498. 10. Sorry BBJ you ain’t seeing the vet either. Search. Live in 1hr 🍟 10 Jun 2023 17:02:51 Attic associate, I don't have the cat, don't want a cat, but have 0 regrets about rescuing her or paying for her care. Robinson. Sign Up. Louise. 35. 04 Apr 2023 02:42:08We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Sign upFrench Fried Gorl • 3K watching Come get twitchy with us: twitch. 25 Mar 2023 15:45:25RT @ytunderground23: As The LOAF Turns. Cat kicking, ass licking, semen retaining incel freak. I'm thinking Hawaii. Too bad Peetz is to. See ya at 8pm eastern for a Saturday night session 🍟Y'all are batshit crazy talking about Amy Flowers receipts, Amy Flowers doesn't exist ffs, also something I've said before. Look what I got 👀🤣🤣🤣🤣💀. 18 Jun 2023 02:26:56oh good god there are cannolis in the building on my first break on day 1 of the spiet. Jesus christ man. omfg everest dmed me on instagram 👀👀👀👀👀👀. I'm so fucking stressed, I need a vacation. ”@MaryBethWylie Adding it to the list 01 Feb 2022No. 23 Feb 2023 13:05:49#spiet day 5: I haven't had a Coke Zero in about 40 hours 😳 The Sodastream water is doing it for me I'm surprised tbh. We'll go live when I get home 🍟. @FrenchFriedG. 1. Not going to twitter jail over this methface sooo Ill just post this. 17 Mar 2023 20:27:11Someone probably needed lawyer $ for tomorrow's court appearance . " THIS!Ooooo it's Fry Day eve!! Have a great day, Gorls I'll see ya later we have a lot to talk about today 😁🍟. Sorry. Likes. twitch. . Keep it up Chantal, you're doing amazing 👏. You know, the notes where a DOCTOR says BBJ was rescued from years of NEGLECT. 🖕 . What is this? 🤣. French Fried Gorl🖕🍟 on Twitter: "THIS! Watch or don't watch whatever you want but stop trying to tell people what to talk about on their channels. . Retweets. 26 Feb 2022“@Scorpiobabe83”RT @KristinaLatina_: Let the crackhead Olympics commence. @LeighRa77 Thanks sweetie . 1:07 AM · Aug 13, 2022 · Twitter for Android. 2. . even with public chat she's hardly hitting 50 person in the chat #FoodieBeauty you're never getting back to the ol'good days of 100+ ppl in public chat, just hide your filthy face we're actually loving it. They couldn't arrange a date, so they said there would be a phone call between the lawyers after court today to figure out a date. We'll be back keeping our boots on her chin spanx tomorrow. HEY GORL HEY @HEYGORLHEY420. Fuck all the way off. Log init's here holy shiiiiiiit🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 . 7. 10 Mar 2023 13:59:471pm eastern We're going live early because I don't trust myself to be awake in the evenings anymore is a whore who lusts online for men while cosplaying hijabi like her hero, the animal abuser. Today. I opened the windows less than 5 minutes ago and the whole house already smells like smoke 😩. She is a Canadian who lives a stone throw away from the Orange Julep that Chantel sometimes goes to. Sign Up. Going live in 1hr 🍟 29 Jun 2023 22:04:13French Fried Gorl🖕🍟 on Twitter: "The misery on her face as she eats a portion controlled serving of food that didn't come from a drive-thru is fucking delicious to me 🤣 We're DEF going live later, I need a good laugh lolll 🍟". 2. Sign upSee new Tweets. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . Sign upAsome of you bitches really liked seeing my fat face on stream last night so much, I think I'll waddle into a BestBuy this weekend and get a camera for our Twitch streams 😁😘“@JackieL66115182 Fucking plain tostitos and fruit loops cereal. There's nothing like cleaning dog puke off a couch at 3:30am 🙃 . Retweets. #NoDegree #GriftersOfGorlWorld #BatShitCrazyBridget #FuckAllToDoAllDay #GetAFuckingJob". StoryFire Realtime StoryFire Live Sub Count. 1. French Fried Gorl. in a city park HoI'm so fucking confused rn. French Fried Gorl @FrenchFriedG. Browse. Tweets. @ytunderground23 @FrenchFriedG. 28 Jul 2022“ALWAYS get a 2nd opinion about your pet's health. frenchfriedgorl hasn't streamed recently. Brb going to make a GFM 🤣🤣. 05 May 2023 20:26:19Me, in disguise, waiting behind a snowbank on Woodcliff Private 🤣 . 🤡My neighbor just came and knocked to tell me my car is blocking like 3/4 inch of his fucking driveway. 22 mar 2023 14:28:10French Fried Gorl on Twitter. 2 Followers. 19 Feb 2023 17:44:52Live in 40 minutes 🍟 18 Jun 2023 23:49:01omg stop 🤣🤣 . 