Quote Tweet. Technically lawful though. comCovfefe Anon on Twitter: "@WKCosmo / Twitter. Who can do that in our society?”Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. 7K followers count with 40564 Tweets. 14. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. ·. Democracy is when there's lots of murders because punishing criminals is a human rights violation. If someone doesn't believe in your right to exist and participate in society, you can't debate their ideas -- and any middle ground is inherently dehumanizing. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. “@Creepingdeaf Billy is right if you compare Margot with Wolf of Wall Street Margot. They're not submissive - women are highly willful and constantly test to see what they can get away with. 23 May 2023 23:09:15. “@lameypilled You are correct - it is not enough for her to claim that from now on, she's changed and women don't get to declare what "should matter"”Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon >IQ [is] certainly the part we have the most well-founded quantitative evidence for Lots of the defensiveness and argument over IQ are of the "putting a fence around the Torah" variety - IQ is so obviously true and is supported by a mountain of evidence but it opens a door“@JamesTuckerNFLD Ultimately though our society has a lot of trouble holding women responsible for things (for good reason!) but it also suppresses the logical corollary. The reality of this situation is that she wasn't targeted for being a progressive activist, she was targeted for having a few dollars at closing time - her killers are a danger. Commentary from an NRx perspective. -. Retweets. It's not easier for 30-40 year old men to date 18 year olds - it's considerably harder and the reason men put up with the difficulty is because women in that age range are closer to peak attractiveness. The woke find places where the justifications are weak and undermine them but since the ultimate solution is to embrace truth, the woke are right when describing a flaw. Easy answers: State promotion of crime to the point where cities were abandoned Democratic governance - was regarded as barbaric, will be again Female sexual liberation - a throwback to pre-civilization For this ?, look to standards that prevailed in better times as a guide“Even on its own terms this story is a failure. GAE will *align* with a faction in your country made up of the resentful, envious losers and call the resulting government the will. @CovfefeAnon. The carve out is not bizarre if imagine the ruling written by a progressive. Long hair is always a plus. @CovfefeAnon. Covfefe Anon on Twitter: "Covfefe's law". . Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. Replying to . Log in. 5:35 PM · Sep 11, 2021. Arrest people, deny bail, hold them until a trial can be held a few years later then the "sentence" is to time served. “@malmesburyman Yes it does - as long as you let go of the idea that "Marxism" was anything about "the workers" - it was the excuse the same way whatever this guy believes about the climate or whatever is. Covfefe Anon. " Remember - the salient fact here is that some women having a meal are *rich* so anything that happens to them is fine. Women's sense of "fairness" is that it's "unfair" if two people are treated differently - the old two tier system was *unfair* in their eyes. Leftists can. 476. 28. If you take this fool's argument seriously you'd have to conclude that Soros prosecutors and (D) district attorneys are paid off by Big Oil to not prosecute crimes on public transportation. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. Quote Tweet. South Korea / Japan isn't importing anyone but they're also not having kids. 5:01 PM · Jun 22, 2023. Top 1% isn't even right - imagine a 50/50 man / woman gathering of 200 people - the hottest girl there is top 1%. . ”“@ThoBishop @AuronMacintyre @ComicDaveSmith I mean that you need to form a state to prevent anyone else from forming a state because there needs to be some actor with more actual power and coordination. The underlying principle is 👇 and these men are so conformist that they line up to demonstrate it by letting their women fuck other men. ”Here's a little tidbit of systemic racism for you: At my local liquor store, the drinks that black people tend to buy are locked up behind glass and must be handled by an employee until purchased. Log inCovfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon This is actually a deep question - our Regime is fundamentally interventionist because it is based on a proselytizing, totalizing state religion. 5:08 AM · Jul 13, 2023. more of them (all equally hungry). Ultimately the Court is powerless to make a binding decision on the universities anyway - the universities will simply ignore any ruling and keep doing what they were doing. Thinks Margot is mid. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. "Don't measure" exists to set up "you have no evidence of bad results"Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. GAE will *align* with a faction in your country made up of the resentful, envious losers and call the resulting government the will of the people of the place. R. Instead of her having to be loud and unpleasant and seeing his reaction, the entire place does it for her. Sign upFeminists are right - women of patriarchal cultures / species / races are made to perform femininity for men. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. Even outsiders notice this - the US Regime is an Empire of Lies for the same reason the Soviet Union was. