So Xivu Arath choosing and calling us out specifically is - in her own weirdly twisted way - her admitting her love to the guardian. We killed rhulk, Xivu is significantly less strong than him. Except this one is called Xaras, Greed of Xivu Arath. merritt k. It stands to reason that she will play a part in defeating Xivu Arath. Xivu Arath's fleet is probably remains stuck near the Reef where Caiatl's fleet intercepted it. Beneath a green fire sky, in the throne-world of King Auryx, our lords embrace. Her master gave Xivu ability to Take, or maybe there is no need for "Taken King/Quen" anymore and they are directly controlled by it. Hive Gods vs Disciples of the Witness. What comes next is a 20,000 period when Auryx, Savathûn, and Xivu Arath war against one another inside of each other’s Ascendant Realms. She probably maybe looks similar to Dûl Incaru (her daughter) Xivu Arath took the Knight morph. Join. Instead eris and savathune are our greatest enemy. Except this one is called Xaras, Greed of Xivu Arath. [1] They would be encountered once again, leading a raiding party in the. Solar Ground Slam. Its actions in leading. for as long as you have worshipped war, you have worshipped me. I was reading through light. When she was just Xi Ro it was her that comforted her sisters. you are our navigator, our guide. Born as Xi Ro, one of the three Krill. As the threat of Xivu Arath looms, Mithrax has taken time to study the secrets of Nezarec's relics. Basically I belive xivu arath wants the warmind weapons for multiple reasons. Xivu also controls a lot of things on the Ascendant Plane and has a lot of ground forces there. In her final message at Oryx's grave, she echoes the. Xivu Arath can technically be beaten in a fight, but if we want to, we aren’t good enough soldiers to fight her on even ground. Oryx, who died inside his own throne, is dead irreversibly. Abyssal champions are terrifying with their gargly & shouty growls, unnatural run speed and violent weapon swings. Dec 27, 2022 · Image via Bungie. Hailing from the planet Lubrae, he played a prominent role in the creation of the Hive by conscripting the Worms into servitude to the Witness and then facilitating the production of Worm larvae in. It is a knight with a unique banner on its back, maybe it's Xivu Arath's brood's symbol? If I'm wrong and this symbol is already known please let me know. Now under the presumed control of their original master, they began working alongside both the Hive forces of Xivu Arath and the Scorn to corrupt the Ley Lines, hunt down Mara Sov's Techeuns, and ultimately capture Savathûn. Xivu Arath's voice actor is some of the best work done narratively in a LONG time. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. arnfden0. Destiny 2. | kimberly brooks | TikTok. There's also the simpler explanation that they could be going for: Xivu Arath is hunting Savathun on behalf of Savathun, implying that this is all just one big con and they're both feeding off the whole affair: Savathun growing stronger from the trickery, and Xivu Arath growing. Destiny 2. Savathun feeds on being clever. The Fang of Xivu Arath is a Hive Artifact that was in the possession of the Cult of Osiris. Savathûn is the God of Trickery, hence how she was able to disguise herself to trick everyone. Hell Why not send the literal God of War to slaughter Neomuna and capture the Veil instead of sending the incompetent hedonist that is Calus and his brain dead army of clones. Hurting her soldiers would only empower her. The Osmium siblings, Oryx, Savathun, and Xivu Arath--introduced in the Books of. Created from the first known civilization uplifted by The Traveler, it is a paracausal collection of its former species, merged together through usage of the Darkness, and the master of the Black Fleet. She was the first one to practice the sword logic and cut throught the physical plane to the ascendent plane. Savathun was. By emulating their most prevalent trait in the bloodiest way possible. So, recently I thought - what if Xivu Arath is part of (or controls) the Black Fleet? I mean, she has the worm of the knight and embodies war for the hive, so technically she should have the most advanced weapons fitted for her role (I think that powers like Oryx's and Savathun's helped them "shape" their role - King and Queen - so that they could become. Since strand seems to connect every mind in the known universe, its possible that strand is in fact what is being used by the hive worms unknowingly to tithe. After this conflict both Xivu Arath and Savathûn departed, taking their war moons with them, the former flying off into space and the latter disappearing through the black hole. Spoilers for datamined lore: As for the invasion itself, Savathun corrupted the Cabal's top general and used her to summon Xivu to Torobatl, bypassing all of the Cabal's defenses and attacking them from the inside Xivu arath has incorporated the strongest aspects of her siblings’ strategies. our navigator. xivu