23 Sep 2022 12:43:30. 23 Following. Seems like she's pretty damn toxic herself. They are not involved in social media and do not want people coming for them, but felt that this was pertinent to share with you all. 20 Jun 2023 11:17:44 Rachel the dumb cvnt strikes again. Pig bitch wants to play, let's play. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. 1. 24 Jun 2023 12:08:04. 24 Feb 2023 14:36:00Log in. 1. 28 Jun 2022RT @lisa_rest: Pot meet Kettle 😂🤣😆 #FoodieBeauty #chantal . 05 Apr 2023 11:10:42Live in 10 minutes 24 Feb 2022@JustSayinhow @seattlesaphire 藍藍 Paypal me a condo on the beach, I'm sick of the snow. Browse. 4. She was originally a Chantal fan and even used to make diet content where she would try Chantal or ALRs diets. . Dailymotion Realtime Dailymotion Live Follower Count. My sweet girl passed away tonight She only lasted 39 days without him My babies are together again 💔. Come into my chat and talk about him, you're blocked. 15 Jul 2023 00:55:44. 18 Jun 2022Log in. 05 Sep 2022 21:21:04 I've got stuff to do today, but we'll go live tonight (it's already scheduled) and catch up on all the fuckery. I'd go back just to watch your heads explode again 😁. Fupa Fester Retweeted. I found something VERY interesting on the Farms that proves we were right. Conversation“@wiggsalot @Repeatpeatpeat1 Yeah they are! I got mine as a gift, I would NEVER have paid that + would have stuck with my lil 18$ drip machine forever”Happy Fry Daaaaay 🍟🍟 We'll be live later than usual tonight, I'm running late See you Gorls later! 02 Jun 2023 20:59:48In this conversation. Sorry. 02 Feb 2022Live in 25 minutes 🍟 10 Feb 2023 00:33:46See new Tweets. I lost my shit when I heard that, and found another vet. “Stay sloshed?”RT @AndyTheFrenchy: Bonne fête du déménagement! (For those who don’t know, in Qc, EVERYONE moves in/out of houses/apt on the same day. . 02 Jun 2023 09:29:12You guys down for a late Fry Day live? 15 Jul 2023 01:13:06👏. She also claims she was in an DV relationship in the past. Just a Gorl in the world. 08 May 2023 22:20:19Morons 🤣🤣🤣🤡 . 1. 35. French Fried Gorl @FrenchFriedG. See ya at 8pm eastern for a Saturday night session 🍟 Y'all are batshit crazy talking about Amy Flowers receipts, Amy Flowers doesn't exist ffs, also something I've said before. 11:02 PM · Jul 9, 2023. 28 Jul 2022Wtf is this? She had the nerve to talk about how toxic GorlWorld is. French Fried Gorl🖕🍟 on Twitter: "Look what I got 👀🤣🤣🤣🤣💀". 🖕Sign up. Brb going to make a GFM 🤣🤣. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. @CaponeBoxer don't wonder why you're blocked. 25 mar 2023 16:51:58Log in. and her foodie beauty reactions are 100% transformative and fair use, she gives excellent constructive criticism. Unless. 18 Jul 2023 22:01:48Going live in about 10 minutes 🍟. tv. 17 Jul 2022Amy lil Easter Bunny 😭 8 years ago today . Quote Tweet. Browse. Louise. 20 Jun 2023 11:17:44Rachel the dumb cvnt strikes again. this is not at all what happened. Joined February 2023. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersLive in 1hr 🍟 12 May 2023 21:03:10Live in 1hr 🍟 21 Jun 2023 21:07:40Let's go live late tonight when I get home. I wish there was another fatty fashion show today. Deleted Foodie Beauty Livestream: "Uggo" via @YouTubeImagine complaining behind your YouTube plaque about what time a channel with 1/4 your subs goes live 🤭. I thought we were letting the old gal retire. fried. The fact that she's STILL saying the only problem ws ingrown nails. He's doing great, feisty as all hell, and I can pick him up tonight. See new TweetsGoing live in 1hr 🍟. Sis, many of us want you gone! 24 Jul 2022I hadn't said a word about ur INSANITY but since ur now tossing the attic dweller's salad, it's fair game. Conversation“In the past 48 hours Chantal has been jealous of a dog, a purse and a chair. Last thing I want to do is advertise for her dead channel lololll Stay in your discord with your army 🤣🤡“WHO DID THIS? 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀”Log in. I was waiting for someone else's stream to end to go live, but the stream was so sooo boring I fell asleep 🤭”Noodle mukbang eh? Looolllll A desperate end-of-the-month money grab if I've ever seen one. P. French Montana Announces $100,000 Donation to Morocco. Yesterday I carried 2 huge air purifiers from the car to the house and I just woke up with the worst back pain of my life 😩 Fuck these forest fires!I'm not watching this directly or indirectly. 