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon "It can't possibly be true that one of those claims is misguided and the other is accurate! Reality dictates that it must be in the middle!" 9:24 PM · Jun 9, 2023. Replying to @PerpetualUse >the reason the CIA worked so far to defeat communism Gotta stop you right there. If someone doesn't believe in your right to exist and participate in society, you can't debate their ideas -- and any middle ground is. Discover daily Twitter statistics, Covfefe Anon ranking charts, and more! Provided by SocialBlade. There have been more consequential presidential tweets, and someday there may even be a weirder one. Example 👇 - "you say 'red' and 'blue' are valid categories but look at this purple thing!"”Here's the connection: Marxism has at the core of the exoteric faith a bunch of false beliefs about economics and production When Marxism is put into practice, those beliefs are shown to be false Rather than abandon the. Margot Robbie was cast as Barbie because she isn't pretty enough to alienate a female audience. The woke are more correct than the mainstream (mainstream conservatism here) The very simple answer is this - "fascism" means "anything that opposes communism" and as the right realized the scope of the problem and shifted away from NRO-ism that's when it became "fascist"Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Really laying into women's singular rhetorical trick: "A REAL MAN does exactly what I want" 9:14 PM · Jul 9, 2023. “The funniest part of this is that this is basically the same list Aella gave and a woman who looks like this got it and Aella can't. New test for Harvard admission - they don't tell you what the test is, lock in a room with 9 volt battery. “Some physicians have argued that the rigid back brace he wore while sitting in the presidential limousine on Nov. Retweets. You wanted data. This is pathetic cope by you because you're afraid to say or think anything mean to a woman - it. They're choosy but that doesn't contradict his point. In reality 👇”“@theburt @Richard_Vixen You're supposed to say you find it *boring*. Exactly. Let's talk about why #. It's not really that simple though. Enjoys breast milk. 53. " / Twitter Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon 🧵. Nature finds a way. ”Covfefe Anon. Quote Tweet. 5:04 AM · Jul 21, 2023. No other primate went through anything like this”We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 54th Clause of the Magna Carta absolutist. Retweets. ”“@FrailSkeleton @OnPurposeToday Married women are richer b/c men are (overall) more prudent with money. Our current system just so happens to value having an all black run hospital over having surgical results that patients would prefer - cultural choices. In this specific case Margot Robbie has a face that isn't optimized for beauty but for enough beauty plus a huge amount of expressiveness. ”*Guaranteed* to catch on as a term because it lets women do their favorite things - use a cutesy euphemism and talk about her vag“@ElonBachman @LanceVader @kitten_beloved The modern write up here is missing the nuance / is a being written to assuage people with Marxist sensibilities. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Middle class Americans believe that public transportation is inherently unclean and unsafe. Covfefe's law. x - use crime to control territory where there are enough "voters" to sway elections x + 1 - have vote counters there be loyal to the patronage machine” “Good joke from @p8stie but still too optimistic about women. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Defending from an attack is better than cowering in fear but not what really gets women going. 5:15 PM · Jul 21, 2023. Progressives can cooperate this way. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Should have imported more men who are as good at war as white men instead of only being as good at having their votes count. “@aimeeterese Criminals are dangerous and removing them from society is indeed a non-excludable good. First, let's get a picture of what we're dealing with. Our current system just so happens to value. Aimee Terese. Since she's chosen to take the conversation back up but through a block - here goes. What they are is men *so* conformist that they figure out the principles of society and conform to them *even better*. ·. 3:33 PM · Jul 24, 2023. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Nov 17. The Zimmerman / Martin fiasco was proof that the actual belief of progressives is "self defense against a black criminal is wrong" even if they were unwilling or incapable of articulating it and only showed it by how they analyzed events. ”Our civilization is dying because we decided that women can make reasonable mating decisions when they don't even know their own minds. Antifa who. There are classic threads about teachers who do a tour in inner city schools being utterly shocked. The bill was intended to amend the Presidential Records Act to preserve Twitter posts and other social media. The smartphone making normal women able to post their thoughts for others to read has pulled back a curtain that people didn't even realize was there. 84. 12:37 PM · Jul 22, 2023. “@Lexiz_nexiz @GoodUserNameTBH Also everyone who's ever spoken to women”“This is actually all just a back door form of communism because it's making the fundamental "mistake" that prices don't work. If "Real Raw News" was deemed a "reliable source" by wikipedia and Tom Hanks *had a press conference to state that he was alive* - wikipedia would not allow his page to be updated”“Someone has to finally point out that "world hunger" is literally unsolvable because one of the species counted in that has as a strategy engages in food-limited reproduction and that giving members of that species more food just leads to. 132. Sign upscott cummings was an academic involved in community organizing. