#GaysAgainstGroomers . Parents use doll to train daughters to use [incorrect] pronouns (transhausen by proxy, narcissistic gratification) (thepostmillennial. In this video discuss dysphoria, medicalization of trans kids, gatekeeping, opposite sex envy among gay people and transhausen by Proxy. Sale Sold out Shipping calculated at. RT @againstgrmrs: This mother wanted a son, but instead she had a daughter… so she transitioned her. They are abusing them for their own sense of validation and importance. In some corners of the internet, the neologism “Transhausen by proxy” – or its derivatives “Transhausen by proxy syndrome” and “Transhausen parent” – appears to be gaining popularity. This is what Transhausen by Proxy looks like. I obviously meant much older teenagers. “@DoLesbiansTip Agreed. #GaysAgainstGroomers . We can’t think of too many things much worse than that. 6. About. How this is even remotely something even one parent has viewed as. #GaysAgainstGroomersPinkerton: ‘Groomer-gate’ – How Democrats Transitioned into the Party of Trans-Extremists . They are abusing them for their own sense of validation and importance. We can’t think of too many things much worse than that. Abhorrent. Color white matte transparent glossy Quantity Decrease quantity for Transhausen by. Transhausen by Proxy parents must be stopped!! This is CHILD ABUSE. 23 Aug 2022 21:52:15Pleasure this morning to talk to @JuliaHB1 about Stonewall's promotion of trans identities for two year olds. We at Gays Against Groomers like to call this phenomenon Transhausen by Proxy — aka Munchausen Mommies 😒 Parents are sacrificing their children at the Altar of Woke for their own selfish desire of attention and popularity. 10 May 2023 21:21:19*Transhausen by Proxy. ”RT @againstgrmrs: What's really sick about this is the boy's Transhausen by Proxy dad planned this video for 3 years to gain internet points. This is what Transhausen by Proxy looks like. “@KiltsAndKlingon @ajthelawyer @sesamestreet It’s been coined “transhausen by proxy” and I’m not sure that’s too far off. 14. RT @againstgrmrs: Transhausen by Proxy parents are transing their children for internet points. ” Transhausen by proxy . Have seen it in person at a costco. 10 Apr 2023 16:59:57RT @againstgrmrs: Transhausen by Proxy parents are transing their children for internet points. Thousands of subscribers. Transhausen’s by proxy. 14. It is now called factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA). Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental illness and a form of child abuse. Transhausen by proxy. Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome. If Gypsy Rose Blanchard had been born ten years later, her mother probably would have trans'd her instead of. ” Transhausen by Proxy mother of Kai Shappley, the… Show more . This group is set up for tagging when parents, guardians, teachers, or others are pushing genderist ideology on children. We can’t think of too many things much worse than that. Liked by Colin Wright. I think the trend is more complex than that, but at the heart of it is a paradoxical desire to have a very ‘special’ child, but from within an extremely regressive framework — if my child is a boy. Also known as "medical child abuse," MBPS was named after Baron von Munchausen, an 18th-century German dignitary known for making up stories. There are already laws against child abuse. All the time, of course, she was lining her pockets. We can’t think of too many things much worse than that. 25 Jul 2022“@tomselliott Transhausen by proxy”“@RobSchneider The transhausen by proxy when it comes to the kids is pretty bad. They are abusing them for their own sense of validation and importance. Click to read Exulansic, a. These parents need to be charged with child abuse and endangerment, because that is exactly what this is. We can’t think of too many things much worse than that. #HappyWarriors #GaysAgainstGroomers. We can’t think of too many things much worse than that. Breitbart On April 8, Alabama Gov. Immoral and wrong, should be illegal. Expand full comment. Gail Saltz, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the NY Presbyterian Hospital Weill-Cornell School of Medicine tells Bustle that Munchausen by proxy syndrome is an often undetected mental. Swolehalla: Gains Start in the Kitchen Watch now (7 min) | Exulansic briefly discusses nutrition and the importance of rest days and nutrition for gains (the increase in muscle mass that we are aiming. RT @againstgrmrs: Transhausen by Proxy mom convinces her son that he’s a girl. . The TRA's are made up if these men and platforming them to the point that trans & gay are being blurred with this. RT @againstgrmrs: Transhausen by Proxy parents are transing their children for internet points. The name is a. 25 Mar 2023 02:18:04RT @againstgrmrs: Transhausen by Proxy parents are transing their children for internet points. Re: Transhausen by Proxy mom convinces her son that he’s a girl. 16 Jun 2023 10:20:33 There is no such thing as a transgender child. #GaysAgainstGroomers . Mother should be investigated for child abuse. 53% of mothers with trans identified sons meet the criteria for BPD and/or depression. @ripx4nutmeg · Mar 27, 2021. #GaysAgainstGroomers . 10 Aug 2022 Introducing one of the worst cases of Transhausen by Proxy I have found on Tiktok: 09 Apr 2023 20:36:04 GOED STUK OVER TRANSHAUSEN BY PROXY @GaySitenl heeft weer een goed stuk over de trans gekte. #GaysAgainstGroomers . It is child abuse, and it needs to. #GaysAgainstGroomers”Why is she/he saying normal like that? This is the parents. They are abusing them for their own sense of validation and importance. This is what Transhausen by Proxy looks like. . A Kink When a husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, or any romantic partner gets off exposing their partner, or any one private part of their body naked to friends. What kind of pedo dresses and acts like this in front of children? What kind of TRANShausen by proxy parents allow it? Seems like a wood chipper would solve this issue. example, pulling the strings on your wifes bikini while she is asleep on the beach, then startle her when someone goes by. They are abusing them for their own sense of validation and importance. We can’t think of too many things much worse than that. RT @againstgrmrs: Transhausen by Proxy mom convinces her son that he’s a girl. 972. 