Sign up““The Ukrainian crisis revealed the nonsensical energy policy of the West,driven by green ideologues. He has damaged our reputation globally and thinks he. ” Labor rejected a dam for the Maribyrnong River in 2006 & today that suburb is under water. Nasty nasty Prue, irrelevant and a bit petty, here have a dollop of sugar to sweeten the sour palette But as in your own words "To Be fair" Your post does highlight the level limit of substance & contribution to Intelligent political discussion so important to democratic process. Killing off the woke mantra. We are heading towards disaster. wait, you don’t need an excuse to get sozzled cause you drink every day. Time1. and @DanielAndrewsMP. @macsween_prue @ScottMorrisonMP. and @SenatorThorpe. @macsween_prue @AlboMP. Stephen Battaglene. Sign up @macsween_prue. Done & dusted. Robert Anderson @macsween_prue Public lament we can no longer manufacture paper. There are 11 Indig reps in Govt now. 150. In this conversation. 12. 4. Trust me. Glen @Glen10259867. Smokescreen Macsween doesn't even believe in her own trash-tweeting. listen on their App. @AlboMP is telling world leaders that our agricultural exports could ease rising food insecurity & a global famine. 4 answer. David SpencerTwitter will rejoice when the same happens to you Prue! 1. 30. The man who is supposed to represent workers is so out of touch”“Sadly for him it looked like one of them standing up the back held up 4 fingers to help him with the unemployment figures. Prue MacSween. @macsween_prue Is Govt serious about encouraging business, building productivity & the economy? Another insane idea this time to cut retail parking & make Oxford St two lanes for the odd cyclist to have a free run into the city is a farce. Traci. Yes but she still hasnt updated the wrong Twitter account in her bio to that of her employer lol. It’s now seeking to bring in the Climate Change Bill to lock in even more ambitious targets & laws on emission-reduction that will send this country into the Dark Ages. Irrespective of who they use, they continue to treat us with contempt. With his green energy available in the never-never & cost prohibitive & an emissions tax on meat, which will stop livestock farming, he is kidding”“If someone from @LiberalAus sledged an @AustralianLabor identity based on their looks as @tanya_plibersek did against @PeterDutton_MP & as some ALP supporters did against Jenny Morrison there would have been howls of. No mandate. Gallagher feeling the pressure of avoiding pertinent & difficult questions all week. She is the public relations director of Verve. This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author. There must be less focus on the education boffins’ woke, feel-good nonsense & more on the basics. State Govts, woke Education bureaucrats & low university standards in teacher training have churned out a generation of illiterates & innumerates kids, educated to third world standards. He’s appointed a socialist union extremist to a robotics advisory committee (yeah nah) & now the embarrassing inept @MrKRudd as US Ambassador. Beware of imitations! @SkyNewsAus regular contributorPrudence Gay MacSween is an Australian television and radio personality, journalist, social commentator, and public relations director. 10:00 AM · May 22, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone Nasty nasty Prue, irrelevant and a bit petty, here have a dollop of sugar to sweeten the sour palette But as in your own words "To Be fair" Your post does highlight the level limit of substance & contribution to Intelligent political discussion so important to democratic process “I know of remote Indigenous communities where they have to ship on bottled water as the water supply has been contaminated & babies have died as a result. If @ScottMorrisonMPis voted in, that will be the end of @LiberalAus. 1,681. The latest tweets from @macsween_pruePrue MacSween on Twitter: "RIP the amazing Tina Turner. 0 and also from lack of commitment by Lib fed govt to renewable projects that should have been under construction by now. “How can @AlboMP guarantee we will be safe now the ISIS brides & their children are on their way here? The risk they have been radicalised is too high. 8:03 AM · May 25, 2023 22. His plans never. Derelict in ideas. #auspol @AlanKohler @MichaelPascoe01. But @AlboMP has demonstrated he doesn’t even know the fundamentals of economics with his gas price cap stunt that’s already sending prices soaring & limiting supply. writes Queenslanders are pooling cash with their neighbours to pay up to $360 a day for private security to patrol their streets for would-be criminals so they can feel safe. Covid has largely worn the blame, but researchers now see inept parenting plays a huge part. Renewable advocates turning a blind eye to the industrialisation of prime farming land, threatening biodiversity - selective in their support & outrage & all happy little virtue-signallers who are responsible for forcing us all. Now it’s panic stations to save their backsides”“Every time @AdamBandt @Greens opens his mouth he proves how stupid & dangerous he is. Inept Govt again”“How insulting. We don’t want it landing in his retirement fund”Prue MacSween. He will sell us out to score political points here. They need to get their Biden-like prompting right!”