14 May 2023 12:00:49She has no rights to videos or pics. . 03 Jun 2023 19:05:04You're gonna play victim now instead of admitting you fucked up? You're more like Chantal than I thought 🤡. Dumb bitch already doxed an entire family for Chantal & just weeks ago was trying to dox mine. 11 Jun 2023 21:25:14And another thing. GIF. This bitch 🤣 . 209. Negz also claimed at one point that the discord he ran where he and his. 12:11 AM · Feb 19, 2022. FrenchFriedGorl - Twitch. 11 Mar 2023 22:35:24. Milk tea is the the only reaction channel that when she makes non foodie beauty content,people actually watch because she has a interesting life and is educated. Log in. But we're the jealous ones 🤭 Stay bothered, beetch”RT @ytunderground23: DC Media Girl's Life Legacy via @YouTube. Likes. Sign upHas anyone acknowledged the convicted pedo targeting children and mothers that their friend ushered into the community or we still deflecting with 3 year old beefs?RT @MeterMalarkey: Couldn't sleep, so it's up. 25 May 2023 17:25:50. Log inThis bitch 🤣 . Sign upSaying I don't know BBJ and she's not the same as my dogs means I'm venomous towards BBJ and I regret rescuing her now 🙃 Stg I can't take a breath without some fuckheads in this bullshit community having some stupid fucking comment. I'm a cat lover and have 2 elderly boys and just can't watch how heartless she is. Thanks, @McDonalds. 23 Sep 2022 12:43:30. ·. . @Louise20001008. when Ollie started shaking, we were at the vet within the hour. . Fuck the world . French Fried Gorl @FrenchFriedG. 16 Jun 2023 18:41:25Just so we're clear, the Mae situation is NOT why JustSayin and I don't speak. 16 May 2023 20:27:17French Fried Gorl🖕🍟 on Twitter: "Live on Twitch in 20 minutes 🍟". That little girl has time left with good care and loving. I'm sorry I will miss it. via @YouTube. read image description. 20 Jul 2023 18:52:01 “One of my subscribers wanted me to share this info regarding the Foodie Beauty BBJ French Fried Gorl situation. tv. 24 Aug 2022 21:13:37View. The mood I'm in tonight, that motherfucker doesn't even know how close he just came to meeting god. See new Tweets. 2. 21 Mar 2023 04:56:51“Never in my wildest did I ever expect to be cheering for Canada in a world cup BUT HERE WE ARE KIDS!!!!!! #WeCan #CanMNT #Can #WorldCup2022”See new Tweets. 1,680 Followers, 16 Following, 27 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from French Fried Gorl (@french. Let's end him. 04 Apr 2023 12:45:49“Sorry about last night. I believe doctors over dipshits every time. gorl) “We'll react to the livestream later but I'm not watching the fucking cat video. 498. Btw, I don't think there's ANYTHING wrong with people dipping out of GW now. I never even opened the plastic bag, and I washed my hands right after putting it outside BUT SOMEHOW I CAN'T GET THE STINK OFF & IT'S OVERWHELMING AND GIVING ME A MIGRAINE Don't take my silence as anything other than I'm busy and not in a position to stream rn. 140. All these fucking idiots who get ignored BECAUSE THEY'RE BAT SHIT think it's because what, I'm scared? Lololllll Nobody gives a fuck about responding to a fucking lunaticRT @GaryUn_Filtered: 🚨🚨🚨🚨 EVERYONE RT THIS AND GET @TeamYouTube @YouTube ATTENTION Nader Elshamy Privated his live stream tonight where he gets naked shows his penis and his girlfriend masterbates him on your platform here is. The Salty Fries have reunited 🤣 Can someone please tell Chantal that her ex bestie of 23 years is doing ok” What she posted was confusing. They are not involved in social media and do not want people coming for them, but felt that this was pertinent to share with you all. Gabby <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . “@TheGG80 Wait, intimate how? Did they actually meet or is this some online sex bullshit that I'm too old to understand?”5:52am & I'm already so fucking done with today's bullshit. . 03 Jul 2022I've been MIA today can someone tell me where tf Fat Apples the Jackass went? It says her account no longer exists. Likes. Trees and power lines are down everywhere, lots of smashed cars and fires it's insane!we are team teresa in this house 🤣 . 343.