04 Feb 2023 10:10:43RT @againstgrmrs: Transhausen by Proxy mom convinces her son that he’s a girl. ” Transhausen by Proxy . Have seen it in person at a costco. “The term ‘transhausens by proxy’ is being used to describe mothers who seem extremely invested in ‘transing’ their young children. You're crying because of the words he and she. Transhausen by Proxy Sticker Regular price $5. ” @GovHolcomb signed a bill ending sex reassignment services for minors. There is going to be a lot more like this. 24 Mar 2023 22:55:47RT @againstgrmrs: Transhausen by Proxy parents are transing their children for internet points. #GaysAgainstGroomers . His Mom gave in and let him go… 15 Feb 2023 19:01:18Transhausen by Proxy . 03 Jun 2023 01:17:14 This mother wanted a son, but instead she had a daughter… so she transitioned her. 14. 25" x . #GaysAgainstGroomers . Ouders (meestal moeders) die wensen dat hun kind 'trans' is om daarmee aandacht te krijgen. Abhorrent. Very few things worse than a mother with Transhausen by proxy syndrome 🥴 Let kids be kids and stop using them as a fashion accessory for your own validation. Truth is the tqia+ lot NEED LGB more than LGB need them. 03K 2 Listen to the full podcast here:. 06 Mar 2023 11:18:06 Transhausen by Proxy. / Her obsession with trans rights was so complete she personally intervened to over-rule clinicians who refused to transition a 6 year old boy, backing his transhausen by proxy mother. Their options to treat their problem kids are being pared down. The ones damaged by the surgeries no longer have a regular life or love life ever again. RT @againstgrmrs: Transhausen by Proxy mom convinces her son that he’s a girl. His Mom gave in and let him go… 15 Feb 2023 16:48:11“@roseveniceallan For all your transhausen by proxy needs. 04 Feb 2023 12:14:13Parents use doll to train daughters to use [incorrect] pronouns (transhausen by proxy, narcissistic gratification) (thepostmillennial. RT @againstgrmrs: Transhausen by Proxy parents are transing their children for internet points. It is arguable that the entire project of medical science functions as a kind of ideological substrate to. Transhausen by Proxy. " Just came across this term, which describes the situation of transkids. They are abusing them for their own sense of validation and importance. #Transgender #Trans #Gay #Pride . This is child abuse. That is mad. You can tell a lot about a person by their fridge magnets. #GaysAgainstGroomers” Donald J. Expand full comment. Let’s meet Georgina. 25 Apr 2023 06:51:59573 likes, 24 comments - gaysagainstgroomers on July 23, 2023: "All of these moms have a serious case of Transhausen by proxy. We can’t think of too many things much worse than that. 248 subscribers. 17 Mar 2023 02:04:48RT @againstgrmrs: What's really sick about this is the boy's Transhausen by Proxy dad planned this video for 3 years to gain internet points. I have a 15 year old, soon to be 16, granddaughter. It is parents like this for whom the phrase “transhausen by proxy” was coined. RT @againstgrmrs: Transhausen by Proxy mom convinces her son that he’s a girl. They are abusing them for their own sense of validation and importance. Transhausen by proxy. 14. This is what Transhausen by Proxy looks like. They are abusing them for their own sense of validation and importance. ·. These parents need to be charged with child abuse and endangerment, because that is exactly what this is. 14. We can’t think of too many things much worse than that. They latch onto this for attention, as do their parents (transhausen by proxy) that use them as status symbols for how progressive they are. According to this logic, a "Transhausen parent" is a parent who convinces themselves that their child is experiencing gender dysphoria and then changes their. The AGPs do it to normalize their fetish As for the parents, they do it because having a trans kid nets them oodles of attention and praise for being a brave warrior for social justice. RT @againstgrmrs: This mother wanted a son, but instead she had a daughter… so she transitioned her. 06 Mar 2023 11:18:06Transhausen by Proxy. Reply. 02 Feb 2023 21:48:11 Transhausen by proxy. 2. 27 Dec 2022 17:53:15 RT @HairBiden: Transhausen by proxy. TRANSHAUSEN BY PROXY? I am now working on my second series, looking at parents who believe they have a “transgender” child. $30. / Her obsession with trans rights was so complete she personally intervened to over-rule clinicians who refused to transition a 6 year old boy, backing his transhausen by proxy mother. #GaysAgainstGroomers . 14. Chris Baumgarten. It’s Transhausen by proxy, isn’t it. Few of her friends were fans of the relationship. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Pay in 4 interest-free installments for orders over $50. ”The child is a victim of “Transhausen” by Proxy Syndrome. Quote Tweet. #GaysAgainstGroomers . This group is big tent. #GaysAgainstGroomers . As more laws are passed, remember that families are affected. There is going to be a lot more like this. Puberty blockers, surgeries, and hormones for youth are not appropriate medical treatment and t. 14. 07 Feb 2023 17:58:51RT @TwisterFilm: 6. Apr 13, 2022 Liked by Lorelei Hatpinwoman. Nicole. “Without getting this medication I will go through the wrong puberty, therefore making permanent changes to me that I do not want. CPS should have gotten involved here a long time ago. RT @missdelein2: Der neue Club für Transhausen by proxy. #GaysAgainstGroomers . ‘It was just a. Transhausen by proxy. And, if they're savvy about marketing their kids, they can get rich off them. 26 May 2023 22:17:20Has identified as a girl since kindergarten - is on puberty blockers so he can transition. They are, overwhelmingly, fervent belief and, as many of us have pointed out, their conviction they have been sent a “transgender child” is quasi-religious. Pretty much today on twitter. RT @TwisterFilm: 6. 14.