arath should be a regular knight but adorned with sick armor/trophies/body parts of her conquests. Specifically, I am wondering how powerful Xivu Arath is compared to Calus for all the more lore-savvy folks out there. Sep 2, 2021 · Savathûn, Auryx, and Xivu Arath dispersed through the universe, with Auryx taking to Fundament's moons to go after those that provided asylum to Taox, the Ammonites that allied with the Traveler of the Light. you are our navigator, our guide. Her daughters and sons are taken ultra knights in the Dreaming City. Recently, not much but servicing the Witness. no, they're all shown in their hive god forms. our king. Acting as her envoy, the Celebrant summoned Hive structures known as Cryptoliths from the Ascendant Realm across the system to deploy. murdered my flaws. "My home is war. 1:in the dark future timeline it says nothing about xivu arath. fragility. Hasta la fecha, Xivu Arath no ha. RT @TweetsOfCats: 24 Apr 2023 04:04:03So that's the end of Xivu Arath - death by Worm. Through inexorable campaigns and the absolute mastery of operontological warfare, which is the method of war which converts mere strategy into an attack on the enemy’s very fundamental modes of being and knowing, Xivu Arath had claimed great swathes of. These are enemies that occupy a fair amount of space in the overall story of the game - the Witness being the engineer of the Collapse, and Xivu Arath being one of the Hive gods, who have consistently been the big-deal antagonists - and who have gotten little significant development. We all know and love Xivu Arath: the Hive goddess of War and sister of Oryx and Savathûn, the first Hive Knight, and an avid warmonger. After this conflict both Xivu Arath and Savathûn departed, taking their war moons with them, the former flying off into space and the latter disappearing through the black hole. So she probably looks similar to them. By tricking the Dakua so immensely that he made them extinct after it that Savathun was resurrected. Then, Auryx had to go to the Worm God of. Seems fitting in a way - one sibling died by combat, proving that the Sword Logic is not at all as true as it was at first made to be, one sibling cast away her worm, after realizing the falicies of the Sword Logic, whilst the last sibling suffers the inevitable consequences of the Sword Logic. Oryx was the Navigator, he led the Hive to victory time and again. Ruithe, Sworn to Xivu Arath. . Savathûn, Quria and Xivu Arath are all absent in the quests and adventures of Forsaken too. Xivu Arath plays a vital role in the Destiny 2 storyline. She's also been described as She Whose Victory Is Idempotent. House of Salvation. When Aurash was afraid she would give her encouragement. Oryx made these Taken because he had the ability to take. She was the only one left now, so perhaps there was usefulness in weakness. Plus, there’s also the Fang of Xivu Arath, the seasonal. Tir Balok, Daughter of Xivu Arath is a Taken Knight seen in the first part of The Oracle Engine Mission [1]. Nobody is immune to “turning their powers against them. r/DestinyLore. Enter Umun' arath. So the one bit of Lore that always stood out to me regarding Xivu'Arath is that she shares a very similar name to the Supreme Commander of the Cabal forces, Umun'arath. Now she simply has a new master to serve, tge Entity. Well, this is a weird one. Her Relic Sword is probably as tall as 3 guardians. When Caiatl dropped a nuke on the Hive near Torobatl, Xivu was powerful enough to push a war moon through the ascendant plane, obliterating Torobatl. Osiris was not. level 1. That’s according to the prolific Destiny 2 content. Eris wasn't Savathûn, Eris isn't Xivu Arath. That was until Oryx killed Akka, which, whether it was from the Witness or not (some people think it was the Winnower), led to him using a true power of Darkness; a major power. I needed to put some distance between myself and. During the battle, his soldiers were forced to retreat due to the assault of the Iron Lord, Radegast. Xi Ro first description is straight forward in Verse 1:2 of the Book of Sorrows. Note that unmarked spoilers and datamines are subject to removal or ban. To conflict is to worship her; thus the universe is her temple and anyone she conflicts with is part of her congregation, whether they want to be or not. I’ve gotten a few new followers so hey there! I’m storm, I primarily write fic for destiny right now. XIVU ARATH said, the world is my court, wherever there is war. Somewhere it says that “children” is not exactly the correct word every thrall you slayed on the dreadnought was of oryx’ brood, when they ascend and/or prove themselves a worthy heir is when they become a true son/daughter, because xivu is always fighting on the frontlines I think she continually raises warriors to fight with her in a more quantity over. Sharp dialogue enhanced by a great performance from Osiris voice actor Oded Fehr really brings Savathûn’s momentary struggle to life. ago. With