“Good news that @AustralianLabor @AlboMP has reportedly gained a 76 seat majority. The makers of Cheers cheese (formerly Coon cheese) are in financial trouble. 4K Views 45 Retweets 28 Quote Tweets 409 Likes BigBearsFight @BigBearsFight · 2h Replying to @macsween_prue and. S. @ChrisMinnsMP get ALL the bloody homes built, repaired or residents relocated. @billshortenmp says there’s nothing wrong with workers getting a pay rise. RIP darling Walshie. cameronhunter. !!! 𝕸𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖁𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖞𝖗𝖊 (𝖛. Are You For Real @AreYouF96352424. @macsween_prue. R. They would love the $75m plus @AlboMP wants to spend on the Voice referendum. “Putting politics ahead of economic understanding @JEChalmers the would-be Treasurer takes pot shots at the Govt deficit. I thought ageism was discriminatory & illegal? And yet we still have a welfare system that encourages people not to work. They are driving a class war, have forgotten that people went without THEIR money to save for their retirement & ignoring the fact these savings would delay them needing the aged pension. “With the successful attack on business, big & small by @AlboMP & his union masters, it’s time for @PeterDutton_MP to take the gloves off. Baird may have jumped for “family reasons” but all could see the writing on the…”@macsween_prue. today. “The real @AlboMP is being revealed. It's time for a #MurdochRoyalCommission And It's Time to #BringItOnNow! You can all enjoy your feelings of superiority while the real Aussies build their wealth through hard work supported by @LiberalAus" / Twitter. have to give you points for that, as for the rest of the statement though, that better describes morrison. “500,000 pensioners want to work without penalty. Baird may have jumped for “family reasons” but all could see the writing on the…” “Ex Howard Minister, Brough tells @australian the Voice is “based on the “delusion” that a small group of Indigenous representatives could provide policy advice on behalf of Aboriginal Australians”. His pious grandstanding over @MoiraDeemingMP has backfired big time. Problems due to significant delays and cost overruns in Snowy 2. His pretend folksy good guy persona is quickly disappearing. Time 1. All the best though with your regular LNP love fest and unhinged Labor bashing session. We are all going down the toilet”Log in. 9 years wasted, Prue. He can’t stand up to China and he can’t stand up to the unions dictating a 5. and. Believe that & rue the day”@macsween_prue Most fair minded Aussies would agree with 1 aspect of The Voice “to recognise Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people in our nation’s birth certificate”. The same commodities he demonises & intends to stop. Retweets. Six months before he became deputy Prime Minister of Australia, Richard Marles set out part of his vision for the nation — we should be nation that develops jobs from science by being a leading. GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Prue MacSween is an Australian television and radio personality, journalist, social commentator, and public relations director. “Would be nice if the Govt turned its attention to the crises facing this country rather than flogging a dead horse. @macsween_prue. Prue MacSween PR Guru. and. up and at em. Women need to stop defending this tax minimised bank for rich blokes. Robert Murray. Embarrassing you know so. Ageism thrives while other isms are condemned. " It says we had 5 years to act not 5 years until the lights go out. “Political opportunist @AlboMP has broken a bipartisan agreement with @LiberalAus & assisted Commie China’s policy of political interference by claiming he’s fixing the relationship damage caused by previous Govt. I will be doing something more enjoyable like pulling my fingernails out. By the way, you tagged an Italian porn artist again. Another @AlboMP half-baked attempt to address chronic issues. and 2 others. “As Dennis Shanahan writes in @australian “Albanese has been behind and out of step on what has been happening in the Northern Territory since July last year, as has the Northern Territory Labor government” He’s wrong about the Voice too. Prue MacSween. Meanwhile failing to tackle crucial economic issues, like industrial relations, tax and wages reform which are holding us back” “As he sees his Voice campaign crumbling @AlboMP is playing a disgraceful race card. 32. and @SenatorThorpe “Pathetic fabricated, publicity-seeking, exhibitionist, She clearly needs to pull these stunts to maintain her pathetic ego. 22. He added it to the 5. This Higgins saga has validated that. Transformed from arrogant “we know best what’s right for you” to voter suck ups & policy backflippers. Like other recent high profile cases, let’s not comment about the aspects of the case on social media and wait for the trial. We all suspected politics was cut-throat & dirty. 