase BalorMage 16. 20) Poison Is Extremely Overtuned - Spark Occultist Showcase BalorMage 16. MoM on sanctified relicMap atlas did it, it works alright. Poison occultist would also be a pretty good bosser from the last PC thread I read where the guy only failed the last boss of the sim wave cause of flask charges. Join. 42K subscribers Showcasing. Remove deep wisdom, heart and soul and the septic spells cluster jewel if you need more points. . 2/0. Occultist Best Occultist Builds for Trial of the Ancestors League (PoE 3. He's using Phantasmal Desecrate with Ashes + Enhance to get 100% quality on the gem, so he can guarantee Flickershade summons, and then Soul's Wick to make them really powerful. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Just depends if you can build her right tbh. Only real. I'm 55% certain with capped chaos res + Born in Chaos + Timeless Jewel that you can tank everything Sirus. Ok thx for info just wanting to transition to something with more range for sanctum. AurasPoison Spark Occultist - Only did this for a few days. Most Aegis using Inquis/Occultist builds often have practically 0 or very low regen/sustain mechanics. I have a few items prepared for the build: Mageblood, nimis, original sin, and ashes of the stars. To do this build, you do need a mageblood. Anomalous blood and sand: extremely powerful, huge projectile speed . Didn’t like the ramp. But this is a mild issue. Thought I would just put up my attempt at a Poison Spark. Failed to load profile. . How to calculate Impending doom DPS in PoB properly: Slap on a 500% more cast speed modifier, to cap out your trigger rate. To be clear, poison spark is an amazing AFK simulacrum build, but Tuna's version is kinda not for simulacrum. Hope GGG can turn this boat around! Also, small update on my Lightning Strike Poison Occultist. I switched from DD to poison spark occultist a few days ago, pob here. 20! The build hasn't changed much since 3. 22] Returning Projectiles CoC Ice Spear Build | Occultist | Ancestor | Path of Exile 3. 17 (3. Poison spark occultist in 3. My Spark guide has been completely remade for the 3. if anyone has any suggestions for improvement, please do tell. 1. It is essential. [3. Thanks to Profane Bloom explosion chains it is able to provide satisfying clear unmatched by any other Ascendancy. We are leaving it up as a reference and it might be revived in a later patch. Poison Spark Occultist provides a very smooth gameplay experience thanks to the in-built explosions from multiple sources: from the Occultist ascendancy, the Profane Bloom notable, and the Asenaths Gentle Touch gloves. Critical Strike Chance: 6. Cast Time: 0. From the Phantasmal Spark Gem added quality from Ashes of the Stars, the build is able to reach 100% Chaos Damage. sorry didnt get a chance to get on. But thank you Toxic_Shaco_Player. 🌀🔥🌀, Full build, Templar (Inquisitor). My budget is ~90 ex, but I already have a mageblood and ashes. Before swapping to Occultist, make sure you have the following items: 1. Poison Spark occultist POB help. Forbidden Rite Poison Occultist. It doesn't benefit the default setups. POB: help building a Poison Spark Voltaxic Rift Occultist. I am trying to do something close to crouching_tunas poison spark occultist. POB: giga expensive luxury occultist smashes uber twinks while eating cheeseburgerThe Phantasmal Spark Poison Occultist relies on scaling gem quality to 50%. I've got about 250 divs plus I've already got a nimi's, an enlighten 4, and a progenesis. As title suggests, I’m building Mathil’s Poison Spark Occultist. ninja. In today's video i showcase a new build i've been working towards for awhile! I hope you enjoy seeing the build in action if you would like more guides on ho. torsoreaper • 26 days ago. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Build is definitely not made for uber bossing but as u can see its manageable. . Phantasmal Spark mechanically behaves exceptionally well in smaller. Hey guys someone has a pob for a poison sparked that’s either occ or trickster? Would love to play a poison spark since I have lots of currency around to spend! Related Topics . Sanctified Relics: 10% Faster Poison by itself, 6% Supress and 26% Chaos Damage, 33% Unnerve Chance and 24% Evasion Rating, Projectiles Pierce 2x with 6% Damage Per Endurance (which I can get from the Call To Arms Invocation + Enduring Cry?), L4 Empower, 2 L3 Enlightens. phantasmal spark doesn't have the chaos tag so it doesn't benefit from the chaos duration(as its not a chaos skill), so wouldn't lightning damage% be better as it rolls a higher dmg%? Or does the poison gain the duration even though the skill applying it doesn't have the chaos tag to meet the chaos skill requirement?We've made a few upgrades to our character and this thing is actually mental now. Don't know why POB show Spell Supp as only 94% but in game it shows as 100%. 18, just slightly harder to get suppression and Pious Path nerf. Open your character sheet (c), select spark and check chance to poison. you get like 1k ES on block. Reservation Mastery. 20 Forbidden Sanctum league. BalorMage usually has thorough build guides. 20, which is probably one of the most well-rounded Poison SRS builds you can find. 17/3. the whole reason ppl converted lightning to chaos back in the day was because it let them avoid reflect while selfcasting (which was a big deal back then) and they could double dip poison (which you can't do anymore) using a voltaxic rift causes you to miss out on a wand slot which gives +skills, spell damage, and cast speed. For further tree and switching to poison spark, see poe. Poison spark occultist is very fun and strong. Most keystones alter a specific game mechanic and have both a benefit and downside. With the introduction of Nimis, and the resurgence of poison builds, combined with the vastness ‘overpoweredness’ of Occultist, it makes sense Poison Spark would also return to the meta. Used pierce support instead of crit multi support for simulacrum. We are leaving it up as a reference and it might be revived in a later patch. s. Rusted harbinger. 47. 21? Hey all! Been grinding to get to 100 on my league starter character (Bonezone Jugg, currently at 99) and hoarding currency for my secondary character - which I didn't decided yet. But you cannot actually apply poison before Phantasmal Spark + Dialla Malefaction / Ashe of the Star. So I would go with poison spark. Anomalous Blood and Sand will give you a ton of projectile speed as well. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Just dont pay for spreadsheets or any of that BS. wishdropper. . Incandescent heart + CI has been at least just as good as all of this eternal damnation loreweave stuff that's been popular this league, while making you truly chaos immune. I saw Balor but he himself said "this isn't a guide yet. Levelled to 99 running nem3 + beyond 60-80% deli maps. That allows you to use the Withering Step elusive refresh tech much earlier with Assassin, but Assassin's crit bonuses are going to be outweighed by all the goodies that Occultist gets for free. 2sec), that's why DPS is 34 x 5 = 170M. #PathofExile #PoE #L. The cluster setup and decent spark gloves alone would eat all of your budget. If it is purely mapping focused deaths oath poison occultist with shield charge (bow version is not fast enough). Especially at the start, PF will be faster. 18, but nothing has been updated for 3. Twitch: (Crafting Cookbook + Lifeforce Sheet) There are some guides for 3. This league I had a similar idea to yours, leaguestarted PC Occultist and switched straight into poison spark. . I played the same version as you (Tuna’s guide on maxroll) before converting to CI incandescent heart with melding of the flesh. 20. 3. If you want to see more of the build in acti. Rue's nebulis spark aura stacker PF Poison Spark Occultist I've been farming 80% deli so far with a my DO Occultist, and i want to try to get a build to farm 100% deli maps. CantripN.