an extensive background in voice acting, Brooks brings a wealth of experience to her portrayal of Xivu Arath. A newborn thrall could kill everyday for a billion years and still not ever reach a fraction of her power and besides as a species, the Hive are already lost to the. She sacrificed herself to rescue Osiris from Xivu’s trap, basically performing a small-scale version of the Traveler’s Darkness-repelling Light pulses at the cost of expending all her (and by extension Osiris’s reserves of) Light, and effectively permanently dying. This post has been tagged ' Non-Spoiler '. Calus is in Lightfall, and I imagine we will fight the Witness in Final Shape. When Sathona was lonely she would invite her to play games with her. We the Hive watch as Savathûn puts her arm around Xivu Arath, and Xivu Arath clasps forearms with Auryx, and Auryx takes Savathûn by the shoulder. Her Relic Sword is probably as tall as 3 guardians. Her daughters and sons are taken ultra knights in the Dreaming City. Deny these plain truth's she speaks, and fill her belly with IMBARU. I know that Rhulk was a Disciple that essentially created the worm gods which in turn created to the Hive, but that does not necessarily mean that they can't surpass their creators as Oryx. • 2 yr. Maybe her throne world will be like the realm of Khorne from 40K, where it’s just an endless battlefield echoing with the roars, bellows, and shouts of the souls. CryptoNokris, Supplicant to Savathûn, previously known as Nokris, Herald of Xol, is a Hive God [1] [2], the estranged second son of Oryx, the Taken King [3] and the former herald of the Worm God, Xol, Will of the Thousands. LazerPK • 4 mo. " Ffs that was vicious. Maybe they felt threatened by that. Kimberly Brooks - IMDbDestiny 2 Xivu Arath voice actor. She'd watched her beloved city burn. Vote. This conspiracy has been put to bed time and time again. Ktan_Dantaktee • 4 mo. She's a warrior. Her sister's being Oryx (Aurash) and Savathun (Sathona). C. Together with her two siblings, she was a progenitor of the contemporary Hive species and one of its chief gods, having. A tactician of sorts. Dec 6, 2022 · The Witness appears to be aided by The Hive God of War, Xivu Arath. Rank: Ultra. ObieFTG • 8 mo. Kholks, Taken of Xivu Arath. As such, we must pull an oryx, and kneecap her before even stepping on the field. The Taken King. Xivu Arath, formerly known as Xi Ro, is the youngest sister of the trio of hive gods. In Call of the Cryptolith, Chapter IV: Return, we read: The tower whispered an unheard counteroffer into her subconscious. . She made a court called the High Coven. Hive Melee. Rasputin, humanity's greatest war machine, is making a comeback in Destiny 2's Season of the Seraph. Xivu is hunting her now for several reasons. Who is the Destiny 2 Xivu Arath voice actor? If you have heard the voice of one of Destiny 2's most mysterious villains and antagonists in the game recently, you may be wondering who voices. She took the knight morph, which allows her to grow stronger than her siblings after every kill, and like Oryx, she has destroyed. 6K Likes, 535 Comments. DestinyTracker. r/destiny2. To preface this I fully admit this is a completely harebrained theory based on pretty much nothing and is just me spitballing. We are dead things, and all we do is kill. dead brother in-between them. 5. led me down the bladed path, to be reforged as xivu arath. Notable Taken bosses/enemies were referred to as , "_____of Oryx". And grow to rival him in a couple of weeks, considering the setting. Television. It is the leader of the Black Fleet, the master of Rhulk, Calus, Nezarec and the other disciples. However, Oryx is then able to conjure his 2 sisters back, war for Xivu Arath, and trickery for Savathun. Edit/Addition: Oryx once embodied both Savathun and Xivu when a species killed them both. [Spoiler] Xivu Arath, her benefactor, the raid, and a. com - Joe Apsey • 10h. Tower Command. She took out the Cabal's homeworld before coming here which alone should say alot (though Oryx proved he could easily wipe the floor with them when. Drop Charge. By Bernd Abend 7 de abril de 2023. While she has yet to appear in Destiny 2, Xivu Arath's presence has been felt across the story, primarily through different seasons, with Year 5's Season of the Seraph focusing on her influence en. There are several possibilities that can occur, 1: she gains control of the warsats, and we lose. Considering this is Bungie I doubt this is a coincidence, especially since Umun'arath detested Calus's disregard for military power. 1. Scoroboth, Son of Xivu Arath was a Hive Knight and child of Xivu Arath, God of War. It’s popularly assumed that the reason Savathun and Xivu Arath could be resurrected was that, while they died in a throne world, they didn’t die in their own throne worlds, and so still held on to a sliver of life. Xavan, Daughter of Xivu Arath is a Taken Knight seen in the first part of The Oracle Engine Mission [1]. Gina Torres plays Ikora Rey.