1. “State leaders endorse the Voice. Union thugs dictating to hard-working mum & dad operators. insufficient - yep - the tax on $3mn earnings from super should be higher to make it sufficient. The Sage II@macsween_prue @AustralianLabor. You are welcome to follow me on my Twitter account @macsween_prue. October 3, 2019 Image: Prue MacSween. So good . The bloke got fewer primary votes than @LiberalAus and only got there on preferences. and @DavidPocock. A king maker, TV legend and dear friend. Retweets. This is the hypocrisy of this virtue signalling”“Vic Lib Opposition Leader @JohnPesutto is now on borrowed time. @macsween_prue. Don’t be conned”“I’m sorry, but all the helicopter parental bleating about their kids peeing in a bucket is pathetic. Better to take them on like Reith did with the Maritime thugs. Poor things. ”@macsween_prue Good to hear there is to be a regional revolt against the demonisation of coal & the resulting loss of jobs. Quote Tweets. He’s fallen for the con. ” @macsween_prue Good to hear there is to be a regional revolt against the demonisation of coal & the resulting loss of jobs. Some voices are more equal than others. au/news/2021-05-1 6/india-repatriation-flight-covid-19-passengers-test-negative-lab/100142182. Now he’s threatening years of protests if NO gets up & he is probably right. 5% of people will see no change to their super. T🌹😢" / Twitter @macsween_prue RIP the amazing. Now @ChrisMinnsMP is promising unfunded unaffordable wage increases. ”Log in. Retweets. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“Just what we need a woke Council trying to out-woke all others. Likes. Will he ever wake up to reality? Doubtful” @macsween_prue Can you believe the ABC has offered employees a 3 year agreement with a 10. Prue MacSween. has referred the Higgins payment to NACC. Quote Tweets. @chrissmithonair. Oh Prue the news cycle is moving on. ”The great vice of democracy is that for a generation we have been busy getting ourselves on to the list of beneficiaries and removing ourselves from the list of contributors, as if somewhere there was somebody else's effort on which we could thrive. You have left a hole in my heart” “If you can’t find much sympathy for those affected by the @AlboMP Super Lie. ”“Why would you capitulate to a bunch of union thugs @DamienTudehope @Dom_Perrottet & vandalise the mothballed state of the art trains? Sack these dinosaurs. @macsween_prue. Resorting to childish name-calling & fear-mongering, he is accusing NO vote advocates of being “chicken littles”. We face a worse threat than 1970s-style high inflation: a minister deliberately, if idiotically unknowingly, embarking on destroying. T🌹😢 6:42 PM · May 24, 2023 · 569K Views 61 Retweets 336 Quotes 237 Likes 30 Bookmarks stevemur @stevemur · May 25 Prue MacSween on Twitter: "In @australian Mal Brough says The Voice will do nothing to address daily traumas facing Indig people in communities across the country including “violence, abuse, neglect, poor health and education” and the fundamental realities of Aboriginal life were being ignored. 8:03 AM ·. Questions about his judgement are loud and clear” @macsween_prue @PeterDutton_MP. Good morning Prue! Love how u wake up triggered every morning- always brings a smile to my face. Their tactics worked. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersPrue MacSween on Twitter: "RT @australian: Numerous signatories of the Uluru Statement from the Heart were ‘surprised’ to see their names on the document that calls for an indigenous voice to parliament and ‘unhappy’ to be seen as endorsing the statement. Wait til the energy burnouts & sky high prices”“In @dailytelegraph Terry McCrann nails it if unions get a 7-8% wage rise “the real victims would be the very workers who might seem to win by getting those wages rises: all it would really get them was massive & extended job losses & more crippling inflation”. If they were legitimate journalists they would understand that presenting both sides of a story is mandatory. Likes. The same mob who have threatened our national security by virtually opening up our borders”“Of course you are. Behind doors, they must be questioning the @AlboMP. His Voice proposal is.