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. This is another "woke more correct". “@MysteryGrove A massive amount of playing with forces that are inherently ready to spin out of control and they don't even think about it because "it hasn't happened before". The solution strips away that leverage but is going to be hard because there won't be an excess of brides for the men who united. ”Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. . 14. 3. Only ever кто кого” <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . 4:35 AM · Jun 12, 2023. Very much like the banking system in that way. ”Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. I don't know what you look like. Do you think he *forgot* about that when framing his argument?"“@MarkBaltine12 "skin color"”Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Avery . ·. It started with a simple event where the press reacted with a simple кто кого instinctively taking the wrong (but progressive) side. 31 Oct 2022 18:25:12🧵 . “@Monique39331455 @Sassy_1966 @judgeholden777 I'd say this is ironic but it's actually just projection or you're not even human and just go on keywords. 1,603. Commentary from an NRx perspective. Commentary from an NRx perspective. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . Covfefe Anon - The Woke Are More Correct Than The Mainstream Alex Kaschuta 11. 2:25 AM · Jan 24, 2023. I do not want the things he claims American right wingers want for America. The truth is that poor conditions on American buses and trains is a deliberate policy decision dictated by the companies who profit from you sitting in your car for three hours every day. in the late 70's he arrives at a place in texas he calls "Rosedale," which is experiencing the exact same process of demographic transformation as. 16. Women think about almost nothing but sex - which is why they often fail this test invented by and named for a famous misogynist - Bechdel. 100. Women say this because male status is illegible to them - they can't see or understand it so they think it's just randomly assigned to men. 2884, was introduced in the United States House of Representatives on June 12, 2017, during the 115th United States Congress. 172. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. One added note is that the entire System can resist any effort at changing it - it can ignore RW journalism, locals, etc. She's fat, if you look like the 30% pic you are not. Pure evil. I only consider reading assignments from chicks who I'm in bed with - even then your odds aren't great. 1:24 AM · Jul 23, 2023. Women know they only exist in so far as men perceive them so their "POV" is always imagining what they look like when being looked at. 20 EDT First published on Wed 31 May 2017 02. Blacks don't really form "gangs" as they're understood by whites and Asians. Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. If someone doesn't believe in your right to exist and participate in society, you can't debate their ideas -- and any middle ground is inherently dehumanizing. It's even dumb if you take it as a given. Prices literally are a summation of the effort and energy spent on things and people naturally economize. They "act as a class" - each forgoes individual benefit and enforces a bunch of rules that let them carve out a living - no joke stealing, perform your own material, etc. 476. Replying to @BosephDidley. 306. Everything it does is the outcome of an uncountable number of forces in competition to steer the machine. SigurdCovfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Deliberately didn't use the word "leftist" here - used "progressive" because use of "conventionally attractive" comes from the same redditor attitude that also refers to wives as "spouses" - not. They link up what they decide is the cause and any argument against that cause feels like arguing everything's fine. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Quote Tweets. A few years back there was a thing in the discourse on twitter about a women who was utterly contemptuous of a guy with like $100k saved. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. @proetrie. Both very beautiful but not out of reach beautiful but also very expressive. Log inWhy did we stop? 1:18 AM · Jul 12, 2023 · 12. Conversely they don't see the reverse of those things so they basically give up. Jul 13. “@annakhachiyan >Left my phone at home for once, saw a giant dragonfly felled on the sidewalk You see what happens?”The reason they hate the 1950s in particular is because the fairly new communist Regime had to back off doing all the things it wanted to do because it was afraid of the army it made out of the men of the country. 🧵. “@kessler_ulrich Women are like the California of the sexes - such an inherently good position that they have enough latitude to screw up really badly and still kinda get by”Covfefe Anon on Twitter: "It's hilarious how incredibly stupid this essay looks in retrospect. JFK was also in a rigid back brace because of his severe pain This may have had some unintended consequences…. “What they are is men *so* conformist that they figure out the principles of society and conform to them *even better*. That subway car is our civic religion. This is why we shouldn't normalize or accept the premise of intolerant ideas, like transphobia and far-right extremism. 🧵. 22,. There's a third level to this tweet. There's